Old School Week Study Group

Aurora Archer

strong-hearted | audacious | class of '62
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Knotted 18" Unyielding Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
12/2043 (18)
Aurora was sitting at a table in the library with a cup of tea with her sister, slowly beginning to do a bit of work on her charms work. Sticking mostly to the theory.
Rosie was fidgeting in her seat next to Aurora, "Can I see your notes?" she asked her sister.
Slate was making his way through the aisles in the library, for an empty table. He made a turn at the next corner and saw Aurora up ahead. "Hey, Aurora!", he greeted the girl. Her twin sister was there too. "You must be Rosie.", he saw the girls together but did not get the chance to meet the other officially.
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"Sure," Aurora handed Rosie her notes and then looked to the boy. "Erm....You're Soren's brother right?" Aurora was pretty sure this boy had met Rosie and not her.
"Yeah...you've met me Slate...," Rosie didn't mind him forgetting it, she knew twins had to be confusing sometimes.
When Aurora's expression sank in, Slate realized his mistake. He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Rosie.", he apologized quickly. "Yes, Soren's my brother and it was him you met and I met Rosie.", he chuckled, his ears a bit red while he was scratching the back of his head.
Soren wasn't usually the studying type but for this he'd make an exception. He snuck up behind his brother, leaning in to put his face right next to his brothers. "Boo," He whispered, jumping back immediately and laughing. Ignoring whatever his brother was doing, he walked over to the girls. "Aurora!" He greeted, slipping in next to her. She had a different fashion sense than her twin, bolder yet more delicate. "And Rosie, yes?" He looked to the other girl.
Aurora gave a little smile to the boy, "Don't worry about it, people mix us up all the time," she didn't want him to feel bad. She glanced as Soren joined them too, "Hey Soren," she greeted, "Do you guys want to join us, we're studying?"
Rosie gave a little nod in agreement before looking at the other boy, who did know Aurora. "I am yeah, you're Soren," she said. It would be good to know him too. She looked back as Aurora's notes to continue getting them down.
Slate nodded and was about to sit down when a breath came down his neck. The next thing was a deep voice saying boo. He jumped up, flailed his arms, and gave out a silent scream. He was still aware they were in the library. "So!", he hissed, his brother laughing instead.
Irene was doing her rounds when laughter was heard at the next turn. She quickened her steps and put on a serious face as she made the turn. "Silence in the library, please.", she said in a calm but serious voice. There was no need to chastise them, after all, they were still in their first year.
Stefan had gone to check on his daughters when he heard the loud laughing and Irene's sensible telling. He approached them a little surprised that his daughters were there. He smiled fondly at them and at the group. "Yeah girls, you know better than that," he had a smile on his face and was clearly poking a bit of fun, since he knew Aurora and Rosie definitely knew and it had certainly been the boys they were with.
Irene was surprised when the head librarian and her boss came and fondly called out the girls. Upon closer inspection, she finally saw the resemblance. "I didn't know you also have twins.", she said to the man with a smile. She was a mother herself to twin girls, identical yet with opposite personalities.

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