Spark of Vision

Adalyn Jez

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Adalyn Jez is a very unique type of person. She doesn't sit well into society and branches out more the the lower levels of Grunge and Rock. Today was no different as she put on her favorite jacket that her brother has made her so far. Though nude in color, tan if you prefer, it contrasted her skin nicely, her being very pale and almost the to point of translucent no matter how much time she were to sit outside. It was just another thing about her that made her stand out in the crowd. Being so young, only 14 and a half, she has already been through alot more then people think. Forming a Hard Rock band with a few older students at school, loosing her best friend/ twin brother, of course no one knows about him considering he was a squib, which was basically worse then being a Muggle in the world. Adalyn knew alot more then she let on, usually she played the quiet shy card when she didn't know someone but it was easy to break that spell and give the said person attitude. Alot of the older students know who she is, either they have been to one of the numerous jam sessions, or have heard about and her clothing or lack there of.

Adalyn was never uncomfortable in her clothing and her brother made alot of it which was almost funny considering they were usually the ones who were suppose to want their little sisters to be completely covered from head to toe. Maximilian was differen and Adalyn was glad. Odmond had been to over bearing whenever they were together and granted she didn't miss that side of him, she miss being loved like that. Max didn't know how to handle her and therefore never tried.

Going through the school was a strange and odd sense of calm for once. Adalyn was finished for the day with classes and there was a few hours for lunch. Right now was the time when alot of other students were still in their classes and the halls were completely empty despite the odd one or two students who passed her. Stopping infront of a window a light smile appeare on her face, it was her favorite window to look out off. It was on the third floor and was very large and also was made of stained glass. But there was one spot that was clear glass and since it's discovery at the beginning of the year it remained at the same height as her eyes which made her happy. Being so long-legged it was hard to fit in with her shorter classmates. It seemed she had an early growth attack, and was atleast a foot above most others in her grade, which also lead her to fit in more with the older and taller students.
Personal style was never something that the fifth year Durmstrang had been interested in. He'd stayed pretty clear of anything that would pile him to the lot of the overly well dressed males. It wasn't a matter of pride, or hatred against them, just that it didn't suit him, and nor did he actually enjoy were anything that made him look like he'd spent too much time picking out clothes. It wasn't that he hated people that did. The German boy had very little hate, but what he did know was that he didn't want people to think that his clothes were what defined who he was as a person. It was why, his clothes were of a minimal association to fashion, a plain t-shirt and a pair of jeans. It was the cheapest and best option for him. But he knew that most people hated his overly laid paid way of dressing. That the addition of stubble and messy hair, just made it look like he was a typical couldn't care less about anything jock type and while it was partially true, he also didn't care about what they thought of him. It was their problem if they walked around discussing the silent fifth year keeper. he didn't knew why they would be at all interested in him and what he did with his clothes. It wasn't like any of them had ever bothered to get into conversation with him. It wasn't like they had tried to get to know him. He'd just always been the boy who sat by himself and read from the point where the sun set, till when it rose again the next morning. In most people's eyes an incredibly boring thing. Most of the others on his team, cared little for reading and the wonders it would bring to them. Not that it really bothered the Durmstrang boy. He was perfectly fine being the only one who actually read something that instruction manuals on how to take care of Quidditch gear. A book, he'd already read. But, he didn't know why he was giving these people so much of his thoughts on that day. When he didn't really have any reason to be thinking of them. There had been no practice, which meant he had nothing to sit around laughing to himself about. His thoughts had just wondered in that direction. Quickly Grae Emile Kanu stopped thinking about them and shook his head. He was wondering the corridors. Aimlessly to say the least. He had no idea where he was heading or why. he needed to find a spot to just read away at his book, or do some work. Something to help take him mind off them. When he wanted to take his mind off something, the Durmstrang boy usually turned to his sports, but seeing as his sports were part of the problem it would be silly for him to do such a thing. Instead he figured that he would be able to do some work. Finish the herbology essay he had to write. Since that stuff was in his bag, all he had to do was find a spot to finish it. And while he didn't want to think of sports, the thought of the herbology made quidditch and thoughts of the others feel like something Grae should grow to welcome.

There wasn't much that Grae Kanu actually enjoyed doing apart from Quidditch. His taste in music was varied, but he didn't really spend too much time actually listening to it. It wasn't that he wasn't interested, just that at Durmstrang he could barely hear it. It was why as a magical student he had never really involved himself with music, he just stuck to sports and school work, which while boring would get him a lot further than just playing an instrument and ignoring all the other things in life. It was as he remembered a window in a corridor that Grae finally had a destination. With his exams soon, he had a lot of work to be doing, and sitting on a window sill, doing his work as the rest of the world moved on by was the best way for him to do work. Most didn't even know that Grae was even there. It was always a surprise to most when he moved slightly, and they became aware of his presence. The boy, who had a well built body and golden blonde hair, when it was long. And bright blue eyes would be the type to be noticeable, but it just proved to him that it didn't what the person looked like, to get friends and attention, they also had to make a small effort. He looked to the window and noticed someone was already there. A girl. He wasn't sure who she was exactly. All he was that she wasn't in his year. The clothes the girl was wearing wasn't something that even factored into Grae's mind as he walked towards it. Instead of asking if the girl was almost done with the spot, Grae just took a seat opposite the window. And placed all his things around him. He knew how silly it was for him to just be waiting his back against the wall sitting on the ground, until she was finished. But he would wait. it was times like this that Grae finished his twin was still around. Was in his year with him. But, he hadn't seen his twin or his father since he was three and a half, so he knew that was definitely asking too much. He just ignored his thought reminding him of his growing boredom. until a voice spoke. "hey, Kanu, that floor is dirtier than your blood" came the voice of the bully in his year, a boy he cared little for, and therefore ignored. The guy was really just jealous since, Grae had made it onto the team and he hadn't. Grae just kept his eyes down and went to his work.​
Adalyn leaned her forehead against the window looking out at the grounds. Her hand moved up and pressed itself against the window next to her head. She a few people pass but no one stayed around very long. Adalyn was very closed off to people, her body language protraied those feelings to anyone who deceided to come near. Hearing a few shuffles and finally the creak of the bench behind she sighed knowing her peacefullness of being alone was gone but she made no moves to leave. If anything whoever it was should leave, she had been there first afterall. Adalyn was never good with sharing things, growing up she was always the kid to take the toys from the others and go and play in the corner by herself. Of course she did enjoy being with her siblings, but being in a big Italian family with millions of cousins it was always nice to be alone once in awhile. Tenitivly she reached behind her and pulled the short shorts alittle lower covering more of her exposed skin, she didn't like the fact that whoever it was could be staring at her back.

Hearing a voice she reconized greatly she turned around her eyes glancing over the bench and then to the boy who had spoken. Of course he was picking on the boy sitting at the bench and her eyes rolled in her head at the bully. The boy, Something Conners, was a great bully to the younger students and Adalyn, never being someone who stuck up for herself and her attitude spent a few moments of her day getting Conners back for his pranks on the younger students, including her -his first person to bully. "Hey Conners! Do you want me to get my wand out?" Her eyebrows raising in question towards the older boy. Her eyes glanced at the boy who was being bullied, older then her but not older then her brother, that was for sure. Of course he could easily be mistaken for someone even older having stuble across his chin. Something pulled her blue eyes in closer to him. Adalyn searched over him but didn't noticed anything that made her remember his face but she knew she wouldn't be able to forget it now. Looking back to Conners she pulled her wand out and raised it ready to defend herself and the boy if need be. Of course she didn't know as many spells as Conners being younger but the ones she did know were stronger then he's, as he lacked practice in many of the spells learned in younger years. Conners was the type of guy who always used the newest spell he learned and therefore forgot how to defend himself against others. Adalyn's eyes took a quick glance at the boy who had the stubble across his chin and the relaxed clothing wondering if he was going to defend himself as well.
It wasn't his usual way to fight bullies. He just let them have their fun. Always aware that he was in fact better than them. Not that it mattered to the person doing the bullying. But, since he'd grown up being bullied by the others in his class in muggle school, it was something he'd learned to just ignore. Not bother fighting, even if, Grae was stronger than the other boy. It wasn't something that Grae cared about. When he was looking after his grandparents in the holidays, it had become easier for the durmstrang student to just ignore what others were saying and just do what he had to. It mattered little to him if they threw a punch or if they shot words. He dealt with them in the same sense most would deal with young children who misbehaved, ignore them. Because whatever they did, it just showed how much better the person being bullied was. He didn't think that most would understand that. he didn't see how any of them would eve learn to just seeing that bullying was as bad as breaking bones. With some it was a lot more difficult, but Grae felt like it was just someone nudging at him. Constantly saying things that were meant to bother him. But never did. It was just how the Durmstrang boy was. it was how he'd decided to be. It was after starting at Durmstrang, that he'd quickly come to realise that it was pointless getting upset over bullies. But, it wasn't like he'd stopped being bullied. It was a lot less frequent, considering that the durmstrang boy was a keeper, and therefore had team mates to help him if he needed it, and that most realised that now, Grae could beat the crap out of them. It would no longer be the other way round where he was the small, skinny one, with the abundance of issues and life story to match. He was the sport centered, loner boy, with a secret abundance of issues, with his life story an even greater secret he had no intention of sharing. Not until all the pieces were together. That being, when he finally either found out or found his father and his twin. His grandmother had never been able to tell him about the twin. So, it could be anything. A girl, a boy. Identical non-identical. Grae just wanted to know what had happened. Where they had gone, why without him. If they knew what had become of the mother. If they were even still alive. A hard thought, but something within him told him his twin was not dead. He just had to look to find him or her. Either way, he just had to concentrate on the present and that was the bully. not that he'd said anything else, but it took him by surprise when there was a second voice. A female's voice, aparently coming to his aid. Using the boys name, which surprised him, because Grae had never paid much attention to the bullies' names. It was completely odd for him to have anyone standing up for him.

A small glance let the durmstrang boy know that the girl who'd taken his spot at the window was now speaking to the bully. It was odd for someone he didn't know to come to his aid in such a sense. He didn't think it was necessary. If the boy tried anything, it would take one punch from the German to cause the boy to go running. And while this had happened once or twice, it didn't stop him from trying. Which, Grae Kanu had to admit made him smile slightly. but he didn't think it was a good thing the girl getting involved. It wasn't that he doubted her abilities, more that he thought it was pretty pointless. Since, no matter what the boy did, Grae would do nothing. He was respond by doing nothing. However, this time, now someone else was involved, he sat straight and not even glancing at the other boy, he directed himself towards the girl. "Just leave it" He said in his German accented english. It made his english sound odd, but it did still make it sound nice. Better than most others accents. "Clear off" He then directed at the other boy. Not even bothering to see if the other boy left it at that. Grae turned sat back on the ground in the most comfortable way, and ignoring what ever comments came his way, Grae just went back to his work. It was a difficult essay but he needed to be able to concentrate, so there was a rather large part of him that wanted the boy to leave sooner rather than later, so that he could just get back to his work and the girl could get back to doing whatever she had been doing. Although if the bully turned on the girl, then Grae would not stand for it. He hated being a by stander when others were bullied. Knowing that it wasn't a great feeling, he preferred it done to him rather than others. Since now bullies meant little to him. He actually wondered if the boy or girl would leave it. Just while working he left an ear ready, listening to what was going on.​
Adalyn was suprised by the boy's voice coming up and being directed at her. She felt her arm slump to her side, her almost dropping but he was already telling Conners to leave. To say it didn't hurt would be a lie, but Adalyn didn't mind pain anymore anyways. Her life had shut down after the murder of Odmond, her twin. Outside was his favorite place to be, that was why she found the window so important to her. Looking out she could just imagine what her brother would be doing on the grounds if he had been the one with magic between them. Of course now it was just wishful thinking but Adalyn found comfort in the stain-glass window. It was always there when she needed it, unlike people. Looking over to the bully she sent him a look her wand still in hand and Conners shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Most likely going to pick on someother kid and Adalyn felt the urge to follow him but the mystery of the boy on the ground doing work stirred her enough to say.

Glancing at the boy she wondered why he told her off in such a way, his accent sounded funny but she knew her Italian accent through everyone off. Though she never minded other people much. She was tempted to stay and talk to the boy across the corridor from her but his tone had silenced her completely, her mind going off in a million directions as pr usual. Turning from him she looked back out the window her hands on the ledge and forehead against the glass memories of her brothers while they were young flashing in their minds. Jessika, the second girl born in the family had just been a baby and never made a mark in her mind, and then the other two came a few years after Jess never really mattered much either. It was always Max, Add, and Odd. Her parents always laughed at their nicknames, being english words while they were Italian. Of course they had to do with Math which drew both away from the subject while growing up though Odmond couldn't deny he was really good at it. Adalyn's mind flashed her a few images of the boy who was behind her and wondered what his deal was. Turning around she watched him doing his work quietly. She could hear the scratches his writing utensil made and her own low breathing, but nothing else. What could she possibly say to get him interested in talking and showing his true colors when he seemed so comfortable working on school work.
It appeared, with the lack of commotion that continued that the boy had just left. It was probably a good thing, since on this above all others, there was an air of can not be bothered. He was tired of the boy continuously trying to make this durmstrang boy feel bad, or down in the dumps. It had been a long time, since someone like that had made him feel like that. It wasn't like he'd was still eleven years old, and wanting a new path. He wasn't eleven, he was fifteen and tired of the continuous slurs thrown at him. But, even if it was annoying, and even if it did bother him, it wasn't like a reaction was necessary. Ignoring all of them made him the better person. Not getting down to their level. Not wanting them to think he would get angry by what they said. Boredom would eventually take hold of all them, and they would leave him alone. And when that day finally came, then there would be no difference to Grae's life because it was the other part finally learning to ignore him, where as he'd long since learned to just ignore them. It would the silence he'd always wanted. A little too late, considering he had few years left in the school. It would never be un-welcomed. It was just how he really wanted to be. While most would hate the existence that Grae lead, it was the one he was most familiar with and the only one he actually like. It was a perfect way of being. It never let him down. It never made him want to cry out to others. To reach out for a hand to hold. The durmstrang boy had learned to grow up alone. His mother was not in the right mind and his father and twin hadn't been seen for many years. Grae had been left behind, and at 3 years old, to be told that it had been a moment that forever haunted him. It was the only thing he'd want to talk of, but, being a recluse he had never bothered to get to know anyone so had never tried to get some friends. Grae knew that friends were of little importance. They factored into his life as much as bullies did. He felt no need to go out looking for people for him to be friends with. Little could take the fact in a normal conversation Grae would speak few words. It wouldn't be easy to talk to someone, that would not talk back. No matter how hard the other person attempted. Grae was just a quiet person naturally. He tended to be annoyed by people who without him speaking to him would talk fast and for a long time right in his ear. It just made him want to tell them to ssh. But even Grae knew that was something to never do. He knew that doing something of that sort would just end in misery for him. He hardly wanted to be impolite to people. He tried to not be, failing most of the time, but overall still trying.

It was odd, when he heard the girl turn. Positive that she was staring at him. Something he knew to ignore but it didn't make it easier for him to continue on with whatever else he was doing. It really wasn't something he did with ease. But, he kept writing. Reminding himself of the importance of this essay. The herbology professor he had wasn't bad, but Herbology was a class he found fairly challenging and this required him to concentrate. So instead of asking the girl to stop, he just continued working. The bright blue eyes moving between his work and the book with all the information in it. It wouldn't be long till the girl grew bored of watching him work. He could hardly see how it would interest anyone. Unless she was in his year and wanted the work so she would be able to write it. but, from what he'd seen of her, she wasn't in his year. He didn't remember her being in his year. And while that wasn't saying much, he didn't really know anyone in his year, he was sure that he would remember someone like this girl. Not because her clothes were odd, but more that she seemed like someone like him. Alone. While he was probably more literally alone, he doubted it would be the same for her. She was probably more metaphorically alone, which Grae was no longer. Growing a little annoyed at her continuous stare, Grae glanced up and with his bright blue eyes met hers. Also blue. He didn't say anything, before looking back down at his work. It wasn't a leave me alone type look, just more that he knew she was their and watching him. That he probably wouldn't speak, but he knew she was their watching him. It didn't bother him all that much that she was their, but it did remind him that his was a school, and that he was therefore going to run into people who enjoyed watching others work. He didn't think that he was interesting enough to watch in such a sense. He just hoped the girl would go back to what ever she had been doing and leaving him to do his essay.​
Adalyn's head titled to the side as she strained her eyes to read what the page in his open book said, it was more of a lack of anything else to do then her actually wanting to know what he was working on. Herbology, Adalyn cringed, the subjet wasn't hard just tedious and boring. Well everything was boring to Add. She had long grown tired of the school routine and the constant work. School was tedious and boring, but necesary. Adalyn leaned back against the window and watch the boy work, it was like she was under some sort of spell watching him and she couldn't stop. Not till he looked up, then she held his blue eyes with her own till he went back to work and she looked away as well. It was clear he wasn't going to start any conversation with her, she would have to if she wanted too, that is. His eyes were the same piercing blue as hers and it stung the memory of Odd into her. That had been the only thing they shared, Grandmother's Eyes.

Adalyn wasn't very shy just a quiet being. Her english lacked proper practice and her words were far simpler then most. Her constant singing and translating with the band help her alot more then she thought it did. Writing out lyrics and then a bandmate would translate them and she'd sing them. She knew the meaning and remembering the odd way the English wrote she could figure out everyword and it's own individual meaning in context. "Leave it, leave it," she whisphered into the air already half turned away from the boy, with her head now banging down on the glass once. It sounded like a command for a dog, and that wasn't what Adalyn was. Not sure if the boy would pick up on what she said she decided against her usual judgement and contintued on speaking. "I was only doing what I normally do when he comes around, you know? The first to be bullied sticking up now for the rest, sort of thing," she told him her Italian accent slurring some words here and there, but her harsh tone played to her benefit letting him know she didn't enjoy what he had said to her before.
Although it appeared to the Durmstrang boy, like he was annoying the girl, it didn't bother him. It was like, she expected him to start speaking to her. Just because they had a bully in common. But, this was not the first case that Grae had done something and the conversation meant to happen after had no formed because he didn't feel like talking to anyone. He didn't think it was right for him to have to speak to anyone, if he didn't feel like it. He didn't know why so many people had this obsession with talking. With making conversation and being sure that everyone was okay, or on the same page. Or yelling at someone. He really didn't understand why people couldn't just live side by side in a silence, only broken with the most necessary of words. The durmstrang boy had however learned how to tell when people weren't happy with him. It was feeling most felt towards him. Anger and frustration. Usually combined together lead to most not enjoying Grae's company or the fact he was just silent about everything. A man of few words. A guy with little to say, and the knowledge that few would actually care. He'd long given up on people caring about what he actually had going on in his life. Not that this Durmstrang boy had ever bothered to tell anyone, but their had been a time when the option had been their if he'd needed it, but as he'd grown up, they'd become more sociable and he'd become more distant. He'd taken a step away from others. A step away from the daily lives, and their had never been a point when the blue eyed boy had considered rejoining the rest of the world and willing making new friends. It had even been an issue to him. Being alone was never a problem. Not like others who relied on others to get things done, to recieve things, for someone to speak to. To much dependency was how the durmstrang really saw it. But, nothing could really be changed, it wasn't like the boy could just switch this feeling off, and join others. And it wasn't like he actually wanted to. It could be repeated over and over, this durmstrang boy could go days without speaking to any of his classmates, and be perfectly fine at the end of it. He challenged any of the others to do such a thing and still be standing and functioning by the end. Despite having a lot to say, Grae, was just silent.

Continuing to ignore the girl, he did his work. Not really thinking about her, but, since she was close to watching him, he couldn't help but begin to feel nervous about just being around the girl. He knew it was neither parties fault, just if the girl would stop staring, Grae was sure he'd be able to keep concentrating and spend less time think about goodness knew what else. But, it felt like being watched by a camera. Like she could see right through him. Wanting to get to know him, wanting to bring out his secrets. Wanting him to open up, but he doubted that would ever happen. He knew that eventually he'd have to speak to someone about his home issues, but, it wasn't going to be now, or with this girl. Then she spoke, and it became clear. She sounded almost bitter, that he'd stopped a pointless fight, giving the bully what he thrived off most. He glanced up at her briefly and just shook his head, a small smile almost appearing on his face. He'd never asked for her to do anything. Why she had done something was really beyond him. Why she could've not just left it. Just let it lie. Ignore him, and let Grae deal with it. "I never asked for you to stick up for me." There was almost a laugh in his tone. As if the fact that the girl believed that he would need her help was almost comical. It wasn't really that for him, more that he realised that it was stupid, if he had wanted to do something, he would've. The durmstrang boy was stronger and fitter than the squirmy little bully. But, he realised not long after he'd said what he'd said, how he'd actually said it. "Ignore them, don't fight them." Grae added his German accent thick on the words he spoke. He only briefly glanced up before going back to his work. Wondering if that would be the end of the conversation or if he had in fact annoyed the girl more. Either way, the durmstrang boy just hoped she wouldn't continue staring. He could put up with everything else, but being stared at was unnerving. It was odd, and it felt wrong. It was one thing Grae felt strongly about. Which in the grand scheme of things wasn't really something to feel strongly about, but the Durmstrang boy was not at all like anyone else. He felt how he did, ignoring what others said.​
Adalyn saw from the corner of her eye that the boy shook his head at her. He would barely even glance at her and it was completely annoying. She wasn't used to having people around, let alone ones who wouldn't talk to her. People she talked with came up to her and now she had to get this boy to talk and she didn't have a clue how too. Odmond had always been the social bee of the family. Despite his lack of magical powers he enjoyed talking with wizards about what they could do and muggles about their jobs just the same. Home always seemed to be full of people when he was alive, now it was dead just like she felt inside. Adalyn wasn't someone used to people ignoring her, but it felt oddly nice. Like he knew what she was all about and was giving her a challange, interest him and she might find another friend. But what could possibbly interest him?

Sighing she shook her head in reply and let herself slide down to the floor. Her eyes on his feet now since they were more on her level. "I stick up for anyone that creep goes up too," she told him lightly her mind going back to when the first time he had come up to her. She had been a first year, he a second, and she was just sitting patiently for a Professor to come out of his office and answer a few questions she had. The boy walked in and laughed at her girly-girl clothes her mother had packed for her. Since then she opted for the darker look and last year got into the band and they had been successful enough to please her and keep the bully away. "Herbology? Is that what you're working on?" She questioned him not really intending on getting a full reply back hence why she trained her eyes upward to his face to see if she'd recieve a nod back or not. Adalyn really wanted her peace, just look out the window alone. She couldn't do that till the boy went away, but yet she didn't really want him too. He was a pretty interesting character and she wondered if he'd be one of the few to enter her life story or not.
It was becoming clearer and clearer to the Durmstrang student that to solve his problem with this girl he had to either leave or actually speak to her. He knew that leaving would be very rude. And Grae hated appearing rude as much as he hated having too many people around him. It was just how the mind of the Durmstrang worked. It was how he knew to be. It was the best thing. And it was what he preferred. But this girl didn't seem to get that he was content on her doing whatever she'd been doing and him doing whatever he'd been doing. In silence without someone making it weird and making someone talk. As she spoke, he just shook his head at her. He didn't need her to do anything for her. He didn't need any form of help like that. All he really needed was for her to get that someone like the boy would only stop when it wasn' working. He was looking for attention. For people to be able to vent on. And as much as Grae disliked him, he would never go to that level. "You don't need to stick up for me" Grae said, without looking up at the girl. He cared little if that would hurt her feelings. He cared little for if she got annoyed at him. She was just another girl. Another person who after this wouldn't be anywhere near Grae, so he saw little point of being nice to her. If this did change and if he did end up being a part of her life, then it was mean these thoughts were stupid, but Grae only thought in the present. And how much he hated when people stared at him. He heard her question about the work he was doing and ignored it. He knew that doing all of this would not help either of them, and that un answered questions would lead to either her flipping at him, or just giving up. In either case Grae wasn't really doing anything, he'd just ignited it. And that was hardly something to pin of the durmstrang. It was pointless. but, he didn't want to annoy her. He didn't want to have to deal with a girl that was annoyed with him, so he looked up from his work. "Yeah, It's fairly simple. It's all in the book." Grae kept his eyes on her, not looking away, then once he'd spoken, he'd taken his gaze back to his work and just continued with his work. "What year are you?" Grae asked, not showing any signs of his qustion being directed at her, but also aware that since she was the only person around, it could only be directed at her.​

OOCOut of Character:

Again, sorry for lameness and shortness
Adalyn looked over at the boy while he talked but her eyes didn't stay for very long. He was interesting but it was clear he was blunt and stubborn, almost like herself yet not. He seemed different, different then most guys she has met this year. Jack was older and more I'm going to scare those first years type of guy. Alois, was Alois; there isn't much more to say, he's pushy yet also has his own issues to deal with. Delvin, was a complete jerk type of a guy but there were layers under the top one. Which made Adalyn wonder if there was more to the guy in front of her then just what you see. "Sorry then," she replied back to him shortly. She would make sure not to help him from bullies again in the future, and she wasn't much help anywhere else so he wouldn't be getting any help from her soon. She didn't really care either way, it was just her way of giving back.

Picking the nail polish on her fingers her mind began to wander. She had a band practice later tonight, when most students would be asleep. Loosing sleep never bothered her much anyway, then there was the fact that next year half the band would be gone and they wouldn't be able to perform down in the dungeon anymore, the lead guitarist and the drummer would be gone, graduated. That was a strange thought for her being so much younger then them. Adalyn couldn't imagine not having the security that you could come back the next year. Startled from her thoughts she looked up at the boy who was talking. He actually answered her question and looked at him. When he looked back to his work she continued to watch him again until he spoke again. She had to glance around to make sure he couldn't be talking to someone else, but that would be pointless. They were already having a semi-conversation, why would he talk to someone else. "Fourth Year. My name's Adalyn," she added on feeling the odd sensation that she didn't know the boy yet he could have heard about her before, it was rising up into her throat which she cleared as she waited for yet another answer which she didn't doubt would take awhile before it would come out of him. But Adalyn didn't mind, she wasn't a big talker and this guy didn't seem to mind her use of simple English or her accent, though he had one of his own which made everything seem alittle harder to understand.
Grae was perfectly used to people being surprised by his solidarty attitude. Of people being surprised by his attitude towards the people who annoyed him. Like any other normal person bullies did annoy him, but he was also the type that had learned his method was the best method. Bullies to him were like children. Young children that had no real idea how to act properly. Because they had not yet been taught how to. It was always odd for him to see these traits in people either older or the same age as him. It wasn't llike he didn't believe a little immaturity was bad, but just acting completely like children was something that Grae hated. He hated that more than anything else. It wasn't like he thought it was a good way of expressing emotion being that annoying and trying to annoy others. He doubted that in the long run people like that would actually have any real friends. Which in reality made them no different than the people they were annoying. He just ignored them. And this was a method he was pretty sure that the girl in front of him would find useful. The durmstrang boy could hardly claim to really know what was best for others, but he had found his method the most effective way of managing to not end up fighting more than one bully at the one time, or feeling the need to stand up for others, when they didn't need being stood up for. Had Grae been a first or second year, he would've been a little more thankful, but Grae was 15, so to turn 16, and he didn't need that kind of help. He didn't need people like that trying to help him in such a fashion. He didn't need people. People just let you down. Made you feel just about worthless. And this wasn't something that the durmstrang boy wanted. He was pretty sure that even if he tried to make friends they wouldn't be around in years to come. And he would be alone once again. It was the same with his family. With his sickly grandparents he was pretty much alone. And while Grae would not have changed his upbringing there was a part of him that knew that things could've been better if he hadn't had that kind of upbringing. Without a family like his, without a mother like his then he would've been better. But they'd never found his father, or his twin brother. All Grae knew about them was they'd left a few days before his mothers accident. That had left Grae in the care of his father's grandparents forever. He didn't hate his father, but the questions he had were just so great. He was never quite sure why his father had gone. If his brother was with him, or not. If his father or Brotehr were even still alive. Despite his thoughts never moving to the family that had left, his mind was not completely immune to them. His mind was one that was good at not thinking about things not worth his time.

The girl spoke again, he had been writing a sentence, and looked up briefly, before finishing the sentence and putting down his quill. He glanced up at the girl again. She'd said her name. And her year. He just nodded. He was sure he'd heard the name before. Where he didn't know and further to that he didn't really care. It was pointless to him to actually try to remember. It wouldn't make a difference. It wasn't like they'd talked before, or she would've taken a different stance to his silence. Grae looked up and met her eyes. They were a blue, like his. He gave the girl a quick look down, and realised she was quite pretty. He would go as far to say she was beautiful. He however wasn't sure if she wanted his name. She had sounded slightly english. Where as when Grae spoke there was a thick German accent. Something that Grae knew plagued his words but he cared little. "I'm Grae. Spelt G R A E" He knew his name was silly and a part of him thought that the girl wouldn't believe him, but if she did or not was completely irrelvant. It was still his name. "5th year." the durmstrang boy added before turning back to his work. And continuing to write. "I'm almost done, then I'll leave so you can have your peace."
Adalyn watched as the guy continued on with his work even when she did speak. Most would consider it rude, but Adalyn just found it interesting. Boys always paid her to much attention and now that she wasn't getting any from this one infront of her she realized how suffocating it was when she did. She wasn't one who enjoyed much attention, Adalyn didn't recieve much at home which was probably the reason why she didn't enjoy it. Unless she was one stage, then she was a different person. Everything changed when the music took her away, she was lost in the music when on stage.

He'd glance up at her for a moment and then look away, which made her wonder if he was shy or just working on his paper was just too important to have a real conversation. However Adalyn was enjoying the silence and few sparks of conversation. His blue eyes met her's and she wondered what he thought when he looked at her. She was far from typical, completely different then the standard blonde hair blue eyed girl. "Grae," she whisphered lightly trying out the name for herself. It wasn't one she had heard before and she found it very interesting. He went back to his work, which oddly enough she couldn't find it annoying to her. It seemed like something that was just a part of him. She closed her eyes and rubbed the inside with her index fingers not wanting to ruin her makeup to much. "Well if you're just going to leave then why are you here?" She asked rather harshly, but he had come when she was most vulnerable, thinking about Odmond made her touchy sometimes. Adalyn didn't mean to be harsh to the guy, he was interesting for sure but she didn't need any friends. At least she didn't think she did.
The fifth year durmstrang boy had more to write about, although he pretty much figured that no matter what actually happened with the girl in front of him. It was just what would be. Despite everything, the durmstrang was quite the believer in fate. He was quiet and silent and he stayed away from most people but, he had to admit that letting things happen was how he lived. He didn't try to be someone else he just let things happen. Generally he let things happen around him and just stayed the hell out of it. It wasn't like he needed to do anything to make his life easier. Most was out of his control. He was no healer, he had no idea how to fix his grandparents, and as far as he knew there was nothing that could be done for his mum. Her mind was to far gone. There was little that the durmstrang boy could do to help. So he just had to remind himself that whatever happened was meant to happen and that he had to let those things happen. He couldn't change the past, and he knew he had little control of what would come in the future. Grae just hoped that it would be fair on him. Something he didn't think could be that difficult. But was something he understood that could mess with the plans that he did have. Although both very good in school and good on the field there wasn't much decision in the boy's mind which path he would actually pick. It wasn't like he had a lot of time. It was something that he had always thought I'll leave it till next year. And he was in his OWLs year. While both very crucial and important it cut down the amount of time he had until he had to pick. There was no more I'll pick in the next few years. The time was close. And that was something that the Durmstrang was both scared of and happy of. He knew that it meant that he would have to make a decision and that was a good thing. It was often something that worried the durmtrang boy. He thought that he'd work so hard both in school and on the pitch and then when the time came to make a decision he had no idea and his mind was never really made up, leaving him in a job that he was not a fan of and one that he didn't want to be in. That was something that the boy did not want to fall into. It wasn't like he had a huge amount of problems with most jobs, and while he didn't quite know what he wanted to do Which left him with the problem of beginning to run out of time to actually pick. It was something fairly simple just picking something. He shook his head slightly as he heard the girl, Adalyn mutter his name, he was unsure as to why she would do something like that. It was fairly odd, but also something he could put up with. He knew that it was an odd name. He'd often wondered why his parents would name him something like Grae. It was just a different spelling of a colour. Which was odd to say the least. He didn't really hate his name it was just weird, and it wasn't normal. Grae looked up as she spoke again. Although more harshly. He raised an eyebrow questioning the tone. Before just looking back at his work. He finished his sentence before looking back up at the girl. "This place is usually quiet enough for me to be able to work." He said. His voice didn't have a hint of a lie. He was telling the truth and the harsh one at that. But his tone wasn't harsh, it was more matter of factly. Which for what he was saying was odd. "Why are you here?" Returning the question before going back to his work, although clearly still interested in a response.​
Adalyn was the type of girl used to attention and though she had to admit it was nice to be ignored as she usually ignored everyone anyways, it wasn't something she was used to. At home her older brothers would always pick on her and she'd be given chores more and more as she got older. But each one made her feel more connected into her family life, but now; now she just wanted to get away yet even here at school she was coming back to them without meaning too. The boy asked her why she was here, she couldn't really tell him her reason. Odmond had been a squib, an embarassment to the family; no one was ever suppose to find out about him, yet he was her twin. It wasn't going to be easy for her to just forget her other half. When he died half of her being had been ripped out and died along with him, the rest of her just floated along through life not caring.

Adalyn would say she didn't care about what people thought and that was true for the most part. Everyone who says that has someone who they would actually believe, like if Add's biggest idol walked in the room and told her she looked dumb Adalyn would believe her. If was in everybeing's nature to care, but it also meant pain. And Adalyn didn't like to suffer, it was no fun for her. Quiet, like she was loud, she thought to herself. Most times her voice barely managed to get to a normal speaking voice, she wasn't used to talking, especially English, she wasn't very good at speaking it. Breathing out she figured out a response to Grae and his question unsure how he managed not to get angry with her and her tone. "To get!t happens and I just need to be alone to think," she told him lightly wondering if the message of being alone was going to pass into his mind and he'd get a clue. She had been there first, all she really wanted to do was think about Odmond and leave the rest of the world to it's worries. Glancing away another tear streaked down her face but she left it this time, pain wasn't anything she was ashamed of, only her parents were.
The girl in front of him, showed no signs of picking up when he meant by quiet and alone. it was mostly a reference to her dealing with the bully. Where he would've rathered her just leaving it at that, he was also now aware that the girl had meant well, but just hadn't done what he generally like. He liked it, when things were so deadly silent that they could even hear the sound of a pin drop. Not something that generally happened, since it was a school, and school and silence were never in the same line. Never in the same sentence, not even in the same paragraph unless a negative was present. It was just the way schools were. His home was a place of silence. And that was what the Durmstrang had taken to really liking about his home. Despite how unnerving it could at times be when there was a silence like that. There was just something about the silence that kept him smiling. It was just the way he thought it should be. The girl herself, did not talk loudly at all. So he didn't personally hate the way she was sounding. He just didn't like the slightest bit of sound. It was just how the durmstrang was. The girl he had to admit was nice. He liked the way that she clearly didn't care that he was acting in such a fashion. She didn't care what others thought. That much was clear by her clothes. Something that didn't bother him at all. He firmly believed that a person could do whatever they wanted. And that included deciding what they wore. He had to say that the girl was very pretty. She had long legs. Which was good for Grae, considering he would probably grow another few inches before he stopped growing completely. The girl who was younger than his would most likely also grow a lot before she stopped. But it was always good to see a slightly taller girl. He had been glancing up every few seconds, while writing his sentence. He knew that it would be done a lot quicker if he wasn't talking to the girl. It annoyed him that he needed to keep up such conversation with someone he barely knew. He glanced up when she spoke again. The way she that she spoke, it was clear that it she was annoyed about something. But, the way she was saying alone. He gave a small laugh. She wanted to be alone, and so did he. And yet here they both were not really willing to move but wanting the other to do the moving for them. It was quite funny, that they both wanted the same thing. "I guess we are on the same boat. Where as we want to be on different boats." He looked up at her with a small smirk on his face. he was actually finding it rather entertaining. "So which one of us shall be the first to go?"
Adalyn wasn't sure why the boy just wouldn't leave and do his work in the Library, or his own dorm. It seemed whenever she wished to be left alone someone would come barging into her life. She wasn't angry with him, just slightly annoyed that she couldn't be alone in her mind. This would be the time she'd turn to music and hum to herself but she was sure the boy wouldn't like it as he wanted it to be quiet. Ignoring him as she spoke her face was turned to make it seem as though she was looking down the long hallway, but really she didn't want him to see any emotions that could be running through her, like the cheek which held the tear-trail which now was turned away from him. Adalyn didn't care what he thought, but now he was looking up more and then he would start asking questions, just like all the rest. None of which she could ever answer; that annoyed Adalyn the most, her family's secret, her own half a secret. It made Adalyn angry inside and now she barely spoke to her parents when home, she had Maxxie to do that for her. Anger swelled inside of her when she saw the boy was smirking, it was an awful feeling when others could be completely besides themselfs when she felt so empty. Quickly she rose to her feet and turned to look out the window once more, a sight her brother would have loved before turning around giving the boy one less look over and walking away. Her arms wrapped around her protecting herself from bursting open, her eyes watched as the floor disappeared under her feet and got left behind. Adalyn couldn't stand to look into his eyes anymore, she didn't want to feel anything. Not any stupid crush because the boy may be goodlooking, no hatred for his happiness, nothing. Her feet slowed as the stairs came closer to her, without meaning she wondered if the boy would stop her, yet this was no fairytale and they didn't know eachother. Adalyn was alone. "I am." her head turned back to look at the boy who has caught her attention with his blue eyes and wanting to do his work in quiet.

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