Stephanie Lily Shirley

Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
Full Name: Stephanie Lily Shirley :)
- Birth Date: 17january 2009 ((im really thirteen this is my RP birthdate))
- Current Age: 11
- Basic Appearance: Red/ginger/brown hair, bright brown eyes, roundish face, and freckles.
- Parents: Lily May Shirley, and Chris Rupert Shirley, my father is a wizard, my mother is a muggle
- Siblings, if any: Alex John Shirley, and Kayleigh Jayne Shirley,
- Pets, if any: Not yet,
- Area of Residence: Uk
- Blood status: Half blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Gryffindor i dont know why, it was the sorting hats decision
- Best school subjects (And why): I havnt started yet,
- Worst school subjects (And why): "

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? Monkey,
- What would their Boggart be? A dementor
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) -
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? A beautiful young woman with a family.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? The moment they were accepted at Hogwarts

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Stephanie walked into her dormitary,
'This is it, im here, im home'
She thought to herself,
Stephanie has never been happier,
apart from when she was accepted of course.
'I cant wait for the school year to begin, this is so exciting,' she thought as she lay on her bed, and took it all in.

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Dear Journal,
Im here, im finally at hogwarts,
Ive waited for this moment for so long,
Mum and Dad are so proud im in Gryffindor,
I cant wait to make some more friends, this year is going to be so perfect!
Im getting a Owl tomorrow, and im going to finish off all my shopping.
I cant quite believe this!
Hi Stephanie! Always glad to see a new face on HNZ. :D I just have a few questions for you.

Based on the fact that her father is a wizard, does Stephanie know anything about Hogwarts? Is there a certain house that she wanted to be in?

What did she feel when she was sorted into Gryffindor?

Being a muggle, what does Stephanie's mother feel about magic?

Is there a reason Stephanie is going to Hogwarts in new zealand instead of Hogwarts Scotland, which is closer to her home?
Stephanie's father never told her much about hogwarts, he was doubtful she would be offered a place, when she was offered a place in hogwarts, her father told her one thing, 'Its hard work, but its fun.' And left it at that.

When Stephanie was sorted into gryffindor, she was so happy, it was the house she was hoping to be sorted in. Stephanie was excited about the year to come.

Stephanie's mother has seen her father do al sorts of magic, she's amazed by it. But she accepts it, and doesnt think it abnormal.

Her father went to Hogwarts scotland.
((Just one thing: HNZ has only been around a couple of years, this is the 5th year of the school (it was only set up recently). So, you might just have to fix that up.))

More questions:

How did you find out about the houses, and decide that you liked Gryffindor?

In your own opinion, what qualities do you possess that make you a Gryffindor over the other houses?

Why would your Patronus be a monkey?

When you say you'd see a 'beautiful young woman with a family' in the Mirror of Erised, is that you seeing yourself in the future, or something else?
She found out about the houses through a friend Rose, who she knew before she came to hogwarts.

Maybe its the fact Stephanie is brave and up for anything, she likes to have fun. But she has a serious side.

Stephanie's patronas would be a monkey, because monkeys are free and wild. And this patronas would be diffrent to other peoples. Like Stephanie, because she is free and diffrent.

Stephanie saw herself in the mirror, in the future, because thats all she wants.
Welcome to HNZ, you'll have a blast! :D

What do you think Stephanie's best subject would be?

What do you think her worst will be?

You said you don't know why Stephanie was sorted into Gryffindor. Is there a reason she shouldn't have been?
Steph Shirley said:
Stephanie's father never told her much about hogwarts, he was doubtful she would be offered a place, when she was offered a place in hogwarts, her father told her one thing, 'Its hard work, but its fun.' And left it at that.

When Stephanie was sorted into gryffindor, she was so happy, it was the house she was hoping to be sorted in. Stephanie was excited about the year to come.

Stephanie's mother has seen her father do al sorts of magic, she's amazed by it. But she accepts it, and doesnt think it abnormal.

Her father went to Hogwarts new zealand, he never told Stephanie why he went to hogwarts new zealand.
I know there can be typing errors, but did you mean to say that her father attended Hogwarts Scotland? HNZ has only been around for 5 IC years as a school itself.
Hey good stuff! A few questions:

You've mentioned that Steph's boggart would be a dementor. Is there a particular reason for this? Has Steph ever encounted a boggart before?

Does Steph get on with her siblings, and parents?

What are Steph's worst and best subjects?

Did your character attend a muggle primary school before HNZ?

I wanna know more! lol :p
Also, no pressure or anything, but could you maybe look at mine and ask questions? Coz only Estrella's done that so far :)
You've mentioned that Steph's boggart would be a dementor. Is there a particular reason for this? Has Steph ever encounted a boggart before? Steph's brother got attacked by a dementor when he was about 14, and Steph can remember how her brother looked and acted when he recovered. Also dementors take the happiness away, and Steph hates thinking the about what life would be without that spark of happiness.

Does Steph get on with her siblings, and parents? Steph gets on with her family reasonably well, more her brother than anyone. She and her sister were close, but not so long ago, Steph's sister left, she moved away when Steph needed her most. Steph never really forgave Kayleigh for this, but they get along as though they are best friends.
Steph used to be very close to her parents, but Steph blames them for her best friends death, she thinks that if her parents would of allowed Steph to visit, and reasure Rose, she would still be alive.
As i said, Steph is extremely close to her brother, Steph lives with him at the moment, when she's not at school.

What are Steph's worst and best subjects? Steph doesnt have best and worse subjects, but she prefers DADA and Potions to most of her other classes.

Did your character attend a muggle primary school before HNZ? Yes Steph did, up until year5 she went to school in England, but then her family moved and she completed another year at muggle primary school in Canada, before coming to HNZ.

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