Starting to get back in groove of things

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Selwin Snape

Well-Known Member
Most of you already know who I am,
so we'll skip the introduction. :p So, since things have started to slow down
for me, I'm looking to get back into plotting and RPing. It has been quite some
time that I have no plotted, nor have RPed, so I'm looking to slowly get back
into the groove of things. Below are the characters I'm looking to plot with for
the time being. Once I get more free time on my hands, I will slowly open up for
opportunities to more of my characters, but for the time being, I will only RP with a few.
I would also like to point out that you MUST be able to post minimum 200 words.
I allot my time carefully, so I want to RP with people who have experience, so that
can help me keep my muse up. Thanks for understand.

First Up;

Selwin Snape -- Death Eater

Selwin is a very courageous, very deadly death eater in training and is 18 years of age.
When you first confront him, he will seem very closed, very evil, and very hard headed,
and he will take every single word you say seriously, but once you get to know him, he
will slowly open up, although retaining his attitude, he will give you more attention.
For Selwin, I'm looking for Friends, a few death eater friends, and a few enemies.
I am not looking for anything in the romance department for Selwin at this moment.
I'm going to keep him single for a while until he can get himself back together after
his break up with Eden.

Second Up;

Hamza Khalid -- 3rd Year Hufflepuff

Hamza is a very calm, nice, and over all a great individual. His personality is a down
to earth guy, and he loves to meet new people. When he meets someone, he will
start to act like he has known for forever, and he let's people get in closer to him
pretty easily. Since he let's him in pretty easily, I want to take advantage of this to
evolve Hamza. What I'm looking for is 2 girls to befriend Hamza. One who would date
Hamza first and crush his heart and completely break him down, and then the other girl
would help him get back on his feet, and eventually the two would become very close
friends (Maybe more). I am not looking for anything permanent with Hamza, and no
enemies either.

Third Up;

Lexi Rodriguez -- Muggle School Teacher

Lexi is a Hogwarts graduate from Slytherin whom graduated last year and is 18 years old.
She is a very 'full of herself' type of girl. She loves to shop, loves to hang out with people,
and she is shy around boys when she first meets them. Now, I have a plot in mind for her.
What I'm looking for is a few death eaters to help her get more towards the dark
side, and eventually she will be a death eater. Right now, she is a teacher in a muggle
school, so the death eaters can take advantage of that and try to influence her to start
hating the muggle for the right reasons. I'm not looking for anything in the romance
department for her at this time, so please do not ask.

This is all for now. I will reveal more characters later, but if you want to RP with any of my other characters, please do ask and I will see if I can arrange something to RP with that particular character of mine with yours. I'm open to pretty much anything, so let me know. ^_^
I apologize in advanced if Eleona and Hamza had already RP-ed, but right now I'm just babysitting this account and Mimi told me to get her some RPs. xD</COLOR>

<COLOR color="#5a70b3">Eleona&Hamza
I can offer up Eleona as just a friend or maybe the close friend that you're looking for. She's kind of on the quiet side, though has a short fuse. If one of her friends is hurt then she won't hesitate to defend them or to help them out of that situation. So I guess if you're interested then we can work it out over PM or something? ^_^

Sara and Hamza

Well, I have Sara here, for Hamza. She can't be the first girl, as she is soon going to be dating Kayden Night, but she could be a friend, I know that she is a year younger than him, but I thought I'd offer, all info is in the siggie :D
Hey Hamza,

I too am getting back into the swing of things so for the time being I am just going to throw a few characters of mine at you. See what we come up with :)
So, I have two characters that I am willing to give to you for now. Both are involving young Mr Khalid.


Firstly I have Nadia Mckay.
Now dear little Nadia is a third year Ravenclaw, she has just recently come out of her rather serious depression, and has emerged a new person. She is quite bubbly and kind hearted. She helps who she can and tries to see the good in all people. She is also a little closed off to her friends. So she needs to realise that she should open up more. Now I don’t know if you want her to be “the other girl that would help him get back on his feet, and eventually the two would become very close friends” or not but I just figured that I would throw her out there to see what you say.


Then I have Koboshi Aiko.
This rather nasty girl is a third year Slytherin. She has never dated before and would love to give it a try. If you wanted to go that way Koshi would be the perfect girl to “date and drop” Hamza. That is unfortunately the way she ended up and would have no trouble in getting Hamza to ground and stomping on his face. Infact she would even feel guilty about it. So I’m not sure whether or not you would think that she was maybe too full on, but I figured I’d let you tell for yourself. She is a real piece of work that one and she is one of the biggest *****es in the school. Though if she decided that she wanted to date Hamza she would of course be all cutesy and loving, until she decided to drop him that is.

So, just let me know what you think.
I can offer you Annabelle for Selwin.

Annabelle is very independent, she doesn't like it when people clings around her or the other way around. She's cold toward other people and never really show interest in others except if they're one of a kind. She can be a pain in the @ss to other people and had been a trouble since she was little.

I think the two can be pretty good friends since they know each other already. Let me know.


I think they two can get along just fine, though, don't expect Selwin to be any nicers to Annabelle if she is going to act all tough. Selwin knows the meaning of 'tough' and will put her in her place if needed. :p

And to everyone else, I think I have Hamza all set in the romance department with someone else who reached me earlier. ^_^ Thanks though. They can be friend's with Hamza if you guys want.
Could you start a topic please? ^_^
Nadia friend?

Koshi enemy?
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