Sorting Your Stuff

Artemis Tuuri

Well-Known Member
Hey, kids! Let's get things rolling by asking: What's your New House? You a Puff? You a Claw? Tell all below!

(Side Note: New Sparklypoo members must say "Aye" at the start of their post, so we can bask in their awesomeness.)
Also: What do you think of your character being in that house? Good call? Bad call? Interesting? Just what you expected?

This is mostly open to new first years, but other members are welcome to join in. :)
As I happen to have a first year account, I decided I could comment on my thoughts even though it's not my first time being sorted.
I'll start us off, shall I?
Right, well Jareth is a stuck-up, vain nobody who believes he is always right no matter what.
I had expected him to be in Slytherin as he is best suited for it, however, I did consider another house like Ravenclaw but decided against it.
As Jareth was so rude to the sorting hat- Who I :wub: really- It was only fair he should be placed among other vain, mean and 'all for themselves' sort of people.
My first time getting sorted- As Larissa- I genuinely was nervous.. Like I am about every one of Larissa's exams.
Anyone else nervous this time or before?
Nay, not nervous at all. Sam's a curious thing. He's a real Puff alright, sweet and generous and all that. But he's got this funny streak in him where he accidentally hurts people's feelings.
As in, he does this Slytherin thing where he will do anything to achieve his goals, to the occasional detriment of another person and his eternal regret. Yet he still does it.
Funny old thing, to be sure.

On the other hand, I was looking forward to what the sorting hat would say. Puff or Slith? I still don't yet know whether it made the right choice.
Samuel Sykes said:
On the other hand, I was looking forward to what the sorting hat would say. Puff or Slith? I still don't yet know whether it made the right choice.
The sorting hat makes no mistakes. :glare:
The Sorting hat did its job and sorted my three into their rightful places. Kamaria is a true Ravenclaw with a sassy mouth at times. :rofl: She also looks down upon people but that can be traced to her mom.
Levi is a lazy Slytherin. That is about all to say about him and that he is a bit of a bully.
Damian: He left me clueless on what house he wanted. Damian knew nothing about hogwarts, and only liked the colors red and blue. He is intelligent but his love for rock climbing and adventures, and perhaps bravery and his nobility spoke out more than the Ravenclaw side.
I was incredibly nervous! It's 5am and I'm still awake. What am I thinking?

Anyway, Jessame Rose wanted to be told she wasn't really a witch and could go back to her normal life, but sadly (for her right now) she got sorted into Hufflepuff.

This is good cos it will remind her that she doesn't like hurting people, even if they are magical freaks. Also, the others in her house will really look out for her. But it'll mean she gets picked on by the Slytherins.

I had no idea what to expect but I guess I was kinda leading towards Ravenclaw. I imagine she'll make friends with a few Claws.

It actually works out pretty well. I'm so excited.
Thank you Hat! You're a legend!
Well Trinity didn't know what house she was going to be put into because quite frankly the hat got it right she is in denial. Eventually she may come to like knowing magic but for now, she hates it and everything to do with it.

Being in Gryffindor I think will probably give her the 'family' and closeness she never got from her parents. She's also a raving tomboy so totally fearless - bordering on gormless sometimes :r:
Poor Samuel Sykes. He's going to go nuts what with all of these lost and unsure first years everywhere. "I'll be-friend you!" "And I'll befriend you too!" "No, and you, hold on, no I haven't forgotten about you!". Poor sucker. Makes it even worse that he hasn't got a clue what he's doing like everyone else.
I had always envisioned Charlotte being a Gryffindor, until about yesterday when I started to doubt that and wondered if she should be a Hufflepuff. I think my sorting was kinda ambiguous but it definately leant more towards Gryffindor. Which works, she's definately a Gryffindor. She's brave and loyal and it'll be nice for her to meet more outgoing and excitable people, as well as have a bit of a familial group (to be fair, she probably would have had that in Hufflepuff too but this way I don't have to RP being one of the matriachs of said family group). :lol:
Calvin Spencer said:
I canni believe that Calvin got put in Hufflepuff I imagined him a bit of a Slytherin or Gryffindor. His dad's not going to be too pleased :r i'd hate to be Calvin right now :D
You were interesting to sort.
I settled for Hufflepuff because Slytherin was in excess and he wasn't exactly Gryffindory. SO, unable to make a real decision - default to Hufflepuff. :shifty:
I'm actually surprised Emmett was put in Slytherin

hes a gryffindor hufflepuff guy and is really nice to people, I think hes gunna make allot of enemies in Slytherin :p
Emmett McCarty said:
I'm actually surprised Emmett was put in Slytherin

hes a gryffindor hufflepuff guy and is really nice to people, I think hes gunna make allot of enemies in Slytherin :p
Emmett looks like a Gryffindor..

zis is going to be interesting to see

I was happy that Evelyn got into Hufflepuff because that is where I thought she belonged :D
Abbey Lurken said:
Emmett McCarty said:
I'm actually surprised Emmett was put in Slytherin

hes a gryffindor hufflepuff guy and is really nice to people, I think hes gunna make allot of enemies in Slytherin :p
Emmett looks like a Gryffindor..

zis is going to be interesting to see

I was happy that Evelyn got into Hufflepuff because that is where I thought she belonged :D
I'm surprised how many more Slytherins we ended up getting this year. :correct:
Hufflepuffs win!
=P I'm pretty stoked because Sephora is pretty much the generic Hufflepuff type :p

And what do you know, Hufflepuff's have DRAMAS! :O
*laughs at Maria/Sephora Plot* Oh. We're gonna have some fun this year.

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