Sorry for wee absence...

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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core
Hi all,

sorry I've been missing for a few days, it feels like ages to me when I can't get on here. We had savage frost and ice the other day and then of course it rained like the be-clappers which masked the frost and ice perfectly, making everywhere treacherous.

Of course, moi - I slipped and all but did the splits. Tore a ligament in my ankle and strained the muscles in my thigh, so have been put on pills for pain, pills for inflamation, pills for just about everything really and crutches.
I hate manouvering with crutches, awkward things. Anyhow have been in too much pain (even with pills) and very drowsy (thanks to pills) that I haven't been able to come on.

Will make a better effort, now that medication has finally kicked in and body is reacting to them better. Missed you all. ;)

ouch... :doh:
Hope you get better soon Linda/Andy :console:
And I ssooon know what it's like to be away from HNZ, don't start me there ^_^
I was wondering why you left me again! Get better soon your Andyness!
ouch Ice Patches suck, not many over here but the few there are do tend to sneak up on you... hope you feel better Andy!
Aww Linda! I hate slipping on ice... it hurts soooo bad! I hope that you heal quickly and your medication is being nice to you.
Whatever about the body, tis the brain that's never 100% :woot: :lol:
but doing much better today, have stupid physio exercises to help tease out the strained muscle and as much as I hate doing them, they seem to be working.
Of course it could also be the amount of painkillers they have me on that has lulled me into a false sense of security. :cool:

Thanks for the well wishes, catching up on lots of sleep which is great! -_-
Oh man! I just read this. Hope you're feeling better. :)

Get better soon Andy! We miss you in class. :console:

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