Open Spooky Scary Stuff

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Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Kiara had never specifically been a fan of Halloween, not like her older brother anyways. But he could be persuasive and after all of his stories about how great the school's parties were and how it would be a mistake for her to skip out on it she had decided to go anyways. After struggling with her hair for too long she arrived at the feast a little late, quite impressed with some of the costumes other students were wearing. Albeit a little nervous about others as well. As she was slowly making her way into the hall Kiara was starting to doubt her decision to attend more and more. Perhaps the next time she should just make arrangements to come with a friend so she wouldn't have to wander around on her own. Making her way further into the hall she shrieked when a skeleton suddenly popped up, quickly covering her mouth with her hand as she stopped dead in her tracks. So far, this wasn't fun at all.
Cameron had hear there was a feast on Halloween, he hadn't known it'd be a bloody great party where everyone dressed up until it was too late. He didn't have a costume and he was doing his level best to act like it didn't bother him, shoving his hands deep into his pockets as he shuffled around the hall, flinching and nearly running into a girl in front of him who suddenly stopped and screamed. "Geez, it's just a dumb skeleton," he gasped after he recovered from the sudden sound, side-stepping her and scowling at the dumb thing that had managed to scare them both.
Kiara flinched when a boy was suddenly stood next to her yet was a relieved when he turned out to be something way less scary. Or she hoped he was. "I- Oh. I'm sorry." She responded softly, feeling her cheeks burn red at the slightly embarassing situation. Once she turned to get a better look at the boy she was surprised to see he wasn't dressed up. At least not as something - or someone - she recognized. "Did you not have costume?" Kiara asked cautiously, trying her best not to offend the boy in any way in case he was dressed up.
"Don't apologize," Cameron muttered when he caught the look on the girl's face, trying to place her from one of his classes once he got over the fancy dress she was wearing. Her question about his costume, or lack there of, got his hackles back up and Cameron shoved his hands back into his pockets, feeling his ears heat up and hunching his shoulders defensively. "No, costumes are dumb. I just wanted some food," he muttered. "What are you supposed to be anyway?" He asked, pulling a hand free from his pocket to poke sourly at the skeleton until it obediently slunk back down.
Kiara was about to apologize for apologizing when the boy told her not to but thankfully managed to cut herself off at the last second. Saying sorry was something she did far too often and her family always tried to keep her from doing so, telling her the word would lose meaning if she used it excessively. "Oh, that's cool." She responded with a small shrug. It was halloween, sure, and costumes could be fun but she didn't think it was required or anything. Plus, she'd much rather bump into someone without a costume than someone wearing a scary one. "Some sort of old-timey lady, I guess." Kiara answered the boy's question with a shy laugh. "My dads got it for me, thought it would be rude not to wear it. Honestly, I don't even like Halloween that much.."
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