Song dilemma

Teddy Cameron

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
I didn't know where to put this and I thought here would be as good a place as any. Basically, I am making video's for my characters and I have some trouble with finding a song that suits some of them.

So, for anyone who knows Teddy Cameron and Sydney Caine and thinks they have a perfect theme tune for one or even both of them, I will love you forever.

If you don't know them they are sort of the same only from the other side of the good/evil battle. Teddy is mainly good but, due to certain circumstances and influential people around him, he's becoming more nasty. With Sydney it's the same thing except she comes from a death eater supporting family and is becoming nicer.

Please reply with suggestions,
Summer x
Teddy Cameron said:
If you don't know them they are sort of the same only from the other side of the good/evil battle. Teddy is mainly good but, due to certain circumstances and influential people around him, he's becoming more nasty. With Sydney it's the same thing except she comes from a death eater supporting family and is becoming nicer.
I don't know either character very well, but there is a song I downloaded recently that I think touches on this.
It's a Christian song, but the lyrics of at least the first two verses are appropriate, even secularly, to the character - I think.

Unfortunately, the song does not appear to be on youtube yet - and I downloaded it on iTunes. :erm:
I'm having the same problem, but luckily with me I listen to a wide varieties of music and not stick to just one type of music. I like old and new, but for you I would recomment looking up the tracks from Now cds. They have a whole set of Now cds. Maybe you will find your song there of course that's just going by hits and stuff.
That does fit, thanks Nick! I love you :p

I do listen to a wide variety of music I just can't find anything about them really.
Teddy Cameron said:
I love you :p
Well, shucks! :shy:

If you need a copy of the song/can't find one, I can likely share it with you. :)

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