Stuck after curfew

The boys were lucky that James was the one who found them after curfew first. He was able to get them off the hook and change the subject. Hemi made a mental note to thank James later, he didn't want to be punished for getting his foot stuck in a trip step, it wasn't even for anything worthwhile.

"Oh no I don't need to see the nurse" Hemi replied, he couldn't think of anything worse than going to the Hospital Wing at this hour for something non-life threatening. "But I'll go tomorrow if I have any problems." He added for reassurance.

Hemi exaggerated a yawn and stretch. "Thank you Professors, I'm pretty tired now, can I be excused?"
James hadn't been placed in Ravenclaw, but the terse and almost frosty manner that Professor Kingsley was using with him suggested displeasure at something. Of course, he only knew of one thing that could have done this, and once again he regretted his rash action with the duel. Instead of being praised as he could have been for attempting to stop the food fight, he was instead condemned by those whom he wished to seek gratitude from most. Perhaps his question had been slightly direct too, so he decided to drop the matter, although he did wonder whether anything had happened which might have caused her manner to be exacerbated in this way. Was there a danger in Hogwarts? Or at least recently? Soon Professor Cliffton took over, and he turned his attention fully towards him. Dutifully laughing slightly at what his mum would call a 'poor' joke, he nodded. "Thank you Professor, I was hoping you'd be willing. Anyway, as Hemi here as said, perhaps we should all be getting back to bed. Do you want me to continue patrolling, or would you rather I went too?"

"You can escort Hemi to make sure that he gets there and stays there. We'll escort Mr..." she trailed off. It was enough of a task to learn everyone in her year. She rarely learned the names of any of the students in the other houses unless they took her class.
Justin held back a laugh when Cyndi couldn't remember the other persons name, it was understandable considering they were only a first year and she had an entire house to remember. "I'm not even going to try and pronounce the last name. Lawrence, we'll take you back to your common room." He looked at James. "Straight to the common room, yes? No side trips." He said with a smile.
Lawrence went as red as the Gryffindor robes when Professor Kingsley asked for his name. It could be a mouthful for most - though he found that he could remember it reasonably enough. A simpler name would be nicer, but it was unavoidable. Licking his lips, holding a straight face, he replied to her. "Von Klampenverb-Popple, Professor." He smiled slightly as Professor Cliffeton responded, and ran a hand through his hair shyly. "Of course Professor." He didn't really care who escorted him to the Ravenclaw Common Room, as long as he got there without falling down the stairs again, or getting stuck on them. He looked at James and Hemi, smiling meekly. "Goodnight!"
James nodded at both the Professors as they instructed him on what to do. He wasn't naive enough to think he didn't deserve it after what he had done that year, and he acquiesced without anger, just annoyance and irritation at himself and his reckless actions. Turning away, he beckoned to Hemi, and then set off down the corridor, intent on getting them both back to the Common Room as soon as possible. He wondered what the Professors thought of him now, and whether he'd be ever able to regain their full trust.

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