Students and graduates

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Rhiannon Archer

Healer McGowan, new mum
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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Sturdy Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
40 (4/2022)
Hey all.
I thought i should post something here instead of doing my usual shouty post for RP's
for now i am going to just put my students (and recent graduate).
first up

Rhiannon Mcgowan
Rhiannon (or as she prefers to be called Rhi) is a hufflepuff firsty. though she is very ambitions and competitive academically as she wants to be a doctor like her parents. she is not very well developed yet to be honest. but how many firsties really are? She can't lie. she comes originally from scotland but moved to Tasmania (australia) when she was 6 though she still has a definite scottish twang in her accent.
friends, and friendly rivals and mentors would be great


Myuna Kickett
Una is a sixth year Slytherin. she got into a fair amount of trouble last year almost getting expelled and since then she had had a holiday from her personal hell where her grandma made her go to a finishing school and she couldn't go to the beach. now she is back. and still her same old self. friends, enemies anything really would be fun.[class]


Tara Sitara
wow it's odd not seeing her in yellow. Tara has just graduated and is spending the summer back in france with the Guptas as their cook before looking for a cafe to work in or hopefully own. original from india she hasn't actually been home for more than a few days sense the start of sixth year as she has been at school or working. she is really friendly and will put anyone before herself.
looking really for friends but anything else would be cool, just let me know.

I think that is it for now. I may add some adults soon but as there is something coming up with them soon i want to wait until that has passed though if you have any ideas reply and we can see what could happen.
For Tara, she can meet up with Shiloh, her and Grace own a cafe together in England. So if you can figure out a reason why she would be there, I'd love to rp with her :)
Also for Rhi, I have Kelsey, who is also from the UK and has visited Australia quite recently. She could be a friend or mentor. She's like really friendly to everyone and would help Rhi settle in any way she can :)
I think Tara and shiloh and and Grace would be awesome to meet up. but i don't know how she would end up in england. at the moment she is thinking new zealand, india or france. but i am waiting to see if the shop applications go up in a couple of weeks.

also on a different note. I just saw what account you are on. what do you think of Stephanie and alyce? maybe they could meet up some time, and who knows.

I think Kelsey will be good for Rhi. she is absolutely lost in a world of magic. like alice in wonderland.
OHMYGOD! You are bloody brilliant Mia. I was only just thinking about trying to find someone for my baby here, coz she is like seriously depressive emo right now. She needs a woman in her life :r this would be awesome if you are up for it. We can see how they go together. My god, I love you!

Also the others are great too. So when you are ready we can do that. And maybe Shiloh can invite Tara to stay at her house for awhile, to celebrate the Graduation and stuff?
Hey Mia! :hug:
So I know we're going to do Elvera and Speed in a few days, but I could resist posting in this. Sue me. Also, with Shiloh and Tara, I'm willing to throw in Gracie if you need her. Anywho, I'm thinking Dexter and Rhi.

So Dexter is my new firstie, and I'm pretty excited about him. He's a gentle and sweet kid, he is energetic and quite the chatterbox. However, Dexter can be a little 'my way or the highway', and can act like a brat if his feelings are hurt. Though it is extremely hard to hurt his feelings as he tends to take things in his stride. Dexter tends to ignore the feelings of others if they don't serve some sort of purpose in his plans. He likes to take control and likes to be the one in control. Dexter likes having friends, though sometimes he can be a handful, when there is trouble, Dex does stand by the people he cares about and respects. Like every little boy, Dexter likes to do energetic things, but does like to curl up and read a book sometimes, but these are usually action-packed adventure books. He is a very passionate person and is quite vocal.

So yeah, that's Dex. Tell me what you think. ^_^
I just saw it and was like. OMG it would be fun. Alyce with a steady girlfriend would be good (though be warned she may still flirt and what not).
maybe the others could wait a little while and we could try alyce and Stephanie first. I can just see that being fun as.
as tara is working in the break maybe we could so that after the holiday is done. (although obviously the holiday isn't really ending for them.
Yeah Mia, that sounds good to me. We can place them on hold. Remember though, Shiloh dropped out at the end of sixth year to start up her shop with Gracie and they finished their education by being homeschooled. Just think Tara should know that :)

Alyce and Steph will be good, because she definitely needs something in her life to go right for her for once. Poor thing.
Dexta and Rhi would be fun. when rhi knows what she wants or knows she is right she an be a bit we are doing it this way. i think they will get on well. after all they are first years and first years need friends, and to be honest there is nothing like not having friends to make you make friend.

I remember they dropped out. what shop did they open?

(wow that was a bad reply. I think i may be slightly in need of sleep ).
They opened a cake shop in England.
sweet. (literally)
Heyy Mia!

If Tara is ever about in New Zealand, Stefan would very happily meet with her. He's spending his time currently just looking for work, improving the home he's living in currently. He has little plans for the future so far. But he's always got time for his friends.

And for Rhi, I do have, Ty who could be like a friendly older face for her. He's pretty kind to just about everyone. He'd love the idea of being a mentor of sorts to her. Just a guy she could become friends with.

And, if your interested, ever in RPing, any of characters together, just let me know! I'm always happy to!
The same goes for Sara, she's going to be travelling for a year or two, so she could easily meet up with Tara. :)
sara should come by shilohs cake shop :r

Hi Mia :)

I'm Marie and I've just recently joined the site with my first year Zara. She's very energetic, quite confident and currently in need of some friends!!
If you want to RP together at some point let me know - would be great to get started with her!
Wow. I forgot how awesome Tara's friends were. If she ever gets her cafe I think I shall throw a cafe warming party for them all.

Emzies: that sounds good. I think if all goes to plan she may end up in New Zealand. For ty I think that would be good. She is smart and hates being clueless about the wizarding world, so if he is willing to show her around it would be great.

Maia. Tara and Sara would be good to meet up. I think I may focus on rhi for a little until she finds her feet at the new school but then I shall probably start something if you want.

Marie: that would be great. First years should stick together and Zara sounds like a really nice girl. Do you want to start a topic or do you want me to? And do you have any preferences as to where you want it?
Briar Rowan said:
Dexta and Rhi would be fun. when rhi knows what she wants or knows she is right she an be a bit we are doing it this way. i think they will get on well. after all they are first years and first years need friends, and to be honest there is nothing like not having friends to make you make friend.

I remember they dropped out. what shop did they open?

(wow that was a bad reply. I think i may be slightly in need of sleep ).
That sounds really cool. Dexxie's top priority is to make friends this year, so he would be willing to tone it down if it meant a new friend. :p
Just tell me when and where!
Tenile: I don't mind when or where. I can start later today if you want or you can start if you would rather. The location doesn't matter to me. Tough she is (unlike many of my students) more likely t be inside the castle than outside.
Hi Mia :)
First years indeed need to stick together! I don't mind where we start - Zara is a wanderer so wherever Rhi would most likely be! :)
Hey Marie.
I can start one in the library soonish?
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