Sometimes You Worry Me

Dmitri Lesley

OOC First Name
Dmitri Lesley looked at his sister, his face the picture of calm and understanding. On the inside though, he was silently cursing his brother, wishing him all sorts of unimaginable horrors, some of his own design. Whose idea had it been for them to babysit four kids? He certainly hadn't volunteered. Jack wouldn't have mentioned it and he doubted that they were Danika's first choice. Discreetly, Dmitri's vision turned to the slightly smug face of his twin, who looked mighty pleased with himself. His gaze soon fell upon that of his sister and her look of death. It appeared that they most definitely were not her first choice of babysitters and that she was relying on them only because, a, they were family and b, she had no one else. As much as Dmitri would like to say that she was okay to trust them, he knew he was kidding himself. Were there anything of value in this house, it wouldn't be here for much longer. Soon, his gaze shifted to the corner of the room where Jack was leaning, his own vision on the three eldest of his children. Benjamin, who was six and named after Jack's own twin, (Dmitri could really respect that, he would have been lost without Desmond, he didn't know what he'd do if his brother died), Aleksandra, she was four now and she was a handful and of course little Cian, Dmitri's favourite who was two years old by now. Danika was currently cradling their youngest, Elsa, she was five months old. Danika was pregnant again, not surprising, all these two seemed to do was breed. How Danika managed to keep her figure between pregnancies was beyond the boys. Obviously it was some sort of magical veela voodoo. They were also veelas, of course, but being male, they did not have the same capabilities. Not that it mattered, Dmitri and Des didn't really want kids of their own. They liked kids, sure, but they could give those back if they weren't their own. Made things much easier.

Unfortunate birth statistics meant that Des and Dm were not identical, however that meant very little as they may as well have been. The biggest difference between the pair was, of course, their hair. Whilst Dmitri had brown hair, Desmond, by some sort of crazy genetic mixup, had red hair. Dmitri sometimes admired his younger twins red over his brown, but then he remembered that Des was called carrot top when they were in school and further decided that he quite liked his brown because he didn't have to abide silly nicknames. Of course he and Des had their own nicknames for their siblings. Danika, they called the Factory, because she kept popping out kids, which considering she was now working on her fifth, was highly appropriate. She hated the name of course, but she was doing little for them to think otherwise. "Come on, Dani, we haven't got all day. Just give us the things and shove off." Dmitri rolled his eyes. They wanted to just get on with this. Besides, she had to go or there was no way she would have left them in charge. Dmitri shouldered his brother and nodded towards Jack as he was handed the youngest member of Danika's brood. She reiterated to them once more that Elsa could only be fed the formula on the top shelf and nothing else. They weren't to make her anymore bottles. Dmitri tried his best to look solemn, but failed, instead breaking into a smile as she glared. "Awe, don't get your nickers in a twist, Sis, we got this, right Des?" He asked, winking at his sister before he headed over to Ben and the others. "Who want's to play toss Elsa?"

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