Open Spin For Me

Vader Hume

class of 2053; nervous; professional photographer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14" Flexible Spruce Wand with Vampire Blood Core
10/2034 (27)
Vader was always keen to learn more and more about photography and specifically magical photography. He’d been coming to grips with it as he’d spent time coming into his leadership position at Accio, but given that it was the beginning of the year, the boy had decided with the extra time he wanted to try a few things. He’d reached out to Uno in the end, she was the only person he knew, that seemed more than happy to pose in his pictures. He was sure that Ava would do it if he asked, and he’d certainly taken enough pictures of her but he didn’t want to annoy her with this. Alice or Abian were options too, but Uno had been a good model for him, happy to listen to his instructions and she was also very keen. He’d sent her a time and place too, opting for the north tower, where there was fewer people and a little more space for him. He’d brought his camera and his tripod so that the camera would be stable. He’d gotten a few lenses from his parents, to help improve his pictures, they were for his magical camera too which had been a nice thing. He hoped that Uno would turn up, he feared that maybe she wouldn’t. They hadn’t really kept in contact over the last year, maybe she didn’t like him any more? The blonde adjusted his camera ever so slightly for the fiftieth time as he waited for her, taking some pointless shots of the where the camera was facing. Vader didn't like taking pictures in front of the camera, so he couldn't do this himself, he needed Uno who was probably willing to put up with him.
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Uno hadn't spent much of her time the previous year hanging out with people other than Phinaes. She had met up with Jacob and had an unfortunate meeting with a girl named Alice or whatever, and even though Vader had been there, she hadn't spent that much time with him otherwise. It was a slight surprise (though she'd never admit it) that he had wrote to her and told her to meet him for some pictures. Uno knew she definitely was his the best model, and after he had sent her a rose the previous year, she couldn't say no. Besides - she liked modeling.
Still, it took her a long time to get there. She hadn't quite realized the time - nor the amount of time it was going to take her to get to the North Tower, and she didn't want to get there all sweaty, so she took her time, taking breaths wherever she could. Finally Uno arrived, but she wasn't going to let on how tiring it was climbing all the stairs. She made sure there was no sweat showing on her forehead, before breezing towards Vader. "What's up dude - been awhile! But I knew you couldn't resist this face for too long." Uno joked.
Vader felt a rather large wave of relief wash over her when he heard the door open and Uno walk in. They hadn’t kept in much contact over the last year, he had spent a little time with her with Alice, but it had appeared that her and Alice didn’t particularly get along. It was a bit sad for him to be stuck a little in the middle when he knew and liked both of them. Both of them were nice people, but he did feel a little closer to Alice than he was to Uno, but he hadn’t spent that much time around Uno, so it just made sense. He let an easy grin cross his features as she approached him. He laughed lightly at the joke and shook his head, ”Thanks for coming Uno,” the boy had been sure she wouldn’t turn up, after all, it was a rather odd request, but at the very least he had known that Uno hadn’t minded being in his pictures in the past. He wasn’t too sure how to transition into what he needed from her but the boy just moved to behind his camera, ”I wanted to try and capture some magic, so, maybe you could do a lumos or something and hold it at like your face,” he took out his own wand and demonstrated to her how he wanted it. A little away from his face, holding it up without casting any spell before looking up at her with a keen expression, ”We can get a few shots of you maybe doing the spell and then a few with the spell already on,” he realised that this might be better with another person to be able to have two people going back and forth but he wasn’t sure who else he could’ve asked. Vader didn’t have nearly enough friends.
When Vader thanked Uno, she gave a little curtsy in return. Her breath had caught up with her now, and she was excited to see what Vader had in store for them. She watched as he moved behind his camera, her eyebrows raising, impressed, as he described what he wanted. "Easy peasy." Uno replied, though she was keen to see how the photos would eventually turn out. The Slytherin girl went and stood in front of the camera, bringing out her wand. "Is this an okay spot? You got your lighting and all that s**t?" Uno asked. She wasn't entirely sure how photography worked, but she had picked up a couple of things from having worked with him before.
Rory ran up the north tower steps 3 at a time, she burst through the door taking no notice of the people inside. There was a sudden flash of white light that engulfed the room followed by heavy purple smoke,
“What the fu-”
“Geez kid where’d you come from” Rory looked for the source of the scentence and her grey eyes settled upon a male griffindor, third year she assumed.
“Damn I think you got in my photo” this time the voice was a girl, sitting right behind Rory. Slytherin. Rory had seen her face around the common room, she wasn’t surprised the boy was photographing her. She wasn’t what you would call boring, Rory thought.
“I was just coming up for a better veiw of the new hippogrifs in the forest” Rory said calmly “I wasn’t aware this room was” she paused “occupied” she gave the boy a smirk and waved to the Slytherin as she shut the door behind her and left the two alone.
Vader looked at Uno with a little smile as she agreed to it. The boy looked through his lense as she lined herself up for the shot, he adjusted a few settings and looked back at her, ”The lighting is fine, should be fine, I won’t be sure until after, but I think it’s dark enough that we’ll be able to see the actual magic. I’m also hoping that Lumos illuminates your face,” vader looked a little apologetic that he couldn’t assure her that the pictures would come out good. The disadvantage of the magical camera was the fact he couldn’t check the pictures in real time. The boy looked back at the framing of the picture and waited for her to be ready, ”Okay, whenever you are ready, then we can start with you doing the spell,” Vader was ready to start taking the picture when she was ready. Vader focused on what he wanted to do, he needed to take the pictures of her with the light of lumos, he was almost sure that the picture would capture the spell coming to light. However right when he’d been taking the picture some stormed into the room, getting immediately into the shot. The picture got taken and Vader looked up split between being frustrated and worried this girl was going to cause damage to his camera. But, it appeared after a gross implication that the girl left, ”Ew,” the boy muttered before looking back at Uno, ”Shall we try that again?”
Lumos was one of the first spells many people learned. It certainly was one of the easiest. So why Uno got nervous to do a spell in front of Vader, she had no idea. She kept her calm appearance though, nodding her head as he explained the lighting. She hoped the picture did come out good, she would look so badass! Easy peasey, right? Uno took out her wand, and tried Lumos, not looking at Vader as her wand didn't light up immediately. It didn't take more than a few seconds before she finally got it, and she hoped Vader didn't notice how bad she actually was with magic. No one needed to know that.
In a weird twist of fate, as the wand was lighting up and the picture being taken, a girl burst into the room. Uno frowned as she saw the girl. "Dude, you totally got in my photo." The Slytherin girl left almost as quickly as she came, and Uno's eyes widened slightly at her comment, before letting out a laugh at Vader's comment. "Why is that 'ew' Vader, is there something wrong with me?" Uno asked in a light, teasing tone, a smirk playing on her lips. She nodded her head when Vader asked if they should do it again. "Did you uh - want me to turn off the light and then on again?" Uno asked. It would be good practice she supposed, not having really used that spell since she learnt it, but now that she had the hang of it, she was sure she'd be fine next time.
Vader rolled his eyes at her, ”It’s gross Uno,” the boy was vaguely aware that he should probably like Uno, probably not be so embarrassed by the statement or suggestion, but he didn’t like her like that. He was sure that most people found her moderately pretty but he just didn’t think of her like that. Vader didn’t think of her at all like that, did others? Was he supposed to? Should he find her pretty? Were other people their age pairing up into couples? Were they not too young? Vader knew she was good in front of a camera and was willing to put up with him so he would just continue with that, though in all of his thoughts, he worried a little would she think him weird if he didn’t actually think of her a little like that? He felt worry grow steadily, but he focused on adjusting the settings on his camera, lining the shot back up, ”Yeah, I know I said we’d take pictures of you with the light just on, but I really want to make sure we get the shot of the magic doing it’s thing,” Vader told her, the was a visible hint of worry in his tone lingering from the earlier conversation. ”We could get the reverse too though?” Vader glanced at her and wondered which she would rather do first, he wouldn’t mind too much at all. His shot was lined up, to him it wouldn’t matter. He hadn’t thought about having her do the spell in reverse, mostly because he wasn’t sure how good it would look.

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