Open Sports and Fun!

Professor Noel Waldgrave

DADA 1-4 | Loyal | Charming
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 13 Inch Alder Wand 13 3/4" With Essence of Dragon Heartstring
Noel was kind of waiting of the moment when he would find out if he could join the Quidditch Team or not. It would be difficult he figured, but perhaps next year there was a chance. He kind of didn't want to think about another year, because than Gabriel wasn't around anymore but that ment a space was open. Noel just wanted to play sports and do what he liked. Quidditch seemed the most fun around and he would love to play for Gryffindor no matter what. The brown haired boy wanted to play to Liam, and would love to kick his team. He was still so suprised of how he all managed it. But he was behaving himself than it seemed. Since Styx choice Liam as prefect in the first place.

He found himself walking with a football under his arm towards the Great Lawn. He put the ball on the ground and started to kick to it a few times and tried to get the ball at his knee. But that needed some practice, so he tried a few times. He looked around to see if he saw some familliar students, he didn't mind if someone wanted to play football. The more the better, than they could play against eachother.
Chloe was still overwhelmed with everything, last year had flown surprisingly, and she had enjoyed it somewhat, despite how many headaches she had received from all the magic and learning and getting to know the castle more. She had hardly made friends for this exact reason. She knew she needed to branch out more, so hopefully she would be able to have done so by the end of the year. She took a deep breath, fidgeting nervously while taking a walk on the grounds, noticing a boy in her year (she thought) holding a football. This reminded her of sports and she began to think, once again, on the tryouts, and if she would even make alternate. Her father didn’t seem very happy when she told him she would probably make alternate, considering the position she tried out for was all filled. But it was okay, because she wasn’t experienced and besides, the second year wanted some practice first. She sat on a patch of grass nearby the boy, hesitating. She wanted to make friends, but did she feel like playing? Maybe.
Cyrus Baros was looking forward to his second year at the best school ever. He ran out to the great lawns after dressing back in his muggle clothing. He wanted to have some fun on the lawns, and before long, he saw two people that he met the previous year. Chloe and Noel! And, he saw Noel kicking a soccer ball. Though, they probably called it a football. Yeah, he would need to call it that so that he could fit in a little better. He stopped walking so that he was next to the Ravenclaw. He sat down next to her and flashed a big smiled, "Hi Chloe! Whatcha doing?" He placed his hands on his lap.
Noel kicked towards the football and tried to get it on his knee and down again, but it fell off. It was difficult and he didn't started long time ago with this. He had learned it from Gabriel, who seemed to be knowing every muggle sport. He was just a sport freak for sure. Even worse for Quidditch than he was. He didn't noticed a girl coming his way and sitting down. But than he heard a voice and turned around. It didn't called his name but when he turned around he saw a familliar face. Who he had spoken to before. And than a girl sitting. Was she sitting there long? Noel grabbed the football in his arms and walked a bit closer to the two. '' Hey Cyrus!'' The brown haired boy said with a grin. And than looked at the girl and back to him. '' Did you try out for the quidditch team?'' He than asked him. Curious if he had been added to the team. Noel wasn't that easily jealous of another. He would be happy if it was the case. But he was not, that would not change this year. Than he looked to the girl. '' Hi I'm Noel. You are in second year as well right?'' He asked the girl with a smile. Had seen her before somewhere for sure.
Chloe was in her own world when she heard a voice and she almost jumped in surprise. She put a hand to her heart, playfully rolling her eyes. It was just Cyrus. She giggled at how excited he seemed. "Hi Cyrus. Uh, nothing really, just chilling here," she said with a shrug. She was about to ask him the same but the boy who had been playing football approached them and apparently knew her friend. She smiled a little at the Gryffindor, relieved he wasn't just ignoring her. In her experience, some people did that when confronted with strangers if they didn't know the third party. Third wheeling was not fun. "Hello," she replied, "Nice to meet you Noel. I'm Chloe!" She was happy that it didn't seem difficult to make friends this year. "Yeah, I'm a second year. I'm in Ravenclaw," she added, just in case that sort of information was important. "Did you both try out for the team?" she then asked, glancing at them both. It would be fun to know some people if Chloe ever had the chance of playing - well, if she made the team at all.
Cyrus perked up when Noel saw him. He gave him a good wave, as the boy bounded over here with the ball. He asked if Cyrus had tried out for the Quidditch team. He shook his head, “Nope! I want my own broom first, but it seems like my mom isn’t a fan of Quidditch. Dad was all for it, but the two argued for hours over it. So, I decided against it!” Cyrus shrugged his shoulders since he figured he could do something over the summer and earn money for his own broom. “I think I am going to ask my dad if I can get a soccer ball - err, you all call it football, of my own so I can play outside!” It was better than nothing. He glanced over at Chloe and asked, “Are you into sports too?”
Tres had been making use of the first rays of sunshine of the upcoming spring to spend her afternoon outside, a book in her hands that she was using to shield her eyes from the bright glare as she lay out on the grass. She’d been reasonably undisturbed too until one of the Gryffindor in her year had brought a football outside, and apparently attracting a swarm of more students. She hadn’t really befriended anyone from her own year yet, not finding anyone she really clicked with, but putting her book down to the side and sitting up when she realised she wasn’t going to be able to continue with them all chattering away, she listened in for a moment. It was unusual to see students doing a muggle activity at school. Everyone seemed to only want to ever do things that were magical when they were here. The Slytherin was listening to them introduce themselves but perked up when one of the Hufflepuffs mentioned flying. “Why doesn’t your momma like Quidditch?” She asked before she could stop herself. Tres was just pleased her own momma probably didn’t know much about magic at all as a muggle, for which Tres was grateful for, and she had no doubt neither she nor Uno had any plans to fill her in on the details.
Noel smiled at the girl who introduced herself as Chloe. He wanted to take out his hand but he had the football in his hands so that was not handy. He smiled at her. '' Nice to meet you too Chloe.'' Noel than said friendly and nodded as she said she was in their year. He than listened as Cyrus spoke of quidditch and answered his question. '' Ah too bad. You are completly right. I have to ask my parents too. Perhaps next year?'' Noel didn't knew why his mother would be hard about it, but he remembered Sofia didn't liking quidditch too. And she had her good reasons ofcourse. Noel than smiled at Cyrus and looked at his own football and than to Cyrus. '' Yeah it is fun! I've learned from my cousin. Football indeed. I can show you or do you already know how it works?'' Noel than asked Cyrus ready to kick to his football again. He than looked at Chloe and responded to her. '' I did.. But didn't made it this year. Next year trying again.'' Noel than said confident. He wanted to feel more confident but it was reality that his cousins spot came free, so more chances perhaps. He than looked at Chloe and was curious if she liked sports too. Or even knew muggle sports. But than another girl joined them and she seemed to be having a familliar face as well. He looked at her for a moment since she was asking Cyrus now about his mother.

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