Spike meets Mist


Well-Known Member
Spike had been walking around the Forest, looking for another chat with someone, he didn't really know who with, but another chat would be nice, he hated the fact that he could never leave the forest, as he had always wanted to be able to do. But now he was stuck. As he walked, he had his Bow and Arrow with him today, just for a change it had been so long since he had taken it out, but he was still a good shot, practicing every day after he got home, until he couldn't see anymore. The Bow and Arrow was a present from Vico himself, the leader of there Tribe. Behind Spike he heard what sounded like a rustling of leaves, with out turning around he called. " Who goes there?"
Mist followed the young centaur as he walked through the forest. Stalking him silently getting closer and closer. She couldn't remember his name but she knew she had seen him before. She was just about to make her move and sneak up behind him when she stepped on the wrong place, "Damn it" she cursed quietly as he turned around and asked who was out there. Walking out from her hiding place Mist looked at the young centaur. "Hello" she said in her usual icy voice.
( im going to say they know each other from the tribe. if that is ok.)

Spike turned around to see a female Centaur, one he knew, not in person but knew the face and name, he was told to watch out for her, seeing as he liked to talk to humans, she hated anyone who had anything to do with humans. " Hello Mist, I don't think you would know me, I'm Spike." He said bowing to her, seeing as she was older then he and he had to pay his respect to her. His yellow eyes looking her over, he had always seen her with a weapon, but at the moment he couldn't see hers, she was still half in the shadows, her head barely sticking out.
"Good day Spike" she said stepping out of the shadows her bow and arrow clearly visible. Mist nodded when he bowed to her, something she was not used to. Mist bent down and picked up some flowers from the ground, little white ones which she began weaving together, a habit she had picked up to keep her hands busy... Mostly to stop her from shooting everything in site when she got into a bad mood. She looked over Spike and could tell he was just a few years younger then herself, being at twenty seven.

(( bla lame ))
its good :p

Spike was shocked to know that she knew his name, he wasn't a centaur that all the rest knew, and he wasn't very popular, but either was Mist, she was the aggressive one out of the pack and she loved to shoot things. " So what brings you out here today?" He asked standing tall, he wasn't going to show that he was kind of scared of her, seeing as if he done that she had the advantage on him and it would be ridiculous.
(( he told her his name :p ))

Mist though about Spikes question for a second, she couldn't tell him she was following him, that would be just weird, "I was out stretching my legs, I injured my leg and had been resting it for a while" she said which was mostly the truth. She had injured her leg, and her brother being the over protective thing he was made her stay with the tribe for a while. "Although I could ask you the same question" she added noting that they were rather close to the school, and she had heard of Spikes like to talk to students.
lol man I have a bad memory

" I just wander around from time to time, looking for something to do, it gets pretty boring sometimes sitting around the tribe all day, and I know your position on talking to Humans, but it is just to beat the boredom and some of them are nice people, unlike the ones who like to destroy the forest." Spike said kind of defensively, he didn't really care what she would say next seeing as he had done a lot for the tribe and no one had ever thanked him for it, like the time he got rid of the muggle lumber jacks. " So if you want to attack me, which you probably will do it now, I don't have a problem with you, but I know you do with me."
Mist glared at Spike, he made her want to puke. Friends with humans. The last centaur she knew that was friends with humans... Mist didn't even like to think about it. Pain flashed in her eyes for a second before going back to there usual iciness. "I'm not going to attack a fellow centaur" she snapped. Mist trotted around Spike going to pick some more flowers and tying them into little knots. She really didn't have a problem with Spike, just who he reminded her off. Thearus she thought for a mer second. NO! DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT HIM she told herself.
" That is great to hear, but I must tell you Human's aren't that bad." Spike said fully aware that he was probably making her more angry as he spoke. He could tell by the look in her eyes that something had happened and she was sad because of it, it looked like she had a broken heart. " You know, talking about why you hate them so much, Might actually help."
Mist's head snapped up and she glared daggers at Spike, "Humans are wretched and theres nothing to talk about" she hissed. The one thing she hated more then humans were people who snooped where they didn't belong. Mist ripped apart and crumpled the flowers she was holding. She dropped her bow not trusting herself to not do something rash that she would regret, although not regret it much.
" Ok what ever you believe Mist, but I'm telling you some can be alright, there not all forest killers." Spike said as he looked into her eyes, he could see there was pain, something he had never been able to feel before, something he would never want to feel in his whole entire life. He could tell she was getting mad, it would be only a matter of minutes and she would snap.
"I don't care if they hurt the forest or not!" she yelled at him throwing her arms up in the air. He's so stupid! Why am I still here? Hes a waste of my time she kept thinking. Mist started stomping around mumbling not very nice things about humans under her breath, females in particular. Mist walked up to her bow and arrows and picked them up again before shooting at some trees claiming it was target practice.

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