Still Waiting

Amauri Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Holly 14 3/5" Core of Phoenix Talon
Amauri Chevalier had heard probably the most devastating news that he had ever heard in several years. Well, things could be worse, if Desdemona had ended up with that one man again, but he did not hear about that. Then again, Amauri had heard that Desdemona was getting awfully close with Grezhen, and somehow that had burned a hole in his chest, but he never knew why. Amauri figured that he would probably brush it off, but the Auror was somewhat angered about the entire situation. For one, he knew that Grezhen was a werewolf, however Amauri did not see him as a threat at all. He saw him as a friend. Grezhen was a nice guy, and Amauri knew him enough to know that he would not go around, trying to turn others into the same thing that he was. Amauri still believed in equality, and what bothered him the most was that the Aurors had the nerve to kick Desdemona off of the job because someone had turned her into the same thing that Grezhen went through, whom still worked at the Ministry. Amauri was definitely not mad at Desdemona for something that she could not help, and he was positive that she was going through some life changing events. The only thing that he hoped for was that she did not move houses or else he would have a hard time finding her. Amauri felt the urge to go be a good friend to her, especially since he was on his medication (which the dosage was lowered because of how well he was reacting to everything) and he was starting to act like he always had back before his wife died. Only thing that had changed about him was that he didn't seem as cold, but he was still as serious as ever, if not shy as hell over things. For one, he was dressed nicely, as casual as one could get when he was this age, and a grandfather to boot. He should not have these feelings of nervousness when it came to meeting Desdemona, and he knew that. What was there to be nervous about? Then again, Amauri felt bad when he had made her cry that one day. Sometimes he could not control his bluntness, but that was changing too. Amauri let out a sigh as he slipped on his boots while he was sitting on his bed. Amauri finished tying them before he let out a bit of a sigh. She probably did not even want him to know what happened to her. It was nothing to be ashamed of. He was definitely not prejudice.

The Auror finally built up the nerve to go see and check up on his friend. Plus he was curious to see if she was in a relationship with Grezhen. A part of him hoped not, but one could never tell. Amauri did not know what the deal with those things were. Amauri had been through some relationships, but they never worked out, and then there was the one with Vincent and Alyssa which he thought was somewhat ridiculous with what all they did. However they were married so he did not have to judge at all. He had no reason to. He did love the two of them, and he adored his grandson Chacen. 'He seems to be a real charmer actually, so I worry for him,' thought Amauri as he adjusted his jacket. Finally he thought that he could go. He turned on the spot and he apparated over to her house, near the front door. He approached it, before he debated on whether or not he should have flown an owl near her to give her a heads up or something. For all he knew, she could have someone over and did not want to see the likes of someone she used to work with. Since she was a werewolf now, she might be able to smell him coming. He did wear some appealing cologne, but never too much of it because it gave him a headache. That would not be good to have if he was chasing someone down. That would extremely bad actually. He turned his hand into a fist, and he used his knuckles to knock on the wood of the door, hoping that she would be able to hear. Perhaps she would have excellent hearing, and have heard him apparate to the door, or approach it. Amauri looked down at the ground, and stuffed his hands into his pockets, as he waited for the blonde beauty to answer the door. It was not even seconds that after he had done so, that he thought that it was taking too long when it really was not. However he could hear someone in the house, and he could hear the footsteps approaching. Amauri averted his eyes from his boots so that he could greet the one that answered the door with his cold, ocean-like blue eyes that could be cruel and ruthless, yet be kind and gentle. Finally, he heard the doorknob twist, a click, and the door opened. There stood Desdemona, and he looked into her blue eyes for a moment. It was now that he could not think of anything to say to her. She was fired from her job because of something she could not help. What in the world could he say to that to make her feel better? He didn't understand at all, he lacked that empathy ability. Deciding instead of standing there and looking like a complete idiot, he finally spoke in his normally soft but serious tone, "Would you mind if I kept you company for a little while today?" It was somewhat lame, but he had nothing else to say at that moment. He didn't want to intrude on her if she didn't want to be intruded on.
Desdemona had taken on a new style of living. One where she lived from day to day. The only thing she could really do was live each day as it came and not focus on the next until it came. It was weird how one small bite could change her life like this. Desdemona used to have big dreams and expectations for the future. But now she had little to nothing. She saw no reason in being hopeful for the future. There wasn't much to be hopeful for. Not when the one thing she wanted was going to be something she never was able to get. Desdemona brushed some excess makeup off of her eye and looked once again the mirror. When she first was left on her own to deal with the curse she had been given, Desdemona didn't even try to look good. There wasn't any reason for her to cover up the beast that lurks within. But Grezhen managed to talk her into thinking differently. That she shouldn't give up the normal life she had just because of one small change. Desdemona took a lot of speaking to, but eventually she went back to her old ways. Now she often made sure she looked twice as good. That way people might not focus on ever thinking that she was a Werewolf. Unless they knew her personally. Desdemona was sure to hide it from anyone she could. A part of her still hated herself for being what she was. A demon, a monster, whatever it was they called it she would never let the world find out what she was without a fight. Desdemona brushed a couple of fingers through her wavy hair and breathed out. Might as well go and greet the long day. Desdemona was about to head into the kitchen but she ended up hearing a knock at the door. Desdemona furrowed her eyebrows for a second. Who would stop by at this hour? She knew it wasn't Grezhen as he was at work. Desdemona approached her door and opened it swiftly. The door was cracked open and Desdemona came face to face with Amauri Chevalier. Now this was a face she hadn't seen in awhile. "Amauri! Hi!" She was so surprised that he was here that her face easily expressed her shock. Had he noticed that she no longer came in for work at the Auror's office?

Desdemona heard him ask if she would mind some company and Desdemona shook her head. She opened the door more for him to enter her home. Then she closed the door behind the two of them and went into the living room to turn on the light. The light helped out the room a little bit. Desdemona smiled and sat down on the couch. She wasn't sure where Amauri would choose to sit but he could sit next to her, on the other couch, or one of the chairs. "I'm sorry I haven't been around to seeing you yet. I..." Desdemona drawled off. She wasn't sure if there really wasn an excuse for why she hadn't been talking and visiting with Amauri lately. Other than the fact that she was scared that he would hate her for what she had become. Did Amauri even know? Desdemona figured that somehow he did. But she wasn't quite sure how just yet. But just the simple look within his eye, explained to her so much. "There really is no excuse for me not but around but....I'm really glad you're here. How have you been?" It was becoming kind of awkward so Desdemona was going to try her best to see how he was and somewhat change the subject. Amauri intimidated her sometimes and this was one of those times. She knew he was a good guy at heart. But she was worried that he would be upset with what she truly was. A monster. Desdemona folded her legs across themselves and began to think she should offer Amauri something to eat or drink. "Do you want something to drink or eat? I was about to make some hot chocolate." Desdemona had been craving some all night. Now she had the time to make some and she was fully intended on getting some. But she wanted to see if Amauri wanted some too. Desdemona missed Grezhen being around. She really liked him. Which is what brought her to be accustomed to him and the way he was.
Upon looking at her, his vivid blue eyes took in her appearance. Amauri thought that she would have appeared to be somewhat rougher, but instead, she looked as normal as could be. But she was a werewolf. That was the only difference, and he didn't mind that. Grezhen was one too, as far as he found out, and he was hairy. So Amauri knew two werewolves personally. Though he was extremely jealous of the first one, Grezhen. Amauri would not want to wish that on anyone for what they go through once a month, because of how terrible it seemed, but he did not hold it against anyone. It was not their fault. Amauri absolutely hated the fact that she was fired over that, and made him somewhat iffy about still continuing on being an Auror. However Amauri had the training and he had a job. He could not afford to lose it though. He smiled a little bit when she greeted him, and she seemed rather surprised that he was here. After all, he did not let her know that he was coming, and he normally would have planned something like, a week in advance. Amauri stepped into the house that he remembered getting drunk in, and then having Desdemona look at his nude form while he was in the shower. He blushed at the thought of that, because well, he was rather cautious when it came down to doing things like that. He remembered thinking about her a lot while they were working together, but he told himself that it was wrong because they were friends, and that they worked together. Now that they didn't, they were still friends, but was it wrong? Amauri followed Desdemona into the living room where she sat down on the couch, and he followed suit, sitting next to her but not too close. Amauri heard her apologize for what she had said, and he bit his lip. There was no need to apologize. He sighed and said, "I know about everything, and I figured you would need some time to adjust. It really angered me that the Aurors did such a thing. I just..." Amauri faded off, before he looked down at his hands which were clasped together on his lap.

"How are you holding up?" Amauri asked in a soft tone, his eyes going back to her. He was sure that it was a lot of changes, and he was positive that her and Grezhen were getting closer because of that. It was not really fair to him though. Although ever since he started dealing with his issues, he found himself being like he used to be, though he was still serious, and when he dealt with criminals, he could be cold as ice. However he had feelings now, and he was never apathetic. He smiled more, and sometimes laughed, but he was never the type to joke around. Amauri shrugged his shoulders, before he answered, "I've been well, taking care of Chacen, and finally dealing with stuff that made me into a glacier. I suppose I can say that I am back to normal." He could still be harsh if he wanted to be, but he definitely did not want to be harsh to Desdemona, ever again. When it came to her husband doing that, it angered him, then the Aurors, and now getting close with Grezhen, Amauri could not help it. Amauri kind of wished that he had his son around, to give him advice which would be awkward enough as is. There was just too much feelings that he was getting, and he thought that it would have been one of those things that happened to guys when they were around girls that they liked. Amauri listened to her offer, before he shook his head in reply. He didn't want any. "Desdemona..." Amauri looked over at her before he let out a sigh. He just didn't know what to do or say at this point. He scooted over to where he was right next to her, and he decided to do the unthinkable. Well, it was extremely not like him, but he figured why not. There was just so much being kept within, it needed an escape. Alas, what Amauri did was somewhat simple, but it was nothing short of passionate, full of desire, and that was a kiss that was sealed to Desdemona's lips. His hand rested upon the back of her head as he had done this, and urged it to go further. This was bringing back that one memory which he only thought was a dream. Was the dream, a memory instead?
<COLOR color="#000">Desdemona froze when she heard Amauri tell her that he knew everything. So he must know that she was both a Werewolf and that she no longer worked as an Auror. That alone was enough to make Desdemona bow her head in shame. So he knew she was a monster. "Oh.” Was all she could muster after hearing whatever it was he said. Amauri wasn’t supposed to know about all of this. How did he find out? Perhaps someone had told him that was an Auror since one might be curious as to why she didn’t show up at work anymore. Desdemona took a minute to try and weight out what she could say to him. Desdemona wasn’t sure if there was anything she could say that wouldn’t ruin it for her in the end. Especially when it seemed like Amauri was actually angry for what the Aurors had done to her. Desdemona was happy to hear that so many thought the incident itself was wrong. That meant perhaps there was going to be some out there that didn’t view her as a monster. Desdemona knew she had to say something to Amauri. There had to be something to make this all better because she didn’t want him to worry for her, or feel sorry for her. She didn’t deserve to have others feel bad for her. There were so many others out there that suffered more than she. "A part of me was angry too. But then I started to realize….I’m a threat to people Amauri. I can actually hurt people. They did it to protect everyone.” Desdemona replied solemnly. She wasn’t sure if that was the complete reason of her being fired. But it was the one that seemed the most logical in her mind. Desdemona wasn’t as angry anymore. But when it had first happened, she was nothing but angry. Amauri asked how she was holding up and Desdemona nearly smiled. That was a good question to be asking. "I could lie to you and say I’ve been fine. But, I think you deserve better than that. My life is a mess. I’m afraid to go outside. The moon has never scared me before but now it’s all I think about when I’m awake at night. I suppose in a way I hate myself. I….used to think so lowly of Werewolves. But Grezhen….he’s been helping me since day one.” Desdemona explained. He might as well know the entire truth about how she had been feeling. She wasn’t sure if she should bring up the fact that Grezhen had helped her. But them again, weren’t the two of them friends? Desdemona thought she remembered the two of them getting along pretty well. "Chacen must be getting so big! I’m glad you’re feeling better!” Desdemona always loved seeing Amauri with his grandson. They were a really cute pair. One could slightly see the resemblance between them. They both had gorgeous blue eyes and cutely shaped noses. But she was happy for him. Especially since he was getting back out of his shell like he used to be. He even looked a like he was happier.

Desdemona was close to getting up to get her and Amauri some hot chocolate, but he shook his head. So she would probably just end up getting some for herself. Desdemona paused when she heard him say her name though. Did he suddenly decide he wanted some too? He didn’t sound like he was very happy about whatever he was going to say to her. Desdemona cocked her head to the side and remained sitting where she was. He scooted his body so that he was next to her and Desdemona furrowed her eyebrows. Was something the matter? Desdemona was about to lean over and ask if everything was okay with him, but she was interrupted by Amauri’s lips becoming meshed against her own. Desdemona had been kissed plenty of times before in her lifetime. But the last thing she expected was for Amauri to be the man behind one of those kisses. Was he kissing her out of pity or was it for some other reason? Whatever the reason was though, it didn’t matter much to Desdemona because she found herself returning the kiss with equal passion as her own arms went around to hook behind his neck. She felt Amauri’s hand on the back of her head, urging her to go further. Of course she complied. Mostly because she had forgotten how nice it felt to have someone be affectionate toward her. Even if it was out of pity or whatever. Desdemona didn’t even realize how much she was getting into the kiss until she felt her back hit the couch. Desdemona’s smaller hands guided Amauri so he was down with her, hovering above. Her lips swiftly connected to his again and her hands wrapped around his back. Eventually their lungs both needed air, but Desdemona didn’t want to stop the feelings she was feeling right now. Desdemona Amauri’s jawline and proceeded to bring her lips down to the corner of his neck close to his collarbone, but not quite there and let her lips run over that area. In no time flat she had gotten Amauri’s jacket off. Chances are the heated up moment was making him a little bit warmer anyways. Her lips still stayed connected to Amauri’s neck as she then worked on his shirt. For some reason the thought of being able to feel his toned arms better delighted her. But the chiming of an old clock interrupted Desdemona. It pulled her out of her daze and helped remind her of where she was and who she was with. "A-Amauri?” She started as her lips moved his neck to whisper in his ear. What were they doing? Was this even a good idea? Did he care that they almost went further than what just friends do with one another? Desdemona found herself wanting to kiss his again.
To him, there was no reason to be ashamed of something that was not even the person's fault. Amauri was appalled when he heard about it all, and he hoped that no one would ever get that sort of treatment again. It was not what he stood for, or what he had once thought the Aurors stood for. That one word that she uttered was all he needed to know, and he nodded simply saying without words that she did not need to go into details. It was simply the way things were, and nothing was going to change that. She could never be cured of her transformation every month. She had it bad. But Grezhen would always be around to help her out, and he was thankful for someone being around for her. Amauri shrugged and he admitted, "Anyone can hurt someone, Desdemona. I've killed people in my line of work. I killed a mother, I've ripped apart families. Tell me how being an Auror can be more righteous than a werewolf because we have done so many worse things." There was not many that had Amauri's point of view. Truth be told, he knew that sometimes the Aurors were just as bad as the Death Eaters. They were always at it, and there was always going to be violence. But some of these people have family, and no matter what, they get the raw end of the stick. And there was nothing that could be done by it. Amauri looked down at that point, but that was all that he could even say on the matter. That was his own opinion, and she might not have the same opinion as he would. Amauri didn't want to have his son go through the painful things that he had. When he was bringing someone in, Amauri was cold, and uncaring. It was not until later when he knew that there were consequences. He killed a woman while avenging his late wife, he tore up a kid's life, and then another teenager while tearing their family apart. The father was in Azkaban now as far as he heard. There was so much damage he had done, but he knew that if he did not do it, then others would pay the price. Desdemona thought so lowly of herself, and if her self-esteem was not bad enough before, it must have hit rock bottom now. And there was nothing he could do about it. Grezhen was all that she had. He could not empathize. He was basically as useless as they come to this sort of situation. Amauri might have been feeling better, but he was still that cold being that he was raised to be while he was an Auror. Now he saw and felt, unlike before when he didn't have much of a conscience. Now he did. Things probably would have been better if he stayed like that, but then he would not be there for his family. One could not pick and choose.

If it weren't for him dealing with his problems, Amauri would have never had the guts to pull a stunt like this, kissing Desdemona with passion that not even he remembered having with Cyrille. However the memories and the feelings for her have vanished in the two long decades. Amauri reacted even further when Desdemona gave in and started to repay him with equal passion. Truth be told, he didn't know why he was doing this, but it felt right, and it felt good. Even the taste of her was sweet, and Amauri didn't know that one could be into that, but he was. Apparently he was losing control of the situation because somehow her back hit the couch, and he was almost on her. He didn't want to hurt her either because she seemed small and fragile to him. Even if she was a werewolf. However her hands urged him to get closer as once more, they were kissing again. It felt natural, and he actually knew what he was doing. Even if he had not had practice like this in years. No wonder Vincent loved things like this, he could definitely see why. Though he didn't want to ever hear about his son doing that sort of thing. Her arms were around his back, and had one of his hands on her neck, caressing it and holding her close to him while the other was grasping the back of the couch, keeping himself from falling. His lungs starved for air, and it seemed like she had the same idea since they broke their lips apart, and she continued to kiss his jawline, going further down to the area close to his collarbone. Desdemona really knew how to get him intimately, because that was the key move. Even he had forgotten about that. His lips remained on his neck, and he just didn't know what in the world to do at that point. He simply breathed, and the hand that was on her neck traveled down to the small region of her back of her back. Simply holding. She wasted no time in removing his jacket, which was good because he was getting a little too warm for it anyway. How did she know what do to? Well, she was married at one point, but this was him. This was Amauri. Somehow she knew just what to do. She was working on his shirt while he was about to kiss her own neck when the old clock chimed, and stopped the both of them. She whispered his name into her ear before he cleared his throat. Well, that was not appropriate to do with a friend at all. He leaned away a bit before he sighed, "This is really inappropriate." Amauri paused for a moment before he looked once toward the hallway. "I think we should be doing this in the bedroom." Amauri decided to show his encouragement and approval of the situation by giving her another lingering, passionate kiss on her lips, and then once on her neck. It got him in the mood, so it would work on a woman, right? He slowly rose from the couch, and he bent down so that he picked up Desdemona into his arms like a bride. Although he was somewhat confused at that point. Where was her bedroom?
The things Amauri said to her earlier about not being a monster continued to float through Desdemona's mind, even as she passionately kissed him. Even he had killed people before. That didn't make him a monster did it? Of course not, Amauri was one of the most perfect human beings ever. Desdemona sighed and trailed a finger down Amauri's facial features before she reconnected their lips. His lips were so soft. He was the last person she ever expected to be in this situation with. Grezhen she had imagined kissing and falling in love with. Especially since he knew better than anyone what she was going through right now. He was also one of the most understanding men that Desdemona had ever had the pleasure of meeting, but he was supposedly in love with someone else. Some woman named Callisto, who had hair as red as the sunset. Or some stupid crap like that. Desdemona was crushed. Now she was here with Amauri, and seeing him in a different light. Amauri was....well he was many things. But right now Desdemona was more focused on what he was doing than who he was as a person. Desdemona was almost relieved that he agreed that what they were doing was inappropriate. Perhaps she wouldn't need to worry about the consequences of going any further with him. Desdemona wanted to go further, but the reminder of consequences made her halt a little bit. The possibility of ruining her friendship with Amauri was a bit scary to think about. Desdemona was about to suggest that they go out for a bite to eat or something, but Amauri seemed to have other plans. Desdemona was given another passionate kiss upon her lips, then down onto her neck, which resulting in her sighing happily. "Wh-whoa!" Desdemona squeaked when she was lifted off the couch and into Amauri's arms, bridal style. Desdemona noticed the look on Amauri's face and smiled softly. "The bedroom's that way." Desdemona pointed him in the right direction and allowed him to carry her all the way to the bedroom. Once they reached the door, Desdemona had him put her down so she could use her nimble fingers to tug his shirt off of him. The moment the article of clothing was removed, Desdemona coaxed Amauri into the bedroom with her and gently closed the door behind the both of them.
Desdemona yawned softly and rolled over. She was in the midst of trying to get to sleep but it wasn't working as well as she had planned for it to. Her brain just wouldn't shut up. Last night Desdemona had slept with Amauri. As handsome and special as he was, one would think that Desdemona would be proud. But instead she felt awkward and shy about the whole process. Mostly because Amauri could be intimidating and harsh sometimes. She worried that he hadn't wanted that as much as she had. If that was true then it would feel like she seduced him or something. Desdemona just didn't want him to get upset or disgusted with her. Her bright blue eyes glanced at the clock on the bedside table and bit her lip. She should get up and make some coffee or something. It would be better than laying in bed worrying. 'Or thinking about how lovely last night was. Ha, I'm such a pervert." Desdemona smiled at her own thoughts and stretched her long legs out. It felt good to stretch. Desdemona threw the covers off and tiptoed over to the closet so she could put some clothes on. They weren't exactly appropriate, but it was early, and it was also better than being butt naked. Desdemona went out into the kitchen and began to brew some coffee. She also baked some fresh blueberry muffins. Hopefully Amauri liked those. If not she had other things. When all the cooking was done, which didn't take long at all, Desdemona scurried back to the bedroom. She flopped her body onto the bed and rolled over so she was hovering above Amauri. "Wake up sleepyhead! I made some coffee!" Desdemona poked his cheek a couple of times. Her voice was sweet and inviting as well. Hopefully he wouldn't get mad. If he did, well Desdemona wouldn't be having a very nice morning. Did he even remember that he had slept with her? Or did he not realizing what he was doing? Hopefully it wasn't the latter of the two.

Sleeping with Desdemona had not been on Amauri's list of things to do at all. It just happened when he got aggravated with the fact that Desdemona had been fired from the Aurors. It was just crude to him. He didn't see why. Amauri was sleeping, and this was one of the rare times when he was not dreaming at all. It might have been a good thing for him not to be able to dream. He was tired from the previous night, sleeping very comfortably without any sort of clothing on but wrapped in a blanket instead. He was sleeping like a child, perfectly still. It was rare if he were to move at all while he was sleeping. Amauri did enjoy the night with Desdemona and he did not hold any regrets that night, but the morning could mean something else. As soon as he would wake up, only then would he remember everything and see if it was for the best or not. It had been a really long time since he got that intimate with a woman, and it was likely that he was not going to do that again for some time since he didn't believe in sleeping with a woman until he was in a committed relationship. After all, Amauri was one of those that he was very respectful about. He was one of those that would have preferred to wait for marriage and whatnot. He definitely did not wait for Desdemona's hand. He did not even know if she liked him in that way or not. Amauri knew that he could be a bit difficult to deal with but the fact still remained, he didn't know anything about what they were going to be doing now. He could feel something move and it disturbed him from his sleep. He was awakened, but he did not open his eyes. He could hear Desdemona get out of bed. Amauri did not have to get out of bed just because she was, or did he? He didn't want to wake up, he wanted to go back to sleep.

Not that his brain was going to let him though. His brain and another factor. The bed moved with Desdemona's flopping on it, and Amauri heard her voice. She was telling him to wake up and she made some coffee. He moved his body so that he was laying on his back instead of his side, and he opened those deep, cold blue eyes. They did not seem cold right now however. He just looked sleepy. He blinked several times and brought one of his hands up to wipe the sleep from his eyes. He then saw Desdemona hovering over him, and he looked at the bed, and then back at her. He knew what happened last night, and he felt a little guilty. Not because he didn't like it, but because he did, and they were not serious. They were just friends. He might have ruined things. Well, obviously not since she was hovering over him. "Um, morning Desdemona. Coffee?" He was still half-asleep so he was not the friendliest, but he was not the meanest either. He sat up a bit, and he felt the coolness of the house hit his bare chest. He was also too tired to really care about what he was showing either, because he was normally very shy of his body. Amauri was not one of those that smiled much in the morning either. "I think I need my clothing before I get up, though. I didn't plan on spending the night, so I'm sorry I don't have anything fresh to change into." He looked down at the floor and he could see his jeans, but he thought that the other pieces were scattered all around the bed.
Desdemona was easily able to see that Amauri wasn't a morning person like she was. Which was kind of cute. People whom were grumpy in the morning until they had their coffee or whatever, was pretty funny in Desdemona's opinion. Though Lately Desdemona had been one of them. This werewolf business had her hungrier than usual in the mornings. "Yes I made coffee, I hope you like coffee. Most Aurors seem to for some reason." Desdemona tried to ignore the pang in her chest when she mentioned the Aurors. It still hurt that she was fired from her dream job. But she was going to do her best not to let it be seen that it bothered her. Especially not in front of Amauri. He was already upset enough as it was about the whole ordeal. Desdemona brushed some of her blonde locks aside and smiled softly when Amauri said he needed his clothes first. She had half a mind to tell him that he could stay naked all day and she wouldn't care. He had an amazing body to stare at and all, but Desdemona sensed that Amauri was naturally shy about these things and decided to hold her tongue. "Oh that's fine. Here, I'll help you look." Desdemona crawled off the bed and scoured the floor for articles of clothing that belonged to Amauri. Eventually she found everything of his and handed them over to him gently. Sadly she had nothing for him to change into, chances were that even if she did have some of her ex-husbands clothing, he wouldn't want to wear them. Desdemona shyly glanced around the room before lightly stating; "I'm going to head out into the living room, so when you get dress you can head out there and get something to eat....if you'd like." Or he could go back to sleep. It didn't really matter to her. As long as it made him calm and content. He was going to need to be for whatever happened next.

Desdemona was sitting on the couch, when Amauri emerged from the bedroom. She pointed to the kitchen where the breakfast food and coffee was. She figured he would rather get some coffee and relax before he was bothered about the events of last night. Finally, when she figured he had had enough time to wake up and stuff, Desdemona turned her small frame to look at him. "So, I know talking about last night probably isn't your idea of a good time, but I don't want something like this to affect our friendship badly. To be honest, I'm not sure if there is anything to even talk about, but I'm not you so..." Desdemona drawled off. It was pretty self explanatory. Chances were that there was nothing he had to say, but Desdemona was willing to write if off as him helping her cope with losing her job and leaving it at that. Desdemona and Amauri were not in love with one another, nor were they engaged to be married. Amauri was the type of man to be involved with a girl before he slept with her, or so it seemed. The last thing that Desdemona would ever want to do to her friend was make him seem like he was a bad guy, so she would keep their night a secret from the others, if that was what he wanted. As for what she wanted? Desdemona didn't know. She was confused. This whole werewolf and job situation put her head into a jumble of emotions. Last night was the first night she hadn't thought about either of those topics. So Desdemona was thankful Amauri had come along to distract her. Even if he did it in one of the most inappropriate ways imaginable in her mind.
Amauri wanted to stretch, but it was kind of hard having a woman hovering over someone. He looked around the bedroom and tried his best to wake up as soon as he could. But he needed his coffee first. And she made coffee, and he liked his coffee. He didn't seem to notice that she was hurt over losing the job when she said that, but he was too tired to notice anything right now. Just that he needed to get some clothing on. He really felt exposed right now, even under the covers. "Thanks," said the Auror was a soft smile, one that would be rare to see this early in the morning. Amauri wondered where his clothing was, and he looked around a bit. She said that she was going to help him look, and he was thankful for that, since he did not want to get out of bed until he had something decent on at the very least. It would have been nice if he had planned to stay the entire night, but he at first had no intention to until he came here. It was almost shocking, but alas, he was not regretting it. Unless she liked someone else. Perhaps she did like someone else. He had no control over that. He watched as she found all of his clothing, and he took them into his arms. Amauri did not think that he was tired enough to go back to sleep now with him looking forward to the fresh coffee. The auror heard her say that she was going to head out of the bedroom, and that he would get dressed. He got out of bed, once the bedroom was empty of Desdemona, and he got dressed. He noticed that the clothing looked a bit wrinkled but he sighed. He did not have much of a choice, did he? He could apparate in and out, but then she would hear. So he would have to suck it up anyway. She didn't mind.

The Auror left the bedroom, and then saw that she pointed to the kitchen. That was where the coffee was at. He smiled at her for a second, before he found himself in the kitchen, and poured himself some coffee. He brought the cup to his lips and took a sip. He went out of the kitchen and found himself sitting on the couch next to Desdemona, but at the other end where he had the armrest. He liked sitting in the corner there, and sipping of the coffee was really waking him up. He heard her speak and turned his blue eyes over to her so that she'd know he was paying attention. Amauri bit his lip, and he was unsure if he wanted to tell her that he did like her. Almost like a crush, but that seemed like it was for kids. Amauri sighed and he admitted, "I normally wouldn't do that unless I'm in love. I don't know what happened, and last night was great. I don't think it could hurt our friendship. Just, that's not appropriate for friends to do. So, what do we do now? I pretty much feel like I should have asked you out to dinner first." Amauri didn't know how to put it, and it was obvious the words that he threw together were strained, and he had to think about them first for them to remotely make sense. Amauri looked down before he added, "You probably shouldn't have done anything with me. You like Grezhen, in that sort of manner. He's a good guy, I know. Just last night, it seemed like we were more than just friends. We should probably clear this up before things get more confusing. Before either of us gets hurt because one of us may have feelings for the other while the other likes someone else, and it is best to get it into the open before it is too late." Amauri almost admitted that he was the one that felt for her. He didn't think it was as powerful as love, but it could definitely lead to it.
Amauri ended up telling Desdemona exactly what she feared about all of this. This was something he wanted to avoid doing until he was in love. By the way he worded his statement; he definitely wasn't in love with her. "I'm sorry that I kind of messed that up for you, Amauri." Desdemona apologized softly. The only reason she was apologizing for this, was because of how strongly Amauri seemed to value his morals. He wanted to be really close to a girl before he slept with her. Desdemona and Amauri were friends, but even she had to admit that they probably weren't close enough to be doing something that should be left to lovers. At least he didn't find it too bad. That did boost up Desdemona's ego a little bit. But hearing that she was great in bed didn't really mean much when she thought about how it would apply to her later in life. Desdemona wanted to settle down. Was a skill like that going to help her settle down in the end? When Amauri mentioned that he felt like he should have taken her to dinner first, Desdemona smiled. The thought of going out to dinner with Amauri sounded really nice. She could already see him being a real gentlemen about it. "Yeah Amauri, why haven't you asked me to dinner yet?" Desdemona smiled in a way that would show that she was only joking around. Dinner sounded nice, but if Amauri didn't like the idea of it, there was no reason to push him into it. "I'm kidding." Desdemona stated a few seconds afterwards. Mostly just to make sure that Amauri wasn't going to get the impression that she wanted him to make a move. Well, she wanted him too. But she didn't want him to feel like he had to, especially if it was going to make her feel better.

Desdemona smiled sadly at what he said to her next. "I think what I feel for Grezhen is nothing more than an attraction. He's a Werewolf, I'm a's pretty easy to see that I might gravitate towards someone who suffers from the same curse as me." Desdemona still hated herself for being such a filthy creature. But Grezhen managed to enlighten her on some of the beauty being a Werewolf also brought. "Buuuut, I'm pretty sure he likes someone else, so it's not like it would matter anyways." It was a real bummer to think about, but there was no way for her to change it. Callisto was the name of the girl that Grezhen seemed to be so in love with. He spoke about her all the time. He even went into detail about how he had had a dream where she was the mother of his children. It was really cute, even if it pained Desdemona to hear about them. "Clear what up? The situation? Feelings? My Werewolfness....what? Because if you want to talk, that's fine." Desdemona reached over and took Amauri's hand into her own. If anything she just wanted him to know, whether his words were going to be good or bad, that she wanted him to just say it. That way they could get things fix between one another. Desdemona was so confused. Did this mean that something special was going on between them, or were they just friends that acted upon their emotions. Maybe it could even be their way of calming each other down. Desdemona had no clue, but she wished she did.
Amauri blushed a bit when she said that she was sorry for messing things up. She didn't mess it up. It was mostly him. From what he recalled, he was the one that kissed her, not the other way around. Amauri sighed, "You shouldn't apologize. I, uh, initiated it. So it wasn't your fault. I, well, I'm not entirely sure actually." He never understood why he had done what he did, he had just went with it. He hoped that she did not think anything less of him. Amauri just wanted something, and apparently he got it. And now she was apologizing for him when she never should have. She was probably the best one he had. He did not really remember Cyrille that much in bed, the memories were just fading away, day by day. He'd never forget her but moments of them were being replaced with happier memories such as Vincent and Alyssa together. Amauri looked up when Desdemona asked why he hadn't done that, and then said that she was kidding. He bit his lip but found himself unable to say anything in response to that. Why hadn't he? Oh right, he was too shy to even make the first move. Plus if she liked Grezhen, he wanted to stay back from that. She didn't need to start liking two guys and having to choose between them. Amauri really did not want to cause her anymore pain than what she already was in. Desdemona lost her job as an Auror, and it was not fair to her. The last thing she needed was to have two men tugging at her heart. She started speaking about Grezhen, and then it became somewhat clear. She might have feelings for someone that shares the same curse as her, and that might be it. Unacquainted attraction was never that pleasant of a feeling. He actually loathed it. Perhaps he should make the first move.

"Grezhen likes someone else? Well, I just hope she isn't like the last one who's family was all down his back about being a werewolf." Amauri shrugged, but he didn't know a thing about the other girl. "I can't say I know what you are going through because the werewolf thing. I can't really sympathize. I wish I could so I would have the faintest clue what you are enduring." He would likely never know what she was going though. Mainly because he doubted that he would ever get bitten by a werewolf, and he knew that Desdemona would never infect him, same as Grezhen. He wondered who bit Desdemona though. He was sure that it was not Grezhen. Amauri looked down and he listened to her question, about clearing something up. The situation didn't really need clearing up, feelings definitely did, but her werewolf condition, well, definitely not. She took his hand into her own, and he looked up at her. He sighed, figuring now was better than nothing, "Well, I still feel like I should take you out on a date. Not because I feel bad or anything. But because I should have when first started liking you. I was just...nervous." At least now he was asking her. Would she want to agree to go out on a date? He was not too sure, but he was hoping that she would. But what would he do? Take her out to eat? A movie? A walk on the beach? He had no idea, and hoped that she would list out what she loved to do. Then he would take her there, but right now he was about out of knowing what they could do. Amauri waited silently for her answer, hoping that he did not just make a total and complete fool out of himself.
Desdemona seriously wondered how Amauri got by in life with him being as shy as he was. He seemed like he wasn't one to say what he meant right away. Desdemona wasn't in the least bit shy, she was never afraid to speak her mind. In the past she might have, but now it was different. "I'm mostly apologizing because whether or not it was you who initiated it, I still feel bad that you're uncomfortable around me because of it....and don't lie and say you're not. I can tell." Desdemona didn't want him to hide how he was feeling from her, because that was what could ruin their friendship. If he was feeling uncomfortable by it, no big deal. It was an awkward situation because they were supposed to be just friends but they had gone and done something that people who are not normally just friends would do. That was probably why Amauri was feeling so weird about it. Desdemona was a little bit surprised that Amauri had yet to hear about the new girl that Grezhen was spending all his time with. As friends one would think that they would discuss this with one another, or were Grezhen and Amauri not as close as Desdemona thought them to be? "From what Grezhen has told me, she sounds like a really nice hippie or something. Apparently she's like the pure definition of a housewife too." Desdemona had never met her in person, so she was only able to go by what Grezhen had told her. It seemed that he liked her a lit though. Enough to want to date her and stuff. Desdemona was jealous of course, but what could she do? Nothing because it wasn't her life. Desdemona wasn't the type of person to slip someone a love potion and hoped that it would work either.

"I wouldn't wish this curse on anyone. Especially not you. It's difficult knowing that I am capable of losing control to the point where I could hurt someone. To this day I still wonder how the man who had attacked and bitten me was able to deal with the guilt. Or if he even realized that he had hurt me. " Desdemona wondered if the man who had bitten her even realized it. There was so much blood on him, she doubted that he would be able to ignore it, but perhaps he had no conscience. Desdemona hoped that she would never be responsible for someone else becoming infected. Desdemona paused and looked at Amauri softly. "Well if you want to take me on a date so bad, then do it." Desdemona was trying to nudge him into being brave enough to ask her, she would say yes of course. After a bitter marriage, starting to date again with someone as handsome and caring as Amauri sounded so tempting. He seemed like he would be a complete gentlemen too, which was different from what Desdemona was used to when it came to men. "Amauri you're so cute." Desdemona smiled. So he liked her? Did he like her as a friend or as someone he would date? Did he think she was pretty or adorable? Desdemona wanted him to ask her on a date. Maybe if they went on a date, Desdemona could forget about Grezhen and start to maybe re-dive into her feelings for Amauri. Then she could also ask him to be more specific on how much he liked her. After all, if he was willing to do this with her, god only knows how he really felt about her.
Amauri looked down with his blue eyes when she said that she still felt bad over what happened, and how he was uncomfortable around her because of it. He could not lie either, because he was uncomfortable about this. However it was not for the reason that she might be thinking. He was uncomfortable because she might not have been wanting it from him. She did like some other guy, and he took advantage of that, in her vulnerable state. He was an animal. "I am uncomfortable because I feel like I took advantage of you. I just hope that you do not think less of me because of that." Amauri was being honest with her over that, and he gave her a small smile because he was not hiding how he felt. After all, he did sleep with her while she was upset. No righteous man would have done that. Amauri really wanted to be one of those that had someone like Desdemona liking him, but she liked Grezhen. At least that was what he still thought for the time being. He had no shot with her, unless he stepped up his game. He needed to really ask her out one way or another! When Desdemona went on about Grezhen’s new girl, he raised an eyebrow. He never thought he would go after someone like that. "That is something that I did not expect to hear him into. I thought that he would go after a girl that would be into manual labor or work at the Ministry like he does." But if he liked the hippie then he would not have any issue. Plus that would give him more of a chance to get Desdemona to like him over Grezhen. Grezhen was a nice guy and all, but he felt that he was the one that liked Desdemona first.

The Auror knew that this would be on his mind too if he was bitten. Amauri shook his head and he sighed, "I hope that he does have plenty of guilt for causing this on you. However I doubt you would lose control as long as you are taking wolfsbane on a regular basis. So don’t worry about that." The Auror shook his head and hoped that someone could simply hunt down the werewolf that bit Desdemona and send him off to Azkaban. He deserved that because Desdemona did not deserve anything like that happened to her, not in a million years. Amauri sighed and he shook his head at the thought of it. He would become infected too so she would not be alone, but he knew that neither she or Grezhen would do the task. Amauri flushed a brilliant red when she said that if he wanted to take her out on a date so bad, then he should just do it. Amauri chuckled nervously, and debated on what he was going to say to that. "Okay, so Desdemona, would you like to go out to dinner with me, tonight?" When the words came out, one could easily tell that he wanted to, but he was a little nervous as well. She even called him cute when made him flush some more. Amauri was a grown man and he did not think that he was cute at all. Amauri could not say anything about that, but he waited on what she would say about him inviting her out to dinner. He needed to shower and stuff because he needed some fresh clothing and everything. Would she even want to? "Well, if you want to that is. I thought that it is about time I gather the courage to finally ask someone as amazing as you out on a date."
Desdemona shook her head softly, before she learned over and kissed Amauri on the nose the softly. He was such a sweet guy. "I had plenty of times to tell you that if I was uncomfortable, so you didn't take advantage of me at all. Mauri." Desdemona explained softly, using the nickname she had given to Amauri years go, even if he hated it. Why on earth would he think that he took advantage of her? It made her feel a lot better than she did earlier because it was always nice to have someone show that they cared about her. Though it was one the most unusual ways she had ever heard of, it did help and Desdemona had to thank Amauri for that. He was really down on himself about a lot of things that he shouldn't, and Desdemona wasn't going to let him to that to himself this time. "I figured the same thing, but I suppose you can't help who you fall in love with, and Grezhen is no exception to that. What matters is that he's happy and he really likes her. It doesn't matter how much I like him because I couldn't get in between something like that. True love like that is just so sweet." Desdemona confessed. The whole thing with Grezhen was over just as soon as it started. Desdemona wished he liked her, but he didn't so she figured that it just wasn't meant to be. Which also meant that maybe her and Amauri could work out some day. Only if he was interesting in a relationship. It seemed like he did because of them hooking up, but it could have just been one of those heated moments that he decided to act upon. Desdemona was kind of scared to ask if he felt anything about it.

"I know it's an Aurors duty to help those in trouble, but I wish I had left that guy to rot. I don't want to have to take wolfsbane every month just to keep myself normal. Nor do I want to have to fear the moon. You know? It's an easy fix, but for the rest of my life I'm going to be stuck with having to do this....and I hate it!" Desdemona confessed, hating how whiny she knew she likely sounded. But it was the thought of having to do something for the rest of her life or she would get into trouble. Well, not trouble per se but as a Werewolf she had no idea how to keep herself out of trouble if she were to shift for some reason. What if she forgot the Wolfsbane? Or wasn't able to access any? Then she would be forced to deal with the horrible things she did the night prior in her other form. Amauri was trying to help and she knew this, but he had no idea how scary this was. Desdemona was scared of herself and the things she might end up doing to herself. When Amauri asked if Desdemona wanted to go out to dinner with him though, all of the negativity ebbed away and suddenly she was smiling. "I would love to go out to dinner with you. Bout time you finally had a date. You can pick me up at seven." Desdemona figured that a date, with or without her might help him get his confidence back and make him happier and healthier. Plus he was just so darn cute, how could any girl say no to a date with him? Desdemona hoped he did this because he wanted to as well instead of just trying to make her happy.



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