Sometime around midnight ((Henric))

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
((Sorry it's late for the time setting but I worked out how to word the RP at last))

The wind picked up softly as Hoshi walked though the forest. The ball was over, Hoshi had seen Ares back to his house but did not want to go to back to the common room. She decided to wonder the forest for a while. She liked to hang out here for a bit. If she where lucky she would run into Mist and she could talk to someone that didn't have a human view of things. She liked to talk to the creatures in the Forest that could talk back. They seemed so much smarter then some of the people in the school. Hoshi was still waring her heels though she had been dancing for most of the night. Didn't matter much, Hoshi was comfortable in heels or trainers or anything else she wore. She had to be some of the shoes the wore where ridiculously high and she could still walk in them as if she where walking in trainers. Few had that skill. Most looked like they had suddenly gone duck footed.

Hoshi allowed herself to laugh while fingering the long chain that she had worn with the purple dress. There was no ornament there because the chain was decoration enough in Hoshi's eyes. The soft fur around her arms provided comfort in the coolish night air. Hoshi felt colder than she should have felt why she didn't know it was a pretty warm night. Against her better judgment Hoshi allowed her mind to wonder the way she allowed her feet to wonder. It went over what had happened since the time Gossip Girl came out last. She had confronted Isabella with the information that she had on her. She was going to go to a few people that she knew where going to get a piece of Isabella for doing what she did. Not to her but to them. Jaken for one had been hurt by the stupid rag mag. So had his little brother.

She wondered also of this this could be taken as justification for the road she had to go down. Hoshi had sworn to herself that once she left Japan she would never go back to being Yakuza Koshiba. People had expected that of her in Primary school so that was what she became. People had treated her no such way here. Hoshi enjoyed the freedom it had brought but Isabella had forced her hand. Hoshi stopped at a clearing. It was small and she knew it well. This what where Hoshi planed the first Day of Mischief. This was also where she had played a small joke on Libby. She remembered the joke well even though she had played so many afterwords. What happened next came to Hoshi's mind and quickly stamped that out. There was no way she was going there. He was the reason Hoshi didn't want to go back into the common room. It was around this time when she was alone and not expecting it that he found her in the common room. This time would be little different since Jenna had been right in saying that Henric always turned up when she least wanted to see him.
Henric stopped in his tracks whilst he was walking past the dry grass that made up the forest floor, his cold orbs and glass expression making no attempt to cloak themselves with the usual facade of brilliance and charm. Hanging from his belt was en empty vial, drained of it's contents, bouncing against his pants time and again and causing a faint metallic ring as the chains that hooked it there rattled against the fabric of his clothing. Reaching his pale hands for his hood, he took hold of the soft, silky material, and drew it over his head, obscuring his features as he pulled the cowl down.

Striding across the forest floor, his cloak slithering along the ground noiselessly, Henric abruptly strode forward, and into the clearing, into Hoshi's view. His eyes flashed with deadly malice - or hatred - as his perfect expression contorted, then eased itself within a split second. "You were waiting." He declared, rather than ask.
Hoshi caught the look that had flashed across Henric's eyes and suddenly her mouth went dry. She closed her eyes for a moment to calm herself but made no other movement to show the knot that formed in her stomach. "Maybe I was." She said, her head high and brave. Her chin was stuck out in a defient sort of way as if to challange Henric to say something about it. So what? So what if she was half expecting Henric to come out of the blasted shadows? Hoshi clasped the fake fur shawl around her trying to make herself warm.

It didn't work. Looking into Henric's eyes Hoshi felt colder than ever. If he was mad he had a reason to be. What had been published was terrable for both of them. And after they last talked too for fought was more the word. Hoshi was half raging against Henric then. Now she only wished she where elsewhere. She stood her ground though. One of her many flaws. Hoshi never knew when to back down even in the face of doom himself. "There could be many reasons to be out here. The moon being one of them." She said gestering up at the sky. The moon had been full last Yule Ball too. Hoshi allowed herself to wonder if there was a charm on this school that made the moon large bright and round around this time of year.
His eyes remained cold and empty without any hint of re-engaging themselves in their usual deceitful beauty. Apparently ignoring her, he cast his eyes up to the heavens, reflecting the starry night unto his own eyes like celestial mirrors. "Saturn weeps tonight." He murmured, his silky voice carrying into the winds. "I thought you wished me not to 'bother' you." He commented in a dangerous rising voice that purred with lurking malice behind it. "You and your ambitious, flirtatious projects."

His drifted past her with those words, his cloak slithering along the ground. "Assuming one of the reasons you are here is that you expected me to turn up - don't wait for me, ever again." His eyes flashed as he glanced back at her emotionlessly. "Do what you will, but leave me out of your world."
The words hit Hoshi harder than any blow from his hand would have. She didn't know weather to cry or be angry. She chose what she knew best, what was more comferable for her to be. "HOW!?" She said shouted. Her fists clenched at her sides. "Why do think I go after other boys? Why do you think I sarround myself with male attetion? To make up for the fact that I can't get to you. Trying to capture your heart is like trying to catch smoke!" She hissed.

Hoshi had turned way from Henric as he passed by. "So tell me Henric how do I keep you out of my world when your so imbeded in it? When your eyes are the things that keep me up at night? When your face is what my mind turns to whenever it starts wonder?" She asked her every word shaking with anger. When had she become such a brat? Hoshi had never put this much effort into anything. If she could not have something she let it go and went after something easyer. Then again she had never wanted this badly before.

"I tryed to stay way from you once before remember? We ended staying in the place for the summer holiday. You where more sucsessful in staying away from me. I ended up wating for you here in the very clearing I realized I was in love with you." She was shaking again but not from cold of the anger she was trying so had to keep. Hoshi turned back to Henric. Beautful Henric Lee with the cold eyes and the voice that could make her heart sink faster than any of her father's Yakuza thugs ever could.

Hoshi dared to draw closer to Henric even though she knew she was risking her very life. It didn't matter to her though she always imaged her death as being as much fun as her life. "You invaded my world." She said getting some of her attitued back. Hoshi put her hand behind his head suddenly a placed a soft kiss on his lips. Not at all like the kisses she usually gave because Hoshi was the kind of girl that went 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds and just stepped on the gas from there. " So find your own way out." She said full Koshiba attitude behind it. The sound of her palm against his cheek surpised even her but Hoshi didn't care by the time she realized what she had doen Hoshi was walking back to the castle, giving off heat from every pore. She had just kissed Henric and hit him. She didn't care if she ever saw him again after this. She had finally done the two things she had always wanted to do.
He instinctively reached for the jewelled dagger by the side of his belt when she approached, then paused as her hostility was replaced by a hopeless resignation, then hostiliy again. He made no move to avoid, but simply stood, tall, proud, and emotionlessly cold. When she finally left, he reached up quietly, his hand touching his cheek - surprising himself at his own cold touch. "I only truly, truly love one person. Not you." He swivelled on his heel and turned to glance at her retreating figure. "I'm sorry." He murmured, then turned and disappeared into the darkness of the woods.

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