Closed Stolen moments

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Todd Cobbler

Head over heels | Tinkerer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Straight 17 1/2 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Todd had made a special effort wearing his red suit to the Valentine's dance tonight. He'd been looking forward to this dance and wanted it to be extra special as their first valentine's as a couple, and also their last as a Hogwarts students. He'd met Penny outside the Hufflepuff common room and walked down together. As they approached the Great Hall, the sounds of music and chatter carried down the corridor. Todd knew it would be busy in there so before stepping inside, he eyed a private alcove nearby. Without a second thought, he gently pulled Penny toward it.

There, in privacy, he leaned in and kissed her. It was a soft, warm, and unhurried kiss that felt more intimate and more special than sharing a kiss in front of the crowd. Here, it was just the two of them, away from the noise and spectacle. "Happy Valentine's Day Penny," Todd whispered against her lips. "One more before we head in?" He added, wanting to stretch out the stolen moment just a little longer.
Matching with Todd in red had been a happy accident, but in Penelope's mind it translated to something like 'fate'. Surely, this was a sign they were supposed to be together. She let out a soft giggle as Todd pulled her into a private alcove, glancing up at him before he kissed her. She kissed him back softly, squeezing his hand as they kissed. "Happy Valentine's Day." She breathed in response. "One more." She nodded, then leaned in for another kiss.
Penelope looked amazing and their unplanned red combo was perfect, the colour of love on both of them. Todd beamed as Penny leaned in for another kiss. "One more," he repeated softly, more reminding himself that they'd eventually have to join the rest of the school in the Great Hall. His lips brushed hers before deepening the kiss from her.
Penelope kissed Todd and squeezed his hand, a part of her just wanted to stay here in this moment, but she finally pulled away and shook her head. "We should- we should go." She said, feeling a little breathless. "Before we just stay here the whole evening." She added with a small laugh.
Todd pulled back when Penny did, "I'd happily stay here with you all evening," he admitted, letting out a small sigh and accepting that it wasn't the right thing to do. "But you're right, we probably should go to the party." Reluctantly, he stepped out of their private alcove and offered his hand out to Penny to make their way into the dance together.
Penny took Todd's hand with a smile, then followed him to the Great Hall. They headed inside together and Penny smiled up at the decorations. "Pretty." She mused, then she glanced at Todd. "Want to dance?" She asked him eagerly.
Todd looked around at the decorations, then at Penn, "Just like you." He smiled as he gave the cheesy compliment. His eyes lighting up when she asked to dance, "Of course, I didn't get to show you at the Yule Ball, but I've got some moves." He said with pride, knowing the steps to a couple of ballroom dances came in handy at times like this, but as of yet the only person to have seen them was Aine. He pulled gently on Penny's hand, keen to get onto the dancefloor.
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