🌹 Rose Giving space to stretch

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
classes had been out fo a little while by the time selene made it out of the castle proper after stopping twice on her way out to deliver flowers. she was making her way across the lawn to the garden when she saw someone she recognised from her yearbook scope out. she hurried across trying not to shake the basket too much but still earning herself a disgruntled meow from asteria. "Skylar" she called as she drew nearer. "I have a rose for you"

Yellow rose for @Skylar Anderson
Skylar still felt a bit disappointed in the fact that she'd completely forgotten to send roses again this year, so a small part of her secretly hoped that her friends would have forgotten about it too, just so she wouldn't feel so terrible. She'd been walking by herself, when she heard her name being called. Turning around in surprise she saw none other than the head girl herself calling out her name, apparently with a rose for her. "Oh wow, thanks!" she smiled a bit as the girl approached her, and hoped her disappointment wasn't too visible on her face. She was curious to see who it was from, although she suspected it would be from one of her dormmates, which would probably only make her feel worse, since forgetting to send roses 2 years in a row was beginning to be embarrassing.
Selene could sence that the girl was surprised to get a rose. "You are welcome. but I wasn't the one who sent it. you may want to read who it is from and thank them" she said handing the rose to her. it was a pretty yellow rose, not battered at all. "I hope that it is a good message" she said

I had fun at the dance!

As Skylar took the rose from the girl, she wondered who it might be from. She was expecting it to be from Harper, Hilda, Blake or Emmaline maybe, but when she opened the note and saw the name Louis written underneath the message she smiled in surprise. Out of all her possible friends she hadn't expected it to be from him, but it was sweet of him nonetheless. She made a mental note to thank him for it the next time she saw him, before turning back to the head girl, and giving her another appreciative smile. She knew it must take ages to hand all the roses out, so she was glad there were people willing to do it, and she hoped she could do it next year too. "Well, thanks anyway! See you around!" she added before turning to head off, giving her a friendly wave of goodbye before she did so.

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