St. Mungos

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Ariel Blade

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay so, I'm going to be the brave one and post this;

Can we have a pip to distinguish St. Mungo's Healers, and maybe even a group to go with it? Because there are a lot of them, and it's a good way to distinguish them from the rest of the people all sharing the same group.

~ Zach
From an admin standpoint, we basically use the groups to help us determine what access a character has on the site. It also helps us determine what areas they can moderate (if they are supposed to have moderating access of an area). For instance, during the school year, student characters lose the mask to see and post in the wizarding world while classes are in session. Likewise, other groups like death eaters and aurors, with their permissions, are given access to super-secret headquarters that are only visible by their group. Every St. Mungo's healer can already access St. Mungo's and all of the other places that adult characters have access to, so adding the group would not change their permissions in any way.

Another aspect we consider is how many people would fit into the group. We do have the odd group that consists of very few members, but in these cases, it again goes back to what areas these groups moderate and what permissions they have. Most of the groups on the site, however, consist of a large number of characters that need to be distinguished from other groups. Although the number of healers is growing, it is still a relatively small group of characters on the site and there isn't really a need to make such a distinction.

So, for these reasons, it doesn't really make sense for us to create a group or a pip for the healers.

What we are considering is moving all St. Mungo's healers to the Ministry group since all St. Mungo's healers are required to fill out a Ministry application and provide their NEWT grades. We're still thinking about it though, and would appreciate member's feedback, especially if you have a St. Mungo's healer character :) .
I think moving St. Mungo's healers in to the Ministry Employees group makes sense since they have to fill out the ministry application. Other characters in "Other Employees" just submit a group change request - it is a much looser group. I think the move would be in fairness to those roleplayers with such a character.

Does anybody else have an opinion/view on this? ^_^
I would like the idea, but when it comes down to the Ministry Officials, and the Healers, would they have to attend the Ministry Meetings? And then there is the Daily Prophet journalists, they have to go through the same application. Would they as well go into the ordinary Ministry Officials as well? I can see the pros and cons. I definitely see the cons of having the other employees, where someone could request a group change into that, and just say they are working and skip over the application completely. I can also see the pros because it would separate Ministry from Saint Mungo's.

With that being said, there could be a headquarters for Healers, to see who would take care of what appointment, see who would run Saint Mungo's as a whole, but that is just an idea out in the water. xD I don't expect that to ever really happen, but it could be considered as well. Not sure if it would be used too much as well. :erm: Reason why it might not be considered, seeing as other headquarters aren't really used, and there are no official rules to being a Healer.

If people need help to distinguish between a healer, whether or not they remain in the same group, they could just go into Saint Mungo's, in that pinned topic where it would be highly noticeable, fill out that easy form and a healer would post there if they want to take care of it.
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