Starting Again

Keyne Baros

Ex-Coach of the Stonewall Stormers
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Poisonwood 12 1/2" Core of Dragon's heartstring
With the help of his siblings, Keyne Baros went to find a date, using a service for witches and wizards alike. Lumos, he believed it was called. This was his third divorce, twice to the same woman, with the second one dead from some maniac. Who know who that was. All his children were in school now, and he retired as a coach from the Quidditch team he used to be on. Keyne had nothing going for him, and his siblings reached out to him in case he spiraled into depression. Keyne was too muhc of a jokester to even be depressed anyway. And he had plenty of grandchildren that he could shower presents and affection to. It seemed like his first three children were doing well, while the last three were attending school. Keyne wanted to keep things simple, which was why he suggested to his date to go to a local cafe near the beach. He described what he would be wearing, which was a set of light blue robes. It clashed heavily against his darkened skin from being outside in the sun most of his life, but it was the only thing he had that did not have grass stains from running around with his grandkids.

He only hoped that she would be an actual woman, because he heard some horror stories out in the muggle world of being catfished. But this service was vetted thoroughly, so he should not be as worried over it. The waitress came over once, and he waved her off politely, since he was waiting on someone. Keyne was early, since he hated being late. His hair was neat and tidy, and his expression seemed to hold a hint of worry to it, but his siblings had what was best for him in mind. It was time for him to get back out there after a couple of years of being single. 'Please, be someone who can handle jokes,' thought Keyne desperately.
L.U.M.O.S was not exactly what Francis was expecting. To be honest, she wasn't sure what exactly it was she was expecting, but whatever it was, this was not it. Still, she couldn't complain, she needed to get out more and it had taken her a while to do just that. Her brother had convinced her to do it though, and maybe he was a nutcase, but she had to atlas try, because he was right, she needed to get out more. Francis remembered that the guy, Keyne, had suggested they meat at a local cafe near the beach. At least if this was a bust she could spend the rest of the time at the beach. It luckily wasn't too far from where she lived either and she wondered if maybe he lived near her. Francis wasn't into dressing sexy or anything like that, not for this kind of occasion anyway, if this went tell, maybe. She wanted to see how this was first, so she was wearing something plain but nice. She wasn't really overly flirtatious, not on the first date.

Arriving at the place specified, Francis noticed the guy she was there to meet. It looked like he had a similar idea to her because he was wearing light blue robes. It fit well with he environment and she had something more beach worthy under hers incase this progressed that far, though she didn't know how keen for that she was. She couldn't read this situation at all, something she was not at all used to. She made her way over and sat across from him, smiling apologetically. "I'm so sorry. I should have been here earlier and I have no excuses. It's nice to finally meet you." She said, holding her hand out for him to shake.
Keyne looked up to see his gaze graced with a female, before letting out a sigh of relief. Thank Merlin. She was not a man. He heard some horror stories so he had that fear despite the service being rather reliable so far. The American stood up as she approached the table. It was manners that his father taught him, and since this was a younger lady, he needed to be as respectable as possible. Yes, he was nervous since it was evident that his age was starting to appear in strands of silver lacing in his hair. It would be more noticeable on his face, had he not shaved before he got here. He held out his hand toward Francis’ and shook gently. Keyne was a bit on the strong side, since he wanted to keep himself in shape. He had a few grandchildren to run around with after a while. “Glad to finally meet you too. Have a seat, and order whatever you like,” Keyne offered with a friendly smile on his lips. Being the cafe that they were at, well, one could see that there was not a lot to choose from. “What brought you to L.U.M.O.S? I was convinced to do it myself, and this is my first meet. Hope you don’t mind being the guinea pig.” Keyne chuckled, though the dry humor was a little it off, since he was nervous. It was easy to tell since he kept moving, even just slightly.
Francis smiled slightly at the man, from his name, Keyne, she'd had an image of him in her head and she could honestly say he beat that by about ten. It wasn't so much what he looked like either as the way he sat and presented himself. It was a nice change from the type of guys she was used to seeing in her line of work. She took a seat and looked at the menu, but couldn't immediately see anything that come to her interest. "Do you have any good recommendations?" She asked, looking over the menu again. She wasn't really sure what to expect from something like this. She knew that from L.U.M.O.S she could pretty much go anywhere she wanted from here and from this point in it was in their hands, but other than that she didn't understand a lot and she honestly had to wonder if she might have been kidding herself. She laughed slightly at his comment. "Uhm, yeah, similar story for me too. My brother keeps telling me I'm a loner and I need to get out more and meet people. It's hard to meet decent people in my line of work." She added, shrugging slightly. If anything, Keyne needed to know what he was getting himself into. She wasn't some precious little flower, she might have looked like one, but she wasn't.

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