Something terrible has happened

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Leah Winters

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Sequoia Dragon heartstring
Today I found out my parents were found in their home shot and dead. I won't be on here for a while until I can recover from the shock. I'm sorry for leaving some RP's undone, and I apologize that my Muggles Studies teacher, Evie Brennan won't be posting any lessons for a while.

Hope to RP with you soon.
Oh deary,
I know we don't know each other too well and I can only imagine how you are feeling but I am very sorry for what happened. RPing should be and probably is, the last thing on your mind right now but I'm sure that if you need a computer shoulder to lean on you know that you have everyone on HNZ, or me at least.

I'm sorry to hear about your tragic story. I hope your getting support for your terrible lost. No one should encounter such sadness. Be Well
Maymay ♥

Holy smokes! :o I am so sorry to hear about this. :cry:
Knowing someone well or no, that is just tragic, and my prayers are with you. Take as much time as you need, and I could have Prodan take over MS lessons for you so you won't have to worry a bit. :)

~ Kaitlyn
Omg, I'm soo sorry for your loss! :console: I hope you and the rest of your family nothing but the best in coping with your situation and I'll be praying for you guys. ♥ Take all the time you need, no rush, and when you're ready we'll be here to welcome you with open arms! Hope you'll do okay deary! :hug:
I don't pray much, but you are in my prayers. My condolences to you and your family.

I know that we haven't talked much, but if you need anyone to talk to, I am just an IM away. ( )

:cry: Oh wow. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I wish you and your family all the best in coping with your loss. :console: My thoughts are with you and don't worry about us. Take as much time as you need and we're all here for you. :hug:

~ Taylor
Oh my goodness! Wow. I am stunned.

Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Take your time. We understand. Anyone who doesn't, well, needs to get a heart. Anything you need, feel free to shoot me a pm. I am a good ear and a great distraction from your problems. ;)

Holy wow :cry: This is just heartbreaking. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Take your time and know that we are here if you need us.

Oh wow :o :cry: I am so very sorry for you loss. I don't really pray, but my prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.
Ohmygosh. I'm so sorry!
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