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Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate 💋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Straight (Delaney))
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (28)
((open after Emzies posts with Simon))

Diana had looked forward to this dance for what felt like ages. Finally, she would be at the Valentine's dance with a proper date. Her boyfriend, Simon Vanity. She had been careful not to let the boy see it, but she was still a little bit awed that he was interested in her at all. Simon was easily one of the best looking guys in the entire school, and while Diana knew she was pretty and popular too, she knew deep down that she wasn't quite on his level. Not that she would ever admit so out loud. She was pretty pleased with her dress for the evening, as it fitted with the Valentine's theme pretty well. She had worked hard on her hair and makeup too, and now she felt ready for the night. Diana waited by the entrance to the great hall for Simon, twirling a lock of hair around her finger as she waited for him to arrive.
Simon had put on a good suit and was heading striaght for the great hall. He and Diana were official now. They were together, as boyfriend and girlfriend and he was more than happy to use this event to present themselves as this couple that they were to the rest of the school. The boy had styled his hair, had made sure the suit fit him well and wanted to be sure that he looked as good as she did. The part-veela had never struggled to turn heads but he was more than keen to turn the most amount of heads today so that people would see who he was with. The prefect reached the entrance to the great hall and wandered over. He smiled at Diana, ”Wow, you look incredible,” he said as he really took her in, finding himself a little speechless at it. The prefect knew that Diana was perfect, she was such an interesting person to him. He couldn’t help but always enjoy her easy company. ”And for once I thought I’d be the one of this couple they’d look at, but of course not,” Simon held out her arm to her, ”Would you like to dance?”
Diana's eyes lit up the moment she spotted Simon, and she swore she could actually feel her heart skip a beat, or several. He looked so beautiful and handsome it was impossible to miss him, even between a group of other boys in similar suits. Diana tried her best to keep her amazement off her face, and by the time Simon had reached her she felt like she had done a decent job at that. She smiled at him coyly, letting go of her hair to let it fall next to her face. "You know how to flatter a girl." She told him confidently. "But we both know many people look at you too." She took his arm with a graceful gesture, squeezing it quickly. "But maybe we can simply say they look at us both with envy, and enjoy that together." She said with a slight smirk. "I'd love to dance." She added.
Simon smriked at her, and then shook his head, ”Don’t sell yourself short Diana, with you on my arm, looking like you do, no one is going to spare a glance at this sad little ginger,” he joked a little, but he was sure that combined they would turn plenty of heads together but he thought it would be good to shower his girlfriend with compliments. He let her take his arm and leaned in to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. The prefect led her out to the dance floor and turned to face her so that they could stand close while they danced to the music. He put his hands on her waist and smiled at her, he let the part-veela charm take over for a moment as he danced with her, ”Will you be cheering me on at the next game? It’s against Slytherin….,” Simon asked her with a little smirk. He knew they were dating, but he didn’t necessarily think that diana would be cheering on his team, he hoped at the very least it would be just him that she would support.
Diana almost laughed when Simon told her not to sell herself short. It was a pleasing comment, but also one she'd never gotten before. "Thanks for reducing my date to a sad little ginger." She teased him. "Starting to think I could be doing better, with all the compliments you're giving." She showed him she was joking by squeezing his arm again. The kiss on the cheek made her grin, genuinely, and she let him lead him onto the dance floor. His hands on her waist were distracting, but she tried her best to stay neutral about it all outwardly. She placed her hands on his shoulders, looking up at him. He really was handsome, and she almost felt a little dazed as they locked eyes. At his question, she nodded. "I already borrowed my sister's scarf for it." She told him honestly. "I have some friends on the Slytherin team, but I'm sure they'll forgive me." She leaned in and kissed him, unable to resist.
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