Closed Study Plans

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (25)
Despite the term barely having gotten underway, she was already in the library working tirelessly away at the subjects she had in this semester. She needed to first get ahead, and then start getting on top of her revision. She needed better than perfect grades in her classes if she was to actually get anything from them. She knew there was no higher grade than O but perhaps she could get her professors to give her the actual mark, had she gotten an O from a like 80 out of 100 or 100 out of 100. It didn’t matter, she was in the library, had been for most of the day already, lunch had passed her by. She had worked in the morning on a rigorous study schedule and was beginning to do it. She didn’t have any homework to do, but she could prep for classes and prep her notes for OWL revision. She had to work twice as hard, she needed better than perfect grades. She would have to work for them, but Minnie wouldn’t give up until she had it. Working hard enough proving how good she could be, that would help show her parents that she was serious about all they’d given her, all they’d helped her with and that she was worthy of what they had planned for her. She couldn’t be distracted from her work.
Beckett decided to study on the common room today and he did, at least until the room started to get very movemented, so he grabbed his things and headed to the library.
When he entered and made his way to his usual table to study he noticed someone who was buried in books and notes, and so the Ravenclaw boy couldn't help himself but to go see who this person was. When he saw Minnie he couldn't say he was surprised, she was probably the only person he knew that was as dedicated to her grades as he was too to his.
"Hey girl friend" he said sliding in the chair opposite to her. Beckett immediately raised his hand to keep her from saying anything "I'm sorry I don't know what was that." he said justifying his initial greeting. That was unlike him but for some reason the words just slid out of his mouth like they had a life of their own, Beckett never felt more ashamed of himself than right now. Even that time when he had 98 out of 100 in his english test seemed less embarrassing.
The Ravenclaw boy just remembered, the prefects list had been posted in the bulletin board and he remembered that Minnie wasn't there. She must be a mess, he knew he would, seeing his hard work and dedication not paying off could be extremely frustrating "How are you feeling? I'm sorry about you not being a prefect" he said cutting the chase and getting straight to the point.
Minnie looked up suddenly as someone referred to her as girl friend. She frowned at them, not wanting to be distracted by that and not understanding why they’d said it, but the person was Beckett and they were sliding into the seat in front of her. She let the frown fall away as he apologised, clearly just trying new things and she was not the person to try them on. Minnie tried to force a smile but it wasn’t very honest, so instead she just let it fall away and looked back down at her books. She knew of all people, beckett would be the one to not mind if all she did was focus on her studies. But she paused, visibly stilling at his words. She wondered how honest to be with him, he was a younger student, they were friends but she knew that term was likely not as firm as maybe she thought it could be. ”Thanks Beckett,” she replied, she didn’t look up but her tone with him was sincere. ”I’m just working harder, Professor Josephs said it was because I had too much on my plate, but, my parents think it’s because I didn’t work hard enough, so I’m just going work harder because i can’t win Professor Joseph’s favour, but I can win back my parents,” she didn’t look up once as she spoke. Just keeping her hand on her quill and absently looking at the page.
Beckett looked confused at Minnie, he was pretty sure she had just told them that she wasn't a prefect because she is too good for the job, no, he must be getting it wrong "So are saying you are not a prefect because you are hardworking, too good for the job and because you simply... overdid it? I didn't even knew that that was possible" he said chuckling in disbelief. Minnie kept reading but Beckett didn't mind, if that was happening to him he would also use books as an escape from the real world. He hoped that didn't happen to him, he decided not to ask about that to Minnie, if his chances of being prefect were also ruined because he might be having too much on his plate but decided to keep this moment focused on her instead "I mean, that's kind of insulting for your multi management skills" he said looking at her. She was on top of her class, doing every subject and was the captain of the quidditch team, if she knew one thing for sure was multi management and she had proven to be able to do it all.
Minnie didn’t look up at Beckett as he repeated back to her, with the same confusion as she had felt at the time over having simply done too much. She hadn’t thought it was possible either, not when she had been following what her parents had wanted for her. The quidditch was the additional thing but she hadn’t thought the sport would do this to her. Minnie wondered if she wasn’t captain, if it had only been lars as the captain would that have improved her chances. She couldn’t know now. This was the lot she’d been handed. ”I think the professor just thinks I couldn’t handle more..I know it would’ve been more work, but I had a perfect schedule. I could’ve made it work” she told Beckett. He would probably get it. ”I’m a little disappointed but you know it’s my parents who are really upset,” she was glossing over most of it, not really stating how bad it was, but her tone, being tight and strained likely gave away that it hadn’t been a very easy thing for her parents.
Beckett was still in shock, his mouth still half open "I can't even imagine if the same thing happens to me..." he ended up murmuring but hoping Minnie didn't heard that as he was feeling that it was kind of too selfish, even for him, to be thinking about him and his chances at being a prefect. "Well can't you be one next year? Prove the damn woman you can do it! Make her regret not choosing you, show her that you can balance studying, Quidditch, some clubs and even more!" he said not really sure if she would see that as a pep talk as much as he was thinking that it was sounding.
He lowered his head a bit more when she mentioned her parents, Beckett could not even imagine what his parents would do to him. Probably exile him. Disown him. Maybe strip him out of the Harrington name. Probably something even more vile that he could not even think of. "Well then, let's show your parents you are putting effort. I can help you study. You get better grades and I get an insight on the fifth year subjects" he said willing to help her. Beckett was good at many many things but one thing that he was an expert at was studying.
Minnie had to admit it was somewhat reassuring that someone else might react in the same was as she might everyone else was just so calm about not getting it, or had a little surprise about her but her whole life was coming apart and she almost felt like she was having an overreaction. She gave a shrug, ”Probably not, I know it’s happened in the past, but I’ve just got to focus on the future, showing that I would’ve worth it had I been picked.” she didn’t know if it would help her relationship with her parents or if everything would just be the same somewhat awfulness that it was currently. She knew that beckett was much younger than him but he was also the only one who really seemed to understand her issues in all this. They’re parents were different, hands off and hands on, but the outcome was the same, succeed or find a new family. She looked at him and nodded, it was a fair exchange, she knew it would be good to him out nd it would benefit her too. ”Lets,” this wouldn’t be a distraction, it would be helpful part of it. A good part of it. ”Where and when do you want to start?”
Beckett really liked to spend time with Minnie, she was the only one who actually enjoyed studying and wouldn't call him out for either being too much of a smartpants or for being always with his face buried in a book, she understood the importance of a stellar academic performance. He nodded at her "No better time like the present" he said "We can start studying in advance for your next semester subjects? Since I presume you have this semester already covered" he added, pretty sure that Minnie just like him, would study in advance to always be ahead and do her best in class.

ooc:so so sooooo sorry for the extra super late reply
Minnie gave a little nod at his words, with the fact she had exams in the next semester rather than this, she was focusing on her studies a lot. ”I’m studying in advance but also I’m doing OWLs this year, so next semester I also need to be studying this semester and everything I’ve learnt so far total, so, I’m happy to start with next semester,” she said. She looked between her books and fished out the ones she would need for the next semester. She wasn’t sure how Beckett would want to study but she was more than happy to go at his pace and go based on his decisions. ”Right, let’s get to work,” she said to him.

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