Something small and yellow to catch.

Willow Cullen

Auror. Bold. Gryffindor c/o 52.🇦🇺
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Willow Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
29 (1/8/2034)
Willow was down to her last rose. this one she had been least enthralled to have to deliver. but she was now most looking forward to delivering it. she had attached the note with a charm and walked into the middle of the pitch. just as she had been told she saw @Leda Layton flying around. 'Hey Leda. she called to get the girl's attention a sly smile crossing her face this was going to be fun.
Could Leda not even have a little practise without the other red head bothering her?. She'd already shown she was a better seeker than the other, "Come for tips?" she called out, making her way down to the ground to see what Willow wanted this time. It must have been important for her to come all the way out here to ask her something, but then again, Leda was way ahead of the game.
Willow rolled her eyes as Leda asked if she had come for tips. "Hell no. I don't think catching it in your sleve really counts as a skill" she said referring to the last game. "I have a little something for you as part of the rose deliveries. she said holding the last rose up. "but I don't think I should give it to you."
she said taunting her a bit. "it is small and yellow, we are both seekers and we are on the quidditch pitch. how about a little game" she said taking her wand out. and waving it at the flower. she opened her hand and gestured. the flower took to the air. moving faster than with simple levitation but she still had control of it. "Catch it if you can" she said. trying to focus on the rose to make sure that she maintained control over it.
Leda rolled her eyes as Willow taunted her. She knew the Gryffindor would cling at straws to try and make herself feel better but it was pathetic. She won fair and square, regardless of how she caught it, it was more than the younger girl had done. When the girl levitated the rose, Leda didn't even look up. Did Willow really have nothing better to do than to tease her with something? "I'm the Seeker, which means I take the role seriously. I'm not about to show you how it's done. It's not my fault you suck." she whipped her own wand out her pocket, "Confundo." They were both on the SDA, and they were both prefects. There was no reason why Willow wouldn't be able to deal with a jinx.
Willow was grinning as leda said she sucked. she didn't believe that. and she was having too much fun teasing her. she was focused on the rose making it hover near to leda as she clearly wasn't interested in it, she made it fly close to her and then flit away. "just a minute ago you were offering me tips. it is hard to keep up with you sometimes. she said. she hadn't noticed that Leda had taken her wand out until she heard her cast the spell. she had three options, defend herself but lose control of the rose, try to dodge, but she would likely have to retaliate and thus lose control of the rose. or be hit. "protago she said casting a shield in time and letting the rose fall it hit leda on the head on its way down before landing in the grass. "I was only trying to play a game, and have a little fun after the competition of the match. there is no need to overreact. she said a false note of sweetness in her voice. she had known ecactly what she was doing. "but then you are the queen of the overreaction. even towards friends who seem to be having the second-worst day of their lives" she said. part of her felt bad for bringing Alistair into this but the way she had reacted her been despicable. and while she hadn't wanted to provoke her back then she was now already provoked so she may as well let the girl know her mind.

note said:

You pretty much ****ing rock. Thanks for being my sister, even if it isn't by choice.


Leda rolled her eyes at the Gryffindor, "I didn't think you wanted to keep up with me," she said with a sigh, clearly bored of the conversation already. It was like Willow was constantly trying to prove herself, but the only thing she seemed capable of proving to Leda was that she didn't really know what she wanted. She smirked when the girl flew up a shield, at least she was good for something. Taking the note, she skimmed it, glad her future step-niece or whatever she'd end up being, was pleased with her. She supposed calling Pho her sister made most sense, as long as she didn't try to replace Olive of course. The red head glanced back up to Willow, this time with a glare in her eyes. She really wasn't a smart kid, bringing up Alistair right now, "I really don't think you're in a position to be giving out advice," she warned. There was so much more Leda could do to a girl who wouldn't stop meddling, and if Willow really thought she had the upper hand here, and any say in a friendship that had nothing to do with her, she had another thing coming.
Willow rolled her eyes. "That depends on what direction you are taking. you seem to be indecisive if you want me to follow or not" she said her voice flat as if explaining something for the twentieth time to someone who should have got it a while go.
She watched as Leda read the note. maybe she should have left then, but leaving now would have made her seem cowardly and she was not having that. she couldn't even blame the moon phase and the slight changes in energy and emotion that came with them today as it was the third quarter, one of the least effective times. but even without the moon, she was a Cullen and they had a tendency to lose their temper when provoked. and she was definatly feeling provoked. when Leda said that she was not in a position to be giving out advice. she let out a loud snort of laughter. "Yeah" she said the sarcasm clear in her voice. "You clearly don't know what my position is on the topic" she said. she was itching to cast another spell at Leda and she knew exactly which one she was wanting to cast.
It seemed to Leda as though Willow was copying her. She could understand that she was worth that, and after all, who wouldn't, so it was cute to see someone like Willow rolling her eyes and try her best to bat comments back at her. It was too bad she wasn't a beater, the way she kept at it. Leda smirked at the girls laughter, "You know, you're right. I don't. But I also really don't care." she said truthfully. She wanted as little to do with the Gryffindor as she possibly could, so the Slytherin really wasn't up for having some kind of catch up over what Willow actually made of Werewolves. Leda had no problem with Alistair at all, after all, werewolves weren't actually that dangerous, but what she did have a problem with was people thinking that they were above her. Willow wasn't worthy of Leda explaining herself, and she didn't care about the fifth year enough to ask her either. "Now how about you clear off, before you find yourself regretting the fact you're still here huh?" She had a practise to get to, and no intention of losing the cup that year to the lions.
Willow was a little disappointed that leda was being so reluctant to fight her. part of her just wanted to fight magic or even physical she may be younger but she was pretty sure she would be more than capable of holding up her end if that was the case. words and snide comments she could do but it was so much more leda's style. "You might say that you don't care. But it is something I care a lot about. she said. It was a topic that she had been brought up with a family who was passionate about and how am i meant to believe you when you have made a point of making up sniffing out anything you can use as gossip no matter how ridiculous or untrue. i find it hard to believe that people change that much. at least on the inside" she said referring not to Alistair this time but to the rumours that had circulated last year about herself and Syrus. practically inserting herself in some of their conversations when she had no reason to be there. as the Slytherin effectively dismissed her "no. I finished my deliveries It is such a beautiful day and I have just as much right to be on this unbooked pitch as you." she said. a vulpine grin crossing her face. "I think I might take a broom for a bit of a spin. she said. putting her empty basket down and making her way towards the equipment shed. She didn't want to play quidditch. but a flight around the grounds would be fun.
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Leda smirked at Willows comment. Just because it was important to her didn’t mean the whole world cared. “Good for you,” she nodded with fake enthusiasm, “besides, I don’t know why you’re getting so worked up. The only reason I ever wrote that one article, was because I saw you with my own eyes. It’s not my fault you don’t know how to deal with criticism,” it had been over a year ago, Leda didn’t even know why she was worried about it. As Leda watched the red head prepare herself for some quidditch practise of her own, it was clear she wasn’t going to leave the slytherin in peace as she’d asked. “Oh you have as much right, but that doesn’t make you respectful,” if she wanted to invade her space purely because she knew it would anger Leda, what happened next would be no ones problem but her own. “Go for it. Heck you clearly need the practise. But don’t come crying to me again next time you see your name in the paper,” she smiled sweetly at the younger girl, before grabbing her broom and pushing past her. She’d made her bed and now she was going to lay in it, and story telling was her speciality.
Willow rolled her eyes as Leda said she couldn't handle criticism. "you don't get it. it wasn't what was in the article. I couldn't care less about that. it is how you then kept meddling where you didn't need to." she said. what had annoyed her most was how she had kept bringing it up when she had no reason to be involved in her and Syrus' friendship. and how it had impacted his relationship with Rama. by this time she had reached the broom shed and opened it with a tap from her wand. as leda made a comment about respect. "you will have my respect when you earn my respect. and right now it is somewhere below that earned by the beetles turned into buttons in transfiguration" she said. mounting the broom ant taking off.
"try your best. I dare you, i would love to see what you can come up with. you are an amateur and I have a pretty thick pelt" she said her daw setting in a challenge. dropping a hint on where her position from before was. as for what she had heard, when her parents and aunt got together they liked to reminisce about school, especially when they were drinking her dad's homebrew and didn't think or forgot she and chante were listening. and some of the stories showed gossip on a whole other level. even the outing of Alistair seemed half-committal compared to her mums story.

OOCOut of Character:
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