Spell Practice

Rhys Piper

OOC First Name
Curved 12.5" Flexible Cypress Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Rhys had decided that History of Magic just wasn't worth going to that day. Why would he need to know the exact date the Goblin Wars started when he could be practicing his spell work? So here he was out in the yard dueling with a very unfortunate tree. "Petrificus Totalus!" Rhys cast at the pine before kicking it like he would a person. A few pine needles sprinkled the ground. Of course an actual person would be much harder to hit then a tree, but he didn't have access to the dueling chambers to use their moving targets. He couldn't wait until the school year was finished, and he could practice with his dad again. His parents would be so proud with how much he had learned, and then he could train Merrill too. He wanted to make sure his little sister would always be able tp protect herself. Rhys took his casting stance again, and cast Rictusempra at the tree. If it were a person it would be on it's knees laughing, and a completely open target. Rhys couldn't help but smile. He had been having trouble with that spell.​

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