Sorry, What Now!?

Rory Fergusson

moutohora macaws chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16" Sturdy Vine Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
7/2030 (31)
Rory was frustrated, one of the pieces of homework that they had was a little more tricky than some of the other pieces that they had had to do previously and it was growing frustrating for both Rory and clearly Flavio, "Come on, Flavio, it doesn't need to be good," Rory tried to say reassuringly, trying to tell him that it wasn't too important what the work said, just that it was done, that was the important part, that it was done, but Flavio just wanted it done well. Eventually Flavio clearly grew bored of Rory lurking around and sent him away to find a book not to far where they'd been sitting, the words, just go find this book if you want me to finish this for you, then go. Rory had given a little huff before heading off. The boy was looking for to the ability to just having the work done and being able to settle down with something more fun like some quidditch. Now that they were both on teams it just made practicing possibly more fun. He sighed as he pulled a book off the shelf and glanced to see if this was the right one, and when it wasn't he groaned heavily. It would be better if they didn't have to do the homework at all, it wasn't like Rory had to really do it. He groaned heavily and put the book back.
The last thing Andi cared about was her classes. She never spent time studying, or even note taking in classes and she had barely stepped foot in the library until that day. Anything school related was simply not interesting to her and it showed as she walked through the isles, heavy footsteps echoing and her determined yet slightly confused expression at the vast selection of books giving it away. She had a mission that day to read up on giant squids for the sake of knowing a little about them before she went to the lake to search with Aodhan, and despite knowing nothing about the library, she managed to eventually find the isle she was looking for after walking around aimlessly.

Though it was just Andi's luck that Rory Fergusson of all people had to be standing in the middle of the isle, distracting everybody in the library with his annoying groans. He was the last person Andi wanted to see on any given day, and that afternoon was no exception. She scoffed and approached him, choosing to give him her opinion in the hope he would leave and allow her to find her book on giant squids in peace. "Would you shut the hell up? People are trying to study in here." She said, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.
Rory was rather surprised when a girl stood in front of him and complained, he didn't know what it was about these Hogwarts girls that just seemed to all hate him but he was getting really tired of it, first there had been Tesla the cannibal, then Amber and now this girl, whom he didn't know. He frowned deeply at her, with a questioning expression, why was she bothering, he hadn't even been making that much noise. The boy shook his head, "Shove aff," he said sternly, as he continued to just look for the book, wanting to ignore her and what she'd said but feeling the remark in the back of his mouth just begging to get out.

But Rory didn't entirely want to cause a scene at a library, that was pretty tragic if he did do that, but he couldn't even help himself, he glanced at the girl, "Plus ah mean, whits it tae ye? F##king be a grass, dinnae be gettin' involved when yer no needed, where yer opinion dinnae mean sh1t," he told her firmly. Before turning back to the book case and continuing to look for he book he had been sent to get. He figured that would be enough to shove the girl off, to make her go do something else rather than be on his case about this. Girls were so silly, well, aside from Anabelle and Theresa, they were good, the rest were silly.
Andi tilted her head to the side and frowned deeper as the Slytherin told her to shove off. Even after his initial words, he continued to swear and the amount of fowl language surprised her, though it didn't deter her from her mission to make him go away. She still needed to find a book on giant squids, and he was disturbing everyone else in the library all while standing in front of the shelf she needed to be searching through. If she didn't think he was horrible after their first meeting at the Halloween feast in her first year and their interactions at the start of year feast that year, then she definitely believed it in that moment. How someone could be so entitled, so disrespectful of others, and so foul mouthed all at the same time, she just would not understand.

Though Andi did not need to understand it. What she did need was to show him what he was doing was wrong, and for him to be quit for the sake of everyone else, but most importantly, she needed him to move. Showing him that he wasn't welcome, and making him frustrated to the point of storming off seemed like the only way to do that. "There are people doing work in here, lots of work, and the library is supposed to be quiet so they can do their work. You're the one who's opinion doesn't matter, since you're disturbing the environment for everybody." She said, words quick and hushed, though raised enough for him to hear. That is if he could hear through his evidently thick skull.
Rory frowned at the girl, why was she bothering with this? What did she get out of being this annoying towards him? It didn't even occur to him that they had actually met prior to this, but he didn't care and so he definitely didn't care about what this problem was that she was having currently. It didn't matter. He wouldn't take being spoken to like that, even if this was a library and therefore not a place where he should really be getting into any fights. he rolled his eyes at her and what she was saying, mostly just frustrated because he had been rather quiet, he had groaned and made noises of outward frustration but surely that didn't really justify someone picking on him for it, if anything, her now speaking to him was creating more noise than he had ever made in this time. Rory just shook his head quick enough, "Ye're the one whose makin' ah ton of noise tellin' me tae stop groanin' loudly," he retorted with a barely hushed tone, "Yer the one who began talkin' the way I see it, yer the one whose disturbing these poor people, no me," Rory told her speaking at his usual pace if somewhat more quickly just to emphasize the point that he was definitely not int he wrong at all. He couldn't be, he never was, everyone else was, "Now, ah'm lookin' fae a book, so gonnae just get lost,"
Andi absolutely could not stand such a thick headed, painfully stubborn person. In many respects she was exactly the same, sticking her nose into places where it didn't belong and disturbing other people for selfish reasons, all while being uncaring to consequences. But of course the hypocrisy of her actions didn't occur to her, nor did the fact that the situation could easily be resolved by the pair of them searching for their books in silence and parting ways. Instead, all that occurred to Andi was that she needed to get this annoying, entitled boy out of the way so she could complete her mission and this is why she continued to pester him. Stating that he was bothering everyone else in the library hadn't worked, so Andi chose a different method of blatantly insulting him. His accent, wherever he was from, was thicker than his skull seemed to be and this was where her insults began. "You're looking for a book? With the way you talk, I wouldn't have guessed you'd be able to read." She blurted. "Or you know, that you'd be in this library at all. You clearly don't know how libraries work, or you'd be quiet like you're supposed to be." It again didn't occur to Andi that she was being completely hypocritical, but her hot hotheadedness and incessant need to be right overshadowed any other thought in her mind.
Rory was growing increasingly annoyed that people used his accent as a sign that he was less intelligent than others, as if it was really an indicated of brains. He was raised in a place where everyone sounded somewhat like him, and no one assumed it was from a lack of brains that he sounded like that. The boy shook his head at her, "Wow, insultin' ma accent, the way a speak, real noble of ye," he retorted with a little frustrated tone lacing his words. He certainly wanted to make the girl feel bad about what she'd said to him, how she'd chosen to insult him, "I'll be sure tae let the professors know that I cannae read cause I dinnae talk like you, shall I also let the kid I was sitting with whose got a spanish accent that he cannae read," the boy continued with a level of fake outrage in his voice. He knew it was a little extreme, but he just felt like making her feel bad for what she'd said. He shoved past her and began to look for the book, ignoring what ever else she might've said, and silently hoping that she would say something to him, he was exceedingly hopeful for an apology.

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