Star Gazing

Ai Nightray

matriarch • and if this was all we had • 'puff
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Redwood Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Ai Edogawa, a first year Hufflepuff student is now reaching the top floor of the North Tower with the rest of her Astronomy class. Today they were going to be doing some Star Gazing and these made her excited. Her brother Conan had agreed to be her partner in Star Gazing since she couldn't muster up the courage to ask others. The thought of it made Ai happy yet a bit guilty, "What if Onii-chan was planning on asking a friend? I ruined it if that was the case," she thought and that made her worry. She kept silent about her thoughts but she knew she wouldn't be able to hide it from her brother for long.

A few moments later the group had reached their destination and was now allowed to Star Gaze. Ai and her brother placed their telescope in a near by window and began looking in various directions. "Ne, Onii-chan. Let's look for Polaris first okay?" she told her brother and began scanning the skies for where the star might be.
Conan was walking beside a girl towards the top floor of the North Tower. It was a normal thing for him since the girl he was walking was his partner for this activity, his classmate, his housemate and most of all, his twin sister. The young boy agreed to be his sister's partner for tonight's activity, but the boy sensed that his sister was worrying over it. "Ai, I agreed to go with you because I wanted to. And, you were also my first choice to be my partner. So, don't worry about it, okay," he told Ai as he patted her head in comfort and in no time they reached their destination.

Conan watched as his sister excitedly wandered her view throughout the night sky looking at various things. The young boy was then asked by his sister if it was alright to look for Polaris first and he nodded in agreement. Conan then looked at the telescope and began searching for Polaris, which he had found after a couple of minutes. "Found it, Ai. I'll take notes about it while you search for some constellations," he said as he handed her the telescope and began writing down about Polaris which he had found in the book.

Polaris said:

[ul][li]Known as the
[ol][li]North Star
[li]Pole Star
[li]Guiding Star[/li][/ol]
[li]Brightest star in the Ursa Minor</LI>
<LI>[li]Near the North Celestial Pole[/li][/ul]
The young girl was quite surprised when her brother told her not to worry. She wondered for a bit on how her brother knew but she didn't dare ask. She already found out after a while because she remembered how her brother would answer, "Ability and you're my sister, a twin no less," her brother would tell her whenever he finds out that she was worrying over something. Following her brother, Ai didn't worry anymore feeling relieved at what her brother said.

Ai watched as Conan looked for Polaris. She never knew that her brother would be a bit interested in her own field since her brother had another. This, indeed, made her happy. Ai nodded in agreement when she was asked to look for other constellations. It was a cool November night and as the young girl looked through the night sky, she found a wonderful sight. "Onii-chan! I found one! Look, it's Cassiopeia!" she told her brother excitedly and zoomed back to her seat to look at her book.

Cassiopeia said:

[ul][li]Named after a queen of Greek mythology who boasted her unrivaled beauty.</LI>
[li]One of the 48 constellations during the 2nd Century.
[li]Listed by Ptolemy.
[li]Constellation in the North Sky.
[li]Consists of five stars
<LI>[li]"W" - shaped[/li][/ul]
Conan had just finished writing about Polaris when he heard his sister shout. He quickly put his materials down and approached the girl. "Hai, hai. You found one. That's great, Ai," he told his sister as he watched her zoom around the tower frantically looking at book and writing about the constellation she has found.

Conan knew nothing about stars and constellations. It was just a lucky shot in Polaris and he wasn't sure if he would be able to find a constellation. He looked at the telescope and looked around the night sky. It was a wonderful sight indeed and it wouldn't be bad to do it once in a while. As he circled his view in the sky, something caught his eye, something he thought was a constellation. He grabbed his book and looked through the pages until he found a match. "Ai! I found a constellation. It's Pisces! I know that you would want to see it," he called out as he handed his sister the telescope and started to write about what he had found.

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