Stubborn Spitfire

Noelle Maxwell

ᴅᴀᴅᴀ 5-7 🔱 ᴘʟᴜᴍ'ꜱ ᴅᴀᴅ
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Sturdy Silver Lime Wand with Fwooper Feather Core

Noelle ran after sapphire and caught up to her when he caught sight of the abandoned classroom, he lifted her from behind and carried her inside despite her struggles and protests. He kicked the door shut and released her from his hold. "What is your problem, Sapph? One moment you're all sweet and nice. The next you are a ball of a stubborn spitfire!", he burst out. He could not help but pace back and forth in front of her as he tried to collect his thoughts, racking his brains as to why she was being like this.
Sapphire wasn't really sure where she was heading, she was hoping that she could just... clear her head. She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. She wished Onyx was here. She missed the dope. She squeaked when someone grabbed her, struggling as she was spun around. "Noelle!" She squirmed, stumbling when he set her down again. Fed up with trying to keep her cool, she stormed over and pushed him. "What's my problem? Are you serious?" She sighed. "You know why I don't date, Maxwell?" She smacked his chest before turning and storming off a bit, crossing her arms as she turned away from him. "Oliver. Alkander. Mervyn. Frankie.... you," She sighed, hanging her head. "I'm not a choice. I'm never a choice. If she hadn't left you... It's always been her. And you can't tell me otherwise." She bit her lip, wrapping her arms tightly around herself.
Noelle stopped short at what Sapphire said. No, it sounded like a confession and somehow she was right. He did not even bother reacting when he was hit on the chest for he was battling with his thoughts inside. He was supposed to be considerate and thoughtful. But he had let his selfish wallowing thoughts on Willow consume him that he had neglected Sapphire in this equation. He looked at the girl's back and with a sigh, approached her carefully. "Sapphire...", he hugged her from behind. Not too tight, not too loose. "I'm sorry... But please..never say you are not a choice." He kissed her hair before slowly turning her to face him. As he gazed into her blue orbs, it made him see a lot of things. That he had considered choosing Sapphire. That during those sleepless nights, he considered giving them a shot at whatever they had. He never said it. Out loud. Because he was afraid of being rejected and laughed at by her. "Sapph.. I-", his voice trailed off.
Sapphire shook her head. "Why? It's true." She almost relaxed when he hugged her, but she didn't. She couldn't. She let him turn her, ignoring that her heart stuttered a little when he looked in her eyes. When he spoke, she raised a hand to cover his mouth. "Don't." She shook her head again. "I don't want your pity. We both know you still love her. I'm not going to be a second choice, either." She turned and tried to walk away again. "I told you I'd distract you until you got her back. Well, I'm helping. Stop messing around with me when you know you'd rather be with her." She stated bluntly, again, not letting it get to her. She bit her lip, one thought running through her mind. I really miss Onyx.
Noelle shook his head at what Sapphire. He wanted to hold her hand in his when she turned away from him. He went to her again, this time turning her around and making her lean against a desk, effectively trapping her. He exhaled loudly before meeting her eyes again. "Sapphire. I'm not denying what you said. It's true. I care for Willow. And I care for you." Taking her hands in his, he rubbed them as he tried to compose his thoughts. "Can we just at least try? Whatever this is between us." He could not say the words because she would freak out. "Let's just...", he trailed off as his eyes went to her lips. "Let's... just..." He crashed his lips into hers, kissing her like there's no tomorrow. He cupped her cheek, the other hand pulling her closer by the waist.

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