Something new

Ryan Porter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
better than yours
Ryan was back in Ireland. He was getting away from New Zealand for while and he liked to come here as often as possible as Ireland felt more like home to him. He was after all half Irish, something he loved about his heritage. He was sat in a bar close to his home. It want his favourite one but it would do, they sold decent enough drink for a muggle place, thankfully the own was a wizard so they did have the good stuff. Ryan lifted his firewhiskey to his lips and took a sip. He felt kind of calm here. He knew who was who and there was not really anyone here which made this place good. He hated crowded places.

(kept it short for you) :)
Leah had always loved Ireland, and also loved taking strolls around the amazing parks. She had spent the afternon wanderingand decided to go and get a drink. she walked in and towards the bar, so that she could order a drink. Once she had got the drink she sat on one, next to a man, of the stoles surrounding the bar. she had got herself a firewiskey and took a sip of it. She hadnt been in the bar before, and hadnt spent much time around the people of ireland so didnt speak to anyone.
Ryan lifted his glass to his lips and took a sip of his drink. He could feel the liquid move down his body, burning as it went. He loved that feeling, it warmed him up and as it wasnt exactly the warmest day here it was welcome. Looking up as the pub door opened and as someone walked in Ryan saw an attractive girl walk over to the bar. He sipped his drink again and sighed as he gripped the glass with both hands.He didnt recognise her face from his pub as it was usually the same people that came here. He took a deep breath then exhaled as sh sat down. He knew if he said hello it would probably sound hateful, his greetings did most of the time but he couldnt always come across as an unsociable person, he wouldnt meet people that way besides she was a looker. "Hello." He said forcing himself to sound nice, well nice enough. "Forgive me for the intrusion but your not from around here, well not from this place anyway. Are you new. Its just you come to remember the usual people here and i dont think i remember you." Ryan said swallowing hard to make sure he didnt end up sounding like a complete tw@t like he knew he did most of the time
Leah kept one hand on her glass at all times, she knew how some bars could be always taking the drinks unfinished. At regular intervals she took sips of her firewiskey. She didnt know many people who were doted around the pub, even though she had lived there for years.she looked at all of the people sat down at the bar, smiling with an sparkling glint in her eyes.As someone spoked to her she looked at him and moved a seat closer to him, now with a slight evil grin. "Hi"she said to him in response. "Actually i haeb lived here for many years, just never had anytime to get out on the town to meat anyone." she said to him, taking another sip.
Ryan sipped his drink as he listened to the woman talk. She as pretty,well worth talking too. If she had lived here a while then he had not been paying much attention. Then again he did live in New Zealand and came here every now and then so he did have an excuse and she did say that she didnt get out much. " Well looks like i have been stripped of the pleasure of your name. Im Connor." Ryan said as usual he used his middle name. He didnt like to use his first name until he was sure he could trust the person with it, or unless he thought they deserved it.
Leah sipped her drink looked up at him as he spoke and smiled, her eyes shinning in the light. "Leah" she said to him. "pleasure to meat you." she said keeping her eyes lockod on him. He didnt look like a Connor but she thought she might as well use it, as he said it was. "Nice name, Connor." she said quietly to herself but knew he could hear.
Ryan couldnt help but smile to himself as she mentioned her name. Another Leah, how fun. He thought to himself as he shook his head. "Leah nice name. I know someone else with that name" He said said after she commented on his name. He was so used to being called Connor now it was like a second name for him, he answered to it atomaticly. "So i met this really pretty girl today, Leah her name was.Do you think i could get her a drink." Ryan said with a smile as he spoke. He thought that she would know it was him an not some random person. He had had that from other people that had less than a brain cell
Leah smiled at him. she acknowledged that he had and was shaking his head."Oh yopu do do you?"she said smiling at him, she knew loads of othe people with the name of leah yet she wasnt great friends with them. "yes sure you can firewiskey please." she smiled at him she knew full welkl that it meant herm.,.
Ryan nodded. He knew a few people but they ha been in school, he didnt have any contact with his friends from school any more so he didnt have to think about them. "I do indeed but you dont need to know who she is, i highly doubt you know her." He said not about to give a fellow death eaters information out to some random girl in a bar, he had some sense. "Oh good im glad." He said hinting to he bar ender to get her a firewhiskey. "So Leah, whats your profession?" He asked her wondering what she did for a living, i she said she worked for the ministry then he would simply walk out.

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