Sorry I suck

Ailith Bisognin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Oak Wand with Unicorn Hair Core

So as you might've noticed I am terrible at staying active and keeping up with rp's, so first of all I'm very sorry to everyone I never replied to.

However I find myself having more time to do extra things and even though hollidays are coming up I'm eager to give staying active and keeping up with rp's another shot. (That is if there are still people who'd like to roleplay with me :tut: )

Once again I'm very sorry for disappearing and I'm looking forward to start roleplaying again!

If I still have an open rp with you that you'd like to continue please let me know.
Welcome Marijke!

It's good to see you around again! Don't worry my activity is like yours a lot too, we all understand! I'd be happy to help you jump back into role playing too whenever you need me to!

:hug: Teigs
You don't suck at all!
Welcome back Marijke! Good to have you back ^_^
I'd say if you come back and your students are still in the same year as when you left then you've not done too bad.
Welcome back Marijke! You don't suck at all :D great to see you again.
Welcome back to the site!
James Cade said:
I'd say if you come back and your students are still in the same year as when you left then you've not done too bad.
I know, it's always awkward when you come back and realise one's a Prefect :r xD If that hasn't happened, you've done well :p Welcome back!
James Adams said:
James Cade said:
I'd say if you come back and your students are still in the same year as when you left then you've not done too bad.
I know, it's always awkward when you come back and realise one's a Prefect :r xD If that hasn't happened, you've done well :p Welcome back!
I've done that. Twice, at the same time. No idea why they were prefects as I'd barely rped as them. No complaints though ;) :r

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