Open Spooked

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Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest was pretty proud of her costume. She liked embracing the scary versus cute or simple for Halloween, as that was what it was all about, right? The Slytherin mader her way into the Great Hall, looking around to see if she saw anybody familiar, maybe Lucy, lurking about. However, she seemed to have arrived a tad early and decided to take the time to explore the spooky tent. She thought jump scares were the best - well, at least when it happened to other people. Tempest entered a little hesistantly, walking around to see all the tent had to offer when she got spooked by something on the wall, letting out a yelp before stepping a few steps backwards and then realizing she had knocked into someone, or something, behind her, causing her to let out another scream. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.
Alicia was absolutely miserable and wondered why she was even here. After what had happened, she wanted nothing more than to lock herself in her dorm and stay in bed, but she had felt a bit like that was admitting defeat. She had prepared her costume over break and had been very excited to wear it, back when she thought she would be wearing it to impress Marama. She had decided to go to the feast to show how unbothered she was, but she was very bothered and the feast wasn't a good enough distraction. Alicia had ducked into the tent, thinking she might have spotted Marama nearby. It was as good a hiding place as any. At least, until someone knocked into her and started screaming. Alicia winced, letting out a string of curses in French. "Will you stop screaming?!" She yelled at the girl.
Tempest heard someone scold her for having a natural reaction and was worried it was apart of the tent until she realized it was in fact a real person. "Sorry for inconveniencing you with my terror,” she clapped back, adjusting her hat on her head. “That thing jumps out at you, okay? Why don’t you go first since you-“ she started before taking a breath. She was trying to not be so snarky with people for no reason. “Go ahead, I guess.”
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Alicia was normally composed, at least she liked to think so, but the breakup with Marama really hurt her. She knew she was being a bit unreasonable, yelling at the girl, Yelling felt nice. For once, it felt like she was taking control, even if it was just her own frustration. In that moment, she wished she could yell all day. "You don't need to make so much noise, you were shrieking like a banshee." She snapped. "Why are you even in here if you're that scared?" She could see Tempest was trying not to keep snapping at her, but Alicia didn't care right now. With all the turmoil inside her head, it was difficult to be reasonable.
Tempest didn't understand why this girl was so upset that she was trying something new. "Okay, I'm not like the only person screaming in here," she suggested, hearing a few first years screeching nearby and then giggle as they ran away. "Why are you in here if you're just going to spoil people's fun?" She recognized the girl from classes but didn't really know her that well, and with the way it was going, she wasn't sure she wanted to. "Maybe it won't be as scary if there's someone else ahead of me if you'd like to go first," Tempest tried.
Alicia grumbled at Tempest's words. She was right. "Wel, you're the only person screaming in my face." She countered, aware it was kind of a silly thing to say. Her initial anger was wearing off, despite her trying to cling to it, and it was getting difficult to muster the energy to keep arguing. She scowled. "Fine, I'll go first then." She said. "This is all stupid anyway."
Tempest didn't understand why Alicia was still being so standoffish, but she was glad when the girl finally went ahead and followed tentatively behind her. "If it's stupid, why are you in the tent? I mean, is someone holding you here against your will?" she questioned.
Alicia almost wished she hadn't been as combative as she had been, talking to Tempest. She had always thought the girl seemed nice, in as far as Slytherins usually seemed nice. But being rude to her felt oddly good, like poking at a sore tooth. "For something to do- and I didn't know it would be full of shrieking banshees." She said pointedly, moving ahead into the tent slightly.
Tempest was about to ask if there were actually banshees in the tent when she realized the girl meant her. The Slytherin gave a small laugh before turning the corner as she followed Alicia, getting spooked again by an odd painting that jumped out at them, letting out a small squeal before covering her mouth. "Sorry," she said, muffled behind her hand.
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