Open Spider man.

Henry Addams

Police student/ Police College.
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Hetrosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Sturdy Holly Wand with Meteorite Dust Core


The mood was good - why not read a comic book magazine? Henry wasn't ready to give up and go to peace so easily tonight. He read his favorite magazine of Spiderman comics and smiled at him. What could have been better than this? Do nothing and hide from your sister to be in the comics world? He adored reading comics, books, magazines and even sometimes he liked to eat a lot of sweets.

A chocolate bar was removed from the pillow, which he loosely opened to avoid sharing with his sister. Biting on the chocolate bar, he looked again at Spiderman. That so cool!
Lily loved nothing more than the sun when it began to set, because that meant it was nearly night time, and at night time, all the best things happened. The girl had spent the last twenty minutes, packing her small rucksack full of things she might need, notebooks with little padlocks, pens, her disposable camera. She needed her headphones too, but after rummaging around for a few minutes, realised they were definitely no longer in her room. She stormed as angrily as her little feet would carry her, bursting into her brothers room without waiting for him to open it. "Henry. Where is it?" she said, hands on her hips as she looked across to the boy, only now realising that he was stuffing his face with chocolate too. "Where did you get that!" she said, her voice still firm, but lower in case Aunt Helen overheard her.
''Hey, Tiny one!'' Henry laughed a little bit. Yeah, he was somtime a little rud of her sister, but still he loved her so much and would be do all for her so she feels good. '' What you lose?'' He asked tiny. ''This is comics book, i asked aunt and she finaly agree to by me.'' Aunt know how much Henry loved comics books and one day he find courage to ask her and she yes.
Lily glared at her brother. He was always teasing her, although she vowed she would always get her own back sooner or later. "My headphones. They're not in my room which means you probably took them," she said, hands still on her hips until Henry mentioned Aunt Helen had bought him a comic book. "I wasn't talking about the book. Where did you get that?" she clarified, pointing at the chocolate in her hand. She didn't care about the stories in the comics, although at least she knew if Aunt Helen had brought him a present, she might get something too.
''Oh, your headphones tiny, you can look my bed, i think just I borrowed from you yesterday'' He knew he couldn't take things without his sister's permission, but he always liked watching her get angry afterwards. ''I just borrowed chocolate. Want a piece? He asked the tiny girl.
It was no surprise to Lily when her brother admitted to taking her things, again. She fell to her hands and knees, rummaging under his bed in search for the poor things he’d kidnapped for the day. “Of course I do. As long as you didn’t lick it all,” she didn’t want the chocolates if it had Henry’s slobber on it.
'' I'm not such a villain yet!'' He joked to his sister and then turned the chocolate on it and broke two pieces for his sister. He always gave her the biggest piece of chocolate. ''Her you go!'' He smiled and gave her choclet and he thinks always about dad. ''Sis, what you think? I will find our dad? I'm not sure, but i will be looked him'' He just wanna know, why he left as.

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