- Messages
- 1,198
- OOC First Name
- Ghost
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Married
- Sexual Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Wand
- Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
- Age
- 1/1997
That was a very good question. It made Hades think, and he did not know why he would even think about that. If she stood in his way, he did not know what he would do. Hades closed his onyx eyes for a moment, and he wondered if he would ever kill Etoile. He did not think he would because he was in love with her. Hades shook his head, "I think you know why I have not killed you yet. One of the things I want is you, so it would be conflict of interests. Regardless, my desires for you are greater than anything else." Hades looked down as she traced her nails up his arm, and wondered what she was doing, but he did not shrug her touch away. He thought about seeing what his inner darkness wanted, but it was obvious that when he had gone down for that month away from Etoile, that it did not want her dead. The inner darkness was what he was when he was not trying to keep himself under control, and it came out when he went in for a kill. It used to come out when he was bleeding, but Hades had regained so much control, it was as if sometimes the being was begging for a kill, but it was just the true being beneath, where his anger was sourced, and where his most intense feelings were hidden. It had surfaced around Etoile for one moment in her life, when she had sparked his anger out, and he had knocked over the dresser, bringing out his anger more than anything. Where his skin would pale, and his eyes were just frightening to look into. There was nothing like seeing Hades in that state of mind, and he did not want to see Etoile when he was in that state because there was no telling what he would do to her. Hades remembered that night too well, when he had won the bet to get her to agree to perform the Vow with him. Back when he was fighting her hatred with his attitude of his own. There was obviously more than she had thought and how he was then and how he was now was different, but he was still the same being. Hades was just not fighting so hard against her hatred as it had faltered somehow too. And then she said that she should pay for the wands herself, but then she asked for her original wand back. Hades thought that she might not remember that he had snapped the wand and thrown it at her a while back. Well, now was a good time to tell her than any. Hades stated, "That would be impossible, because I misplaced both of the pieces. That is why I would want to pay for the wand that I broke." He did not mind actually paying for anything for her, but he thought that she might get a little frustrated that he had done that. But then again he liked it when she was frustrated so there was nothing to hide on that thought. Hades enjoyed being an ass to her every once and a while. Etoile meant a lot to him, and Hades wondered what was going through her mind. Hades would give anything in the world to have the power to read minds so that he could invade hers and know every little think she thought, and every little thing she wanted and who she was. Hades was so obsessed, it was ridiculous, and he was going to keep her with him, even if she decided that she was not going to be happy here, that was just too bad because Hades was not going to let her get away from him that easily. Hades would have gladly played cat and mouse again, however he might not need to anymore, and risk her attempting to kill him. Again. When she said that he meant so much more to her than the others did, Hades was so taken off guard, he did not know what to say. This was so unexpected, wanted, and desired. If he could take back the women he had been with and been with her, he would have. Have his older children have her as a mother. When she said that she would love to rip out their hearts, he uttered with obvious suggested tone in his voice, "Is that a wish, a wish that I very much may possibly grant." Hades would love to do such a thing, however to the object that did that to her. Her words saying that he deserved so much more than her, he did not believe it to be true. She deserved to be happy too, and he deserved to make her happy. She was the mother of his children, well, two of them, and he was in love with her, forever endowed to her, his mind always reaching out. There was something in her that was drawn to her, and he thought that he belonged with her. He did not believe it months ago, but he believed it now. He wanted no one but her. Hades simply shook his head, disagreeing with her, as there would be no point in arguing with her. She did not see the one that he was in love with in his eyes. Instead, she only knew what she knew, and not what he knew.
"No human is perfect. However, you are what I need, what I want. Leave it at that, because you do not see what I see," Hades concluded that subject because she did not look into his eyes. She did not know what was going on his mind, why he was so attracted to her. He needed her to know that she was a good person and deserved to be happy with her life. She needed to learn that she was a decent human, better than decent as she was a pure-blood and a Death Eater. She was better than decent. Soon she would be a killer like him, if she was not already. Killing muggles, mudbloods and blood traitors alike. Sounded like so much fun to Hades, but that was not what was going through his mind right now. The fact that Etoile loved his gift to her, and that they were in the bedroom, there were suggestive thoughts going to his mind right now. She seemed almost shocked that he had gotten her something so small, yet was said so much. Hades shrugged lightly and he did not say too much on the subject, but she seemed happy about the necklace and that was all that mattered to the Death Eater. Though soaked in his own blood, she seemed to adore it it and lick up the blood. It was hot, to say the least. The silver looked almost red, because of the blood, but he did not mind. Hades smirked, "And that is just the beginning." He gestured toward the necklace to tell her that he was going to be giving her more in the future. He had kissed her, enough to make her forget about everything else, however that was not the end. When he had told her that he did in face feel love for her, and he did not expect to hear those feelings said in return to him, instead he was going to make it harder on her to see what her heart wanted, he paid special mind to the emotions across her face and in her silvery green eyes. The tone in her voice stating that he had said it had him wondering how she felt, but he was not going to rush anything. He might think that she may feel for him too, but he did not know to what extent. Soon he would find out though, but he had time to waste and to wait. He had twins to take care of as well as his new lover. Before he could inquire to what she felt like doing to pass the time, Etoile had grabbed hold of his collar and jerked him down to kiss him with such passion, he was sure that there was more to it than lust. There was so much more, he did not know what to really think about it, so he allowed his instincts to take over, and just kiss her in return with equal passion. The hunger of lust was taking over obviously. Next thing he knew, he felt her strength push him back against the wall, luckily not against the desk that was in the room. She was doing a good job at taking him off guard, which was high successful. Her legs wrapped around his torso, and he hissed in pleasure, "Oh this is how you are going to play, so be it." His hand drifted down her spine, before he grabbed her rear to help hold her in her place, as his strength would hold out longer than hers. She was being forceful with him, and he had never been so turned on by this in his life. It was an erotic feeling, having his woman have her way with him, but how long would he allow her to be dominant? Luckily for her, he was holding her in place with his own hand, the one that was uninjured, and she started to drink away from his hand. It was her fix for the night, and the slice he had made was small, so it would not bleed for too long. Her nails went into his back, and he could swear that there was some pain involved but it only drove him further, as the fiery kiss continued on. However she had touched the collar bone, and he let out a soft moan because that was his ultimate weakness of seduction. Nothing could get him in the mood quicker than that. Hades moved the two of them so that way it was her back against the wall, holding her up as he thought that him having a shirt on was just too much. Using both of his hands, he ripped it off as he started to tug down at the dress, attempting to get it off as quick as possible. Hades could barely stand to be up right now, she was taking him down. His kissed her neck, and thought that standing was just too overrated. He took Etoile down to the floor in front of the fireplace, as it dimmed even more. Hades could see Etoile perfectly, and he smirked down as he removed her dress and running his hand over her bare skin, loving the feel of the softness beneath his hand before he captured her lips with his own. Clothing aside, just the bare minimal, and Hades used accio for the dagger, and he murmured heatedly, "Let's have some fun." Pressing his body against hers, controlled by mere lust, the two beings would continue on to make a beautiful event happen where they would unite into one being.
Into the next morning somehow the two ended up on the bed, under the black covers. Hades was exhausted yet there was more to it than that. The floor had left marks, and well, needless to say that the events continued even after moving to the bed. Seemed like hours before they had stopped and allowed their fully satisfied bodies were rested. Hades had opened his eyes to see that he was laying with Etoile, his arm wrapped around her for protection. Hades wondered how that happened or if it had, it had to have been during his sleep. Hades slowly leaned up and he looked around his bedroom to see the damage that had been done. The fireplace lit up even more, giving the room a yellowing glow. That was what was really helping right now with his eyesight. He needed to see what happened last night, and there appeared to be some blood stains on the floor, and he looked down at his body, as he sat up and allowed the black covers to slip from his scratched skin, giving his white skin a reddish tone to it from the blood that attempted to escape last night, and some scratches had already healed. Last night was incredible, and he saw what remained of his shirt over in the floor, and then his pants. No wonder he did not feel comfortable right now, he was not even dressed. He never felt comfortable sleeping in the nude, even if the woman he was with was Etoile. Hades wanted to wake up Etoile but she seemed to be sleeping soundly, and he did not want to wake her up anytime soon. And they had the house to themselves. His daughter Vritra was with Draegan's daughter, while Hades was going to be training Etoile. Instead of training her to be a Death Eater, he was getting her into bed with him and training her to be an acrobatic in the sheets. He could not complain about that at all, because it was pleasing him. No woman had ever satisfied Hades like Etoile had satisfied him. She was the most amazing person, her body melted to his during their nights, and everything felt just right. Was this because she was a great lay or was it more than that? Perhaps there was so much more than that. He looked down at the Dark Mark branded onto his skin, and knew that the same fate would be her own, and they would be matching. Hades could not wait for the day to come, and he wondered briefly what time it was. Normally, he did not sleep that much, but it seemed like he had been asleep for nearly eight hours which was more than enough for the Death Eater. Hades slowly got up from the bed, and he put on some clean undergarments as well as a pair of jeans, but he did not want to put on a shirt just yet. He looked at what he could on his back to see the marks that his lover had left for him. Oh she could be extremely vicious when she wanted to be. One thing that he did not want out of this was for her to be pregnant, and he never used protection. Hades knew from experience that it was very heard to knock her up, so he would not have to worry too much over that. Once the twins were older, then he would start to work on his other seven more children that he wanted from her. It was a cruel price to pay, but it was for herself and him. They were going to be blessed with a large family, full of purebloods and raised like a family. It was everything that he had ever wanted. That and to have a beautiful woman at his side, and that was already taken care of.
Casting his stare over to her sleeping body, Hades knew that there was so much more going on as he saw her chest rise and fall under the covers. Hades smirked lightly, and even the inner being within appeared to be satisfied with whom he had chosen. Finally, he could see her and him, uniting under the forces of darkness and becoming a legend in Russia, perhaps in the surrounding area as the force of evil that drove the cities wild. The two Death Eaters that slaughtered and maimed others without so much as picking up a wand. Could an evil like him love someone so much, with so much passion that he was willing to do anything it took to keep her here with him. No matter what. Hades went back over to the bed, and he sank down beneath the sheets, and he looked over her sleeping form, her mass of dark hair and her lashes that just matched her hair with perfect. Her skin was unblemished, and wondered how could someone like her possess such an attitude, a strong sense for lust and give out some of the best sex that anyone could have experienced before. She was more than a great lay, her hear was in the right place, and her mind was begging to be heard. Hades softly brushed his fingers over Etoile's hair, pushing her head behind of her ear so that he could see more of her, and he laid back down in the sheets, debating on returning back to his position in the bed, with his arm wrapped around her and cuddling with her as she slept. Perhaps she would wake soon, even though he did not know what they would talk about once she did wake up. Would she want to remember what happened last night, everything that was said, the good and the bad? Hades put his head onto his hand, supporting the upper half of his body as he stared down at Etoile and watched her sleep. It was a creepy move, but there was nothing more creepy about having Hades obsess over someone so much that he ended up falling in love, and wanted to make her his from now for all of eternity. There was so much more to his desire for Etoile, and he thought that maybe she would be able to feel more for him, if she knew more about him. That was definitely happen seeing as he was a complete mystery. Hades leaned down and applied his lips to her bare shoulder, as he wrapped his other arm around her. Maybe he could ask her to share his bedroom once she was awake. He wanted someone in here with him. He did not remember ever becoming so serious with someone that they shared a bedroom. This was his favorite sanctuary, where his private thoughts were kept, and some pictures of him while in school and everything were safely hidden from others as well. Hades whispered, "Etoile, wake up, Little Star." He wanted to share himself with her, make her know everything there was about him that there was to know, but he wanted to make sure that she was ready to share his room with her. The room was large, as was the bed. It was so much larger than her own bedroom, and it lacked any source of light other than the fireplace and the candles. Would she consider moving everything she had into his bedroom, while they were alone today? Or would she want to ravish him even more. Hades was fine with either, and as long as she did not attempt to run away, he would be fine with whatever she wanted to do. Hades could see himself spending the rest of his life with Etoile, and she kind of had no other choice but to choose him or be alone. That was a comforting thought as no one really wanted to be alone. And she had said it herself that he had meant more to her than any of those other men. Hades was smirking in pride because he had possibly broken down a few more walls. 'Just a few more to go.' Hades whispered, "I have something important to ask you, if you want to wake up." Quite a few things actually but he was not going to pressure her into waking up.
"No human is perfect. However, you are what I need, what I want. Leave it at that, because you do not see what I see," Hades concluded that subject because she did not look into his eyes. She did not know what was going on his mind, why he was so attracted to her. He needed her to know that she was a good person and deserved to be happy with her life. She needed to learn that she was a decent human, better than decent as she was a pure-blood and a Death Eater. She was better than decent. Soon she would be a killer like him, if she was not already. Killing muggles, mudbloods and blood traitors alike. Sounded like so much fun to Hades, but that was not what was going through his mind right now. The fact that Etoile loved his gift to her, and that they were in the bedroom, there were suggestive thoughts going to his mind right now. She seemed almost shocked that he had gotten her something so small, yet was said so much. Hades shrugged lightly and he did not say too much on the subject, but she seemed happy about the necklace and that was all that mattered to the Death Eater. Though soaked in his own blood, she seemed to adore it it and lick up the blood. It was hot, to say the least. The silver looked almost red, because of the blood, but he did not mind. Hades smirked, "And that is just the beginning." He gestured toward the necklace to tell her that he was going to be giving her more in the future. He had kissed her, enough to make her forget about everything else, however that was not the end. When he had told her that he did in face feel love for her, and he did not expect to hear those feelings said in return to him, instead he was going to make it harder on her to see what her heart wanted, he paid special mind to the emotions across her face and in her silvery green eyes. The tone in her voice stating that he had said it had him wondering how she felt, but he was not going to rush anything. He might think that she may feel for him too, but he did not know to what extent. Soon he would find out though, but he had time to waste and to wait. He had twins to take care of as well as his new lover. Before he could inquire to what she felt like doing to pass the time, Etoile had grabbed hold of his collar and jerked him down to kiss him with such passion, he was sure that there was more to it than lust. There was so much more, he did not know what to really think about it, so he allowed his instincts to take over, and just kiss her in return with equal passion. The hunger of lust was taking over obviously. Next thing he knew, he felt her strength push him back against the wall, luckily not against the desk that was in the room. She was doing a good job at taking him off guard, which was high successful. Her legs wrapped around his torso, and he hissed in pleasure, "Oh this is how you are going to play, so be it." His hand drifted down her spine, before he grabbed her rear to help hold her in her place, as his strength would hold out longer than hers. She was being forceful with him, and he had never been so turned on by this in his life. It was an erotic feeling, having his woman have her way with him, but how long would he allow her to be dominant? Luckily for her, he was holding her in place with his own hand, the one that was uninjured, and she started to drink away from his hand. It was her fix for the night, and the slice he had made was small, so it would not bleed for too long. Her nails went into his back, and he could swear that there was some pain involved but it only drove him further, as the fiery kiss continued on. However she had touched the collar bone, and he let out a soft moan because that was his ultimate weakness of seduction. Nothing could get him in the mood quicker than that. Hades moved the two of them so that way it was her back against the wall, holding her up as he thought that him having a shirt on was just too much. Using both of his hands, he ripped it off as he started to tug down at the dress, attempting to get it off as quick as possible. Hades could barely stand to be up right now, she was taking him down. His kissed her neck, and thought that standing was just too overrated. He took Etoile down to the floor in front of the fireplace, as it dimmed even more. Hades could see Etoile perfectly, and he smirked down as he removed her dress and running his hand over her bare skin, loving the feel of the softness beneath his hand before he captured her lips with his own. Clothing aside, just the bare minimal, and Hades used accio for the dagger, and he murmured heatedly, "Let's have some fun." Pressing his body against hers, controlled by mere lust, the two beings would continue on to make a beautiful event happen where they would unite into one being.
Into the next morning somehow the two ended up on the bed, under the black covers. Hades was exhausted yet there was more to it than that. The floor had left marks, and well, needless to say that the events continued even after moving to the bed. Seemed like hours before they had stopped and allowed their fully satisfied bodies were rested. Hades had opened his eyes to see that he was laying with Etoile, his arm wrapped around her for protection. Hades wondered how that happened or if it had, it had to have been during his sleep. Hades slowly leaned up and he looked around his bedroom to see the damage that had been done. The fireplace lit up even more, giving the room a yellowing glow. That was what was really helping right now with his eyesight. He needed to see what happened last night, and there appeared to be some blood stains on the floor, and he looked down at his body, as he sat up and allowed the black covers to slip from his scratched skin, giving his white skin a reddish tone to it from the blood that attempted to escape last night, and some scratches had already healed. Last night was incredible, and he saw what remained of his shirt over in the floor, and then his pants. No wonder he did not feel comfortable right now, he was not even dressed. He never felt comfortable sleeping in the nude, even if the woman he was with was Etoile. Hades wanted to wake up Etoile but she seemed to be sleeping soundly, and he did not want to wake her up anytime soon. And they had the house to themselves. His daughter Vritra was with Draegan's daughter, while Hades was going to be training Etoile. Instead of training her to be a Death Eater, he was getting her into bed with him and training her to be an acrobatic in the sheets. He could not complain about that at all, because it was pleasing him. No woman had ever satisfied Hades like Etoile had satisfied him. She was the most amazing person, her body melted to his during their nights, and everything felt just right. Was this because she was a great lay or was it more than that? Perhaps there was so much more than that. He looked down at the Dark Mark branded onto his skin, and knew that the same fate would be her own, and they would be matching. Hades could not wait for the day to come, and he wondered briefly what time it was. Normally, he did not sleep that much, but it seemed like he had been asleep for nearly eight hours which was more than enough for the Death Eater. Hades slowly got up from the bed, and he put on some clean undergarments as well as a pair of jeans, but he did not want to put on a shirt just yet. He looked at what he could on his back to see the marks that his lover had left for him. Oh she could be extremely vicious when she wanted to be. One thing that he did not want out of this was for her to be pregnant, and he never used protection. Hades knew from experience that it was very heard to knock her up, so he would not have to worry too much over that. Once the twins were older, then he would start to work on his other seven more children that he wanted from her. It was a cruel price to pay, but it was for herself and him. They were going to be blessed with a large family, full of purebloods and raised like a family. It was everything that he had ever wanted. That and to have a beautiful woman at his side, and that was already taken care of.
Casting his stare over to her sleeping body, Hades knew that there was so much more going on as he saw her chest rise and fall under the covers. Hades smirked lightly, and even the inner being within appeared to be satisfied with whom he had chosen. Finally, he could see her and him, uniting under the forces of darkness and becoming a legend in Russia, perhaps in the surrounding area as the force of evil that drove the cities wild. The two Death Eaters that slaughtered and maimed others without so much as picking up a wand. Could an evil like him love someone so much, with so much passion that he was willing to do anything it took to keep her here with him. No matter what. Hades went back over to the bed, and he sank down beneath the sheets, and he looked over her sleeping form, her mass of dark hair and her lashes that just matched her hair with perfect. Her skin was unblemished, and wondered how could someone like her possess such an attitude, a strong sense for lust and give out some of the best sex that anyone could have experienced before. She was more than a great lay, her hear was in the right place, and her mind was begging to be heard. Hades softly brushed his fingers over Etoile's hair, pushing her head behind of her ear so that he could see more of her, and he laid back down in the sheets, debating on returning back to his position in the bed, with his arm wrapped around her and cuddling with her as she slept. Perhaps she would wake soon, even though he did not know what they would talk about once she did wake up. Would she want to remember what happened last night, everything that was said, the good and the bad? Hades put his head onto his hand, supporting the upper half of his body as he stared down at Etoile and watched her sleep. It was a creepy move, but there was nothing more creepy about having Hades obsess over someone so much that he ended up falling in love, and wanted to make her his from now for all of eternity. There was so much more to his desire for Etoile, and he thought that maybe she would be able to feel more for him, if she knew more about him. That was definitely happen seeing as he was a complete mystery. Hades leaned down and applied his lips to her bare shoulder, as he wrapped his other arm around her. Maybe he could ask her to share his bedroom once she was awake. He wanted someone in here with him. He did not remember ever becoming so serious with someone that they shared a bedroom. This was his favorite sanctuary, where his private thoughts were kept, and some pictures of him while in school and everything were safely hidden from others as well. Hades whispered, "Etoile, wake up, Little Star." He wanted to share himself with her, make her know everything there was about him that there was to know, but he wanted to make sure that she was ready to share his room with her. The room was large, as was the bed. It was so much larger than her own bedroom, and it lacked any source of light other than the fireplace and the candles. Would she consider moving everything she had into his bedroom, while they were alone today? Or would she want to ravish him even more. Hades was fine with either, and as long as she did not attempt to run away, he would be fine with whatever she wanted to do. Hades could see himself spending the rest of his life with Etoile, and she kind of had no other choice but to choose him or be alone. That was a comforting thought as no one really wanted to be alone. And she had said it herself that he had meant more to her than any of those other men. Hades was smirking in pride because he had possibly broken down a few more walls. 'Just a few more to go.' Hades whispered, "I have something important to ask you, if you want to wake up." Quite a few things actually but he was not going to pressure her into waking up.