Closed Something to get started.

Niall Corvus

just here for fun; admitted defeat
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Swishy Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
1/2047 (15)
Niall felt calmer than he probably should have done considering that he was in a new school, new house, making new friends, and had very little idea as to how the next few days weeks and even years were about to play out. The first year however, so far, seemed to be taking things in their stride. Classes had already begun, and Niall was just absorbing the information as it came to him, making notes and listening when he should, and naturally finding his curiosity when he needed it. All in all things were going quite well for him, too well perhaps? Niall wasn't sure how Kellen was finding things given they'd just been separated for the most part, however he knew she'd wanted to be in Slytherin and he was happy for her that she seemed content with that.

Sat at the Hufflepuff table, dressed in his robes and smartly brushed hair, Niall was tucking into some cereal. Everything seemed so ordinary at times that it was hard to remember this was supposed to be a magical school. Maybe that was why he hadn't really felt phased yet. The slight flapping of wings brought his attention back into the room, and he peered up to see a number of owls flying above him and the other tables in the Great Hall. That was nothing unusual, every day there would be a flurry of activity as students would receive messages and in fact Niall was even considering getting an owl of his own, because he didn't enjoy having to use school property to get word out to his parents, not least because he didn't even know his owls name.

He was about to take another spoonful of his gradually soaking cornflakes when something large and hard landed in front of him. If he'd blinked he would have missed it, but he also would have avoid getting milk in his eyes. Bowl, milk and cornflakes flew across the table, and Niall couldn't help but freeze for a moment, spoon in mouth, to try and decipher what just happened. He glanced around the table at the other students who seemed to be staring at him now, "I guess they don't care where they land, right?" he said after finishing his mouthful and laying the spoon on the only clear bit of table he could find. He didn't need to apologize for the owls behavior, it wasn't his after all. In front of him lay something huge, wrapped up in brown paper, and half covered in various breakfast items. There had to be a better system, surely, for the delivery of packaged items. He turned the label in his hand, reading the careful handwriting that belonged to his parents, and smiled to himself before glancing across the room. Kellen probably was about to get one too.
Even breakfasts at Hogwarts were exciting. There was the thrill of discovering whether there would be fruit salad or yogurt, the rush of trying to grab the best pastries before the older students, and finally the anticipation of mail from home. Rion was expecting a letter from her mum and dad any day now, though she had some doubts as to whether the scraggly owl she'd sent had ever made it. She hoped it had; she was dying to know how hilarious they thought her new jokes were.

An almighty crash from behind caused her to launch a piece of melon across the table. The owls had arrived, then. Rion swivelled around on the bench, then stood up to get a better look. There were quite a lot of cornflakes on the Hufflepuff table, and, among them, a long brown package. Seeing that it had arrived for one of her classmates warranted Rion's approach. "Is that a broom?" she said. No way. Not fair. She wanted a broom. "It looks like a broom. Go on, open it!"
Niall turned his attention to the voice of a girl that seemed to have been disturbed by his gift. She seemed however even more intrigued about it that he was, apparently even coming over from the Ravenclaw table to see what was going on. The Hufflepuff didn't mind, some students were naturally curious after all, although by the sounds of it the girl was hoping it was a broomstick, not that it would have been easy to hide give its size and shape. "I think so," Niall didn't tend to give out details of his mum unless it was encouraged by someone else, but it was clear to him why he'd been sent it. He shuffled over a little in case the girl wanted to get a better look, and leaned over to start pulling off the paper. As he lifted it away, shiny clean colours exposed themselves, and like a caterpillar shedding its cocoon, the fresh new wood took center stage as the paper fell around it. "Woah," Niall spoke under his breath, staring at the broom that lay out on the table. He'd been prepared to start his flying classes with a simple broomstick, but here he'd been gifted from his parents a beautiful Amethyst Streak. "It is a broom."
Of course it was a bloody broom. But not just any broom - an Amethyst Streak, the sort that took centre display in shop windows, glittered behind the glass, and had a price tag that was kept upside-down so it didn't make passers-by sick. Rion had never been given such a valuable present in all the holidays combined. "Wow," she said, leaning in for a closer look. "Is it your birthday? Happy birthday!"

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