Something I can't resist

Zazuka Getathorn

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V [main]
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Zazuka was standing in front of a club in magical France. She had still been exchanging letters with Jon but she had told him that she was now in France for the Tri-Wizard Tournament. She had also mentioned that she was going to have a lonely birthday because the people she was with where not truly her friends. That was how Zazuka ended up here. She was in a white dress that fit her as if she where ready for summer.

Her hands where twisting over her bag hoping that things would go like they always did. She saw a shadow during her time at Bleak Street. That shadow had kissed her. There had been times when Zazuka had wondered what it would be like to kiss Jon but she knew that she would never act upon that impulse. Zazuka sighed. It was way too much effort to put into something like forgetting a kiss. Zazuka looked around again for Jon to appear as he always did.
The time at Bleak street was never forgotten, how can you when the unknown had nearly engulfed the life out of you. Jon had taken days, weeks, close to two months to recover what had happen. To think this was the life Zak had to go through, but underneath her fragile form Jon knew she was fighting inside. Fighting with all her sense to maintain sainity. He still ponders how she was able to do it, how she was able to live each day and still be happy. When he got her letter about being alone on her birthday, Jon had to wonder for days if he should go or not. Even though in his memories something had happen, truthfully he was trying so hard to block it. Now that Zehava was back again in the picture, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to recall the words he spoke that night. Coming to a conclusion, that one night of celebration wouldn't be so bad, Jon dressed up for the late night hours in a spiffy attrie with a low faded hairstyle. He apparated were Zazuka told him to meet her, and a gift set deep in his pockets it was a violet set of pearl necklace ment only for Zazuka. A gift he had purchase just last year, Jon had been waiting for the right moment to give it to Zazuka.
Zazuka looked around again from behind her glassed and saw a handsome figure coming forth in the evening. Her heart fluttered in a way she didn't want it to. She put left hand over her right once again to run her finger over her butterfly ring. It reminded her of what was waiting for her back at Hogwarts. With that reminder she moved from where she was standing, she ran towards Jon and wrapped him up in warm hug. "Thank you for being here." She said looking up at him.

She looked up into his eyes and smiled wide. "Your hiding something from me." She said in a joking celestial voice. She was making fun of her ability even though it was nothing to laugh about. She took his arm and started to lead him into the club. "Really thank you for coming here I know there are so many things you would rather be doing right now." She said looking down at her brown boots. They where warm but she didn't know if they where pretty enough. Then again she had already been self consiose about the cut of the top.
Jon smiled as he felt Zazuka hands fling around his mid-section. She was so small compare to him, so delicate he was afraid to even hug her back. He hesitated for a second but eventually his arms made it around her lower back. Embracing her like he never done before, he hope she couldn't smell the faint alcohol in his breath. Jon had been drinking before he arrived here, though it was only a couple shot he felt it would leave the worriedness he felt behind. "You look so beautiful Zak, I'm so glad that I came." he continue to smile as he let her go. He held her hand, and wasn't surprise to know she had figure out his gift that was hidden deep in his pockets. "Yeah but I'm not letting you have it...not till later on Zak." he grinned as they enter the club. Techno was blaring the atmosphere, the kind of music that went with his mood. "I've missed you Zak..." he admitted warmth-hearted.
Zazuka layed her head on his chest for only a moment to take in his sent. There was something off about it but the warmth of his made her forget it as soon as she noticed it. There was a slight disadvantage to letting things slide so easily. She blushed somewhat. "Thank you. I'm sure you don't mean that but thank you." She said as she passed a hand over a loose curl that had come round her face. Zazuka closed her eyes a moment to take in the energy of the room. It was enough to make her feel a little light headed. The music just added to the spaciness that she was starting to feel. "That's so not fair. If I can See it I want it." She said pouting playfully. "I missed you too Jon." She added the blush getting a bit deeper. These where all reactions that she didn't want to have around Jon. Zazuka belonged with, to and along side Brian. She ran her thumb over her ring this time to remind herself of this much.
A somewhat different kind of song started to play as Jon took Zazuka by the hand. Twirling her around in place, he shook his head. "No not until you dance with me. Than maybe than you can have your gift." he replied as he took her by the hand, striding forwards towards the middle of the club. With his hand placed and fitted properly on Zazuka form, The fray never say never started to fill the air. Not Jon kind of music but for the moment it suited this moment. "So how you been Zazuka? Hope you been alright? Sorry I haven't been writing back to you lately.." he smiled warily but never letting her go.
Zazuka listened to the song and the mood seemed to change. She flowed Jon's lead even though she could dance and laughed. "Of course I will dance with you." She said joyously. She was so happy to be with someone at the moment. She didn't really want to say it but after all the birthdays that she had shared with Andy, she didn't want to be alone on this day. "Don't let me go Jon." She said echoing one of the lyrics of the song as a bit of a joke. She was pressed against him though she knew this was wrong. "I've been fine. I've been worried about you though. I'm used to being tormented my things that can not been explained but you..." She said trailing off. Zazuka for a moment thought that what happened to them had made Jon want to stay away from her.
"I know Zak...." he reflected the way she was speaking, still holding her as another song started to play. This one reminded Jon of his relationship with Zehava, and the relationship with Jon and Zazuka. Jon turned around, he wanted to know who the hell was the DJ in this joint. For some reason he wanted to know, and maybe just start a fight all of a sudden. Though his intelligence didn't let him, Jon wasn't reckless like Jake. He had more common sense than act out of the ordinary, he kept guiding Zazuka across the floors, though his expression was twisted into a tempting smile. "I've been taking lessons with someone in the mystery department. Its not with my father, its a colleagues of his." he said as Maroon 5, she will be loved kept playing in the background. "Its been going on well, I'm almost there." he said a little enthusiastic than before. "by couple months I will be joining my father." he said with less energy now.
Zazuka heard the song and started to laugh. This place had been so full of life when they walked in but now it seemed full of something else. The mood seemed to match the music but it seemed to styffle Zazuka for a moment. She was turning seventeen for crying in a bucket she wanted it to be joyful. From the earlier energy she felt like she was buzzing. Looked at Jon with a sigh. "Do you feel like you have to be in the Ministry because of your dad?" She asked tilting her head.

It seemed like he was doing all this because he had to not because he wanted to. Jon didn't need to be kept back. He had too much to live for to do that. "I'm happy to hear your getting better. I'm sorry really." She said. Zazuka had been beating herself up because Jon got hurt for her sake. He didn't even like her that way, or at least she didn't think so. There was a part of her that thought that maybe, Jon had been the shadow. The one that had kissed her. For a moment she was tempted, mostly by the smile, to test weather or not he had been that shadow then the song changed. Shakira's Arabic Dance came on and Zazuka felt like she had to show off. She put her hands over her head and started to move her hips in the gypsyish way that she only did under the rain.
Jon watched her as he stepped back with a wicked grin on his lip. "Wow Zazuka....I love the way you move" he said with a lot more energy. "Come on let's get out of here?" he grabbed her hand apparated out of the club. Within matters of seconds they were in Puerto Rico, San Juan Puerto Rico. In a distant, not so far away live music was being played. Jon open his eyes, as they appeared in white sanded beach. He was still holding her hand, as the music was growing louder Jon looked at Zazuka. "Come on let me show you some real music!" he nearly shouted as they broke out into a run. Jon was not going to let her big day be ruining just because of his deeps feeling for Zazuka, and the way he felt about Zehava. Tonight he wanted to be stress free, tonight he wanted to see so alive, and what better way than being with his best friend. "Bien! Bien!" he shouted nearly letting her go.
Zazuka was caught by surprise but then she had the realization that Jon was one year older than she was and a Seventh year so of course he was going to know how to apparat. "A live show! Jon this is so cool!" She yelled as she followed him into the crowed. Never mind that she had just been taken further than she wanted to go from Beauxbatons. Jon would never let anything bad happen to her if he could help it.

She believe miracles of Jon. She looked up at him again. Again she remembered the kiss the shadow had given her. Zazuka bit her bottom lip and ran her thumb over her butterfly ring. Even if it where true... She thought then turned to the show. She dug her top of head into his upper arm. Jon was so tall. Too tall for her to lay her head on his shoulder without them sitting down. Even if it where true he would have to dare to do it again if she was going to be sure if the kiss was real or not. Some how, she was sure that Jon would have daring like that again.
Jon looked down at Zazuka and smiled, his smile was genuine now it was not fake. It held a lot of meaning to the way he was looking at Zazuka. But the music playing was getting loud, the congos and the maracas was being played. It wasn't your typical rock band, but a band of much older men playing and singing in harmony, the music bringing shiver up Jon spine. It was his mother Christian native land, and for some reason he had to share it with Zazuka. A part of him he had never showed before, his heritage and Puerto Rican side had always been important to him no matter where he ended up. "Now where were we?" he turned around to face her, and even though they were once again in a crowd, at least they were in a crowd with real music playing, and not that trash that was bringing him down. "Come on Zak follow me lead.." he teased as he twirled her around, the dress she was wearing flaring up. At least she didn't have to worry about the autumn weather in France, San Juan even at night was always hot.
Zazuka had chosen her dress because the weather had been slightly warmer in France even though it was fall. The warm weather was more appropriate for the dress and also she could blame some of what she was feeling on the heat of the evening. Her shoulders where bare but it was only when she turned her hair swaying out if their way that she realized that she had forgotten her glamor. If Jon looked down now he would see the very top of the cross that was burned on to her skin so long ago. The one thing which made her feel ugly and scared. Quickly she turned back to face Jon, her smile sunshine. She was having too much fun with Jon to let something like scars bring them down. "I will follow you anywhere Jon." She said happily.
Jon smiled and didn't take her words at heart, he knew Zazuka was being to nice. As Jon twirled her around he didn't noticed the scars she had, he was to blind by atmosphere of the night he was more into wanting them both to be happy, instead of him always having to seem to protect her all the time. Though it brought back memories, the one at the mall, and that memory in bleak street. It made his mood set back a little, but he didn't let it show. Jon had to do something tonight, he knew he would have to be selfish once again but this time it wasn't for his benefits he just had to wait for a perfect moment.
The band's music was energetic and catchy and made Zazuka think that of nights on the beach. Again she was reminded of the shadow that had kissed her in Bleak Street. Zazuka put her arms around Jon's neck and moved her hips to the music. Normally she would have been careful not to get too close but knew she was safe with Jon. For a moment she wished that wouldn't be, that he pull her against but then Brian came back to mind and Zazuka stiffed her wishes. She already had a boyfriend, a good one who treated her like a queen even though she didn't feel like she deserved it. Zazuka smiled up at Jon, pure sunshine. She was happy just being here with him, even if his touch was leaving small shocks where they where
"Something on your mind Zazuka?" he asked fully using her name. Something he never had done before, he stared into her eyes waiting to see what she had to say. Can she see right through him or is this was just in act? He didn't know what to think right now, he was just to damn confused. It made Jon frustrated when they both weren't certain of their feelings for each other. Jon felt like this was going to be the last time he will ever see Zazuka, something told him of the possibility of that happening. Jon just wanted to know why this girl just wasn't being truthful to him, Jon gripped at the side of her dress, trying his best to control what he was feeling inside. "Come on you can tell me anything..." he was sure of it. Jon gave her a warm smile, as if to say he promise he wouldn't get mad. This was only promise because it was her birthday, he just hope she will finally confided in Jon.
Zazuka stopped being taken in by the music. She had wanted to know what was on Jon's mind for a long time. She ran her fingers over his lips and sighed. "Are you my shadow?" She asked quite bluntly for it being Zazuka. "Some of what I remember from Bleak Street I don't know if it's real because the corruption was clouding my third eye which in turn was clouding my normal eye. But I remember a kiss from a shadow." She said. Zazuka felt like crying. She could feel what he was. A sense of loss. She didn't want to lose Jon as a friend but she also didn't want to get in the way of his happiness with Zehava.

There was also Brian and oh how she loved him. Brian had been the first one there for her. Before Randa and Andy before her friends became good friends it was Brian. Even when she had been going out with Andrew out of loneliness she still in the back of her heart had a thing for Brian. Zazuka bit her bottom lip from how tightly he was holding her. "Are you the shadow that kissed me?" She asked as her night sky like eyes searched his brown ones.
"No.." Jon blanked out lied. So much for being honest Jon, nice he thought to himself. His face was serious now, what he was telling her was far from the truth. But he didn't want to confuse Zazuka any longer. He didn't want to be apart of the love triangle he so badly never intended to enter. He didn't want to have feelings for her even though deep inside, he held Zazuka somewhere in his heart. Though that space was slowly being torn away, he was trying to let go what she seem to want to cling onto for dear life. "I don't know what happen, but I didn't kiss you Zak." he said sounding more disappointed in himself as he kept explaining to her the lie he was brewing up. "You know the mind always plays tricks, especially the helpless..." he said with a hint.
Zazuka looked down. Of course it was impossible. She knew that at the time her mind was making her see things that weren't there but this had felt so real she needed to ask. She looked back up into his eyes and saw something that she didn't want to see. Deception. Zazuka closed her eyes taking in a deep breath. He had to lie to her to keep things the way they where, to keep things honest she knew this. The truth was that she wanted to let what she was feeling go.

Brian had called her perfect before they had parted ways. Little did he knew that she was everything but. It hurt Zazuka to think so but she wasn't no matter how hard she tried to be. Zazuka ran her thumb over Jon's bottom lip as her heart sank. "Then I should feel nothing when I do this." She said and leaned up. She brushed his lips just enough to get the feeling that she had gotten back at Bleak Street but not enough to call it a real kiss.
As Jon felt her lips pressed against his own, part of him wanted this to last forever. The other part of him just couldn't do this to himself, no he couldn't have feelings for Zazuka. Stepping back, as he held her by the waist, so that their lips parted ways, he held her back so that she could resist what she had already done. This kiss he didn't know what to say, it was more confusing than the last. And it just reminded Jon she never said I love you back..."No Zazuka...I can't..." he stepped back rejecting her completely he couldn't do this to himself, Zehava, or Brian. Not that he cared what Brian would think, Jon was doing it more for himself than anyone else out there.
A lot of emotion when through Zazuka at that point. She looked at Jon, her lips half parted as she tried to sort it all out, then cracked a smile. She stepped out of his arms then wrapped her's around him. "Thank you. I couldn't know what was going on until I tried it." She said happily. There were feelings there but they where not enough for her to truly betray Brian. What she felt for him was unexplainable and undefinable to the point where she was sure that she would never feel it for anyone else. Zazuka's own confusion was gone.

"I'm sorry for putting you through this Jon, I really am but I realized something with that kiss. I love him. I am in love with Brian." Zazuka said with a large smile on her face. She knew she was hurting Jon in some way and it hurt her as well but she had to be truthful with Jon. He had done so much for her and earned his own special place in her heart. That place was not the same one that Brian had. "Can you take me back now?" She asked gently.
Jon couldn't believe his ears but it had come down to this anyways. Without hugging her back, he looked away and nodded. "Yeah sure, always." taking her by the hand they apparated back to France. It didn't take along for them to appear just outside the club, Jon let go of her hand. Without facing Zazuka he easily handed her the gift. With once last look at her direction, he sighed and whisper..."I will always remember you. Happy Birthday Zazuka." he gave her the same brilliant smile, before he vanish. Jon had enough strength never to look back and never to regret what he once build with Zazuka. But he couldn't kid himself, somewhere inside he had done wrong. That's why he could no longer be friends with her, the message was already written within a card attached to the gift.
Zazuka could see the hurt in his face. She wished she could take it away but knew she couldn't. Not without doing something that she knew would hurt them both in other ways. Zazuka took the gift and placed a gentle kiss on Jon's cheek before he was gone. She would never forget her companion as well. Jon had been her friend and for a moment in time he had been her dream. Reality was setting in now though she had never lived there much before. Zazuka put her gift to her chest and smiled. "I will always love you Jonathan." She whispered. "May life bring you all the joy you disurve for being who you are." She wished then made her way back to Beauxbatons to face the Goblet of Fire.

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