Open Something Different

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Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
03/2041 (20)
Open after Jess posts with @Aubrey Miller

Dressing up had never really been Salem's forte. Growing up, she'd seen a hundred different brands of dress, formal, casual, ceremonial, scored across many different places, and yet when it came to her own clothes, nothing sat right. As if Salem was simply another tourist trying on a costume any time she slipped on a skirt. She told herself it didn't bother her though, had found clothes that were fun to wear, comfortable and loud with patterns and colours that would remind Salem of favourite things. But the sensation that she was doing it all wrong still lingered.

Tonight, she'd put extra effort into her hair, borrowing some of her roommate's hair products with great gusto until she'd actually had to do something with it, ultimately settling on smearing it into her palms and just rubbing her hair until it sat up at odd angles. The effort had to count. She'd then picked out just about every festive, yule-y sort of fabric she could from her wardrobe, smiling brightly at her reflection before heading down the ball. It wasn't a slinky dress with her hair piled up with more bobby pins than she could count, but Salem still hummed happily to herself as she took in the hall. The new decorations this year sending a thrill of excitement as she poked around the hall, moving over to a collection of gifts under the tree and moving to pick one up, shaking it to listen to the rattle of whatever was inside, testing the weight of it curiously.
Aubrey was really starting to feel more like herself. Or at least, more like she was growing into herself. For perhaps the first time, she felt comfortable in her attire for the ball. She didn't have a date, but she didn't mind as much as she used to. She smiled, loving the decorations for the year. She wondered around, looking around and enjoying herself, when she spotted a familiar face under the tree. Aubrey smiled and walked over to Salem, leaning her head a bit and smiling. "You look nice tonight, Salem," Aubrey complimented, looking to the box. "Have you thought of what it could be?"
Salem glanced up, beaming when she saw Aubrey. Talking in the Wild Patch with her were some of Salem's favourite times, Aubrey's quiet confidence setting Salem at ease. She was wearing a simple black dress tonight, but she seemed to feel at home in it in a way that made the swish of the skirt distracting when Salem turned to greet her. "Thanks! Like my socks?" She asked, pulling up her red pant leg to show Aubrey the tartan patterned socked. "I'm trying to look extra festive, though it's kinda how now," she said, moving to fan herself and forgetting she was still holding one of the gifts from under the tree until it clunked ominously inside its box. "Oh, hmm. I'm not sure yet," Salem said in response to Aubrey's question, giving the box a more intentional shake and humming thoughtfully. "Can you smell anything?" She asked, shoving the box close to Aubrey's face for her to sniff. Salem had always learnt to trust her nose when she'd been traveling after all.
Aubrey smiled, studying Salem's socks. "Oooh, yes, those are great," She complimented, sincere. Fun socks were always fun. She blinked as the package was suddenly under her nose. "It smells... almost sweet?" Aubrey's brow furrowed. "That's interesting." She murmured, stepping back to study the box. "You need to open this," She commented, looking up and smiling at Salem. "It's an absolute mystery. We should see," She winked playfully.
Salem watched Aubrey's face as she joined her in investigating the box, finding her eyes lingering on the way Aubrey's face changed under the drifting lights around them as Aubrey considered her answer. "Sweet," she repeated for a moment, pulling the box back and inhaling deeply, seeing if she could smell anything similar. "Do you like sweet stuff?" She asked, an idea forming in her mind. If it was something sweet, then maybe Salem could give it to Aubrey. She'd never been particularly concerned about wanting Aubrey to like her before, always having chatted idly together in the Wild Patch, but right now, Salem would give her any present under the tree if it meant she could be sure Aubrey would.
Aubrey smiled, watching Salem. The younger student was really rather endearing sometimes. When Salem was in the mood for it. Aubrey laughed lightly, nodding and folding her arms easily over her torso. "I always enjoy a good bit of chocolate," She replied easily. "Do you like sweets?" Aubrey returned the question. She had a thought for Christmas now, and since she was staying at the castle, maybe it wouldn't be so impossible. "Hey, while you're here, are you staying for the holidays?" She asked, curious.
Salem nodded at Aubrey’s question, considering it for a moment as she fiddled with the present in her hands. “Yeah, though I like sweet and sour things, oh, or sweet and spicy things, better. They have this spicy candy in Mexico, it’s amazing. You should try it,” she said emphatically, wishing she could be traveling again with her parents right now. “Nah, I’d miss my parents too much,” Salem said with a fond smile. “I don’t think we’re gonna go anywhere, which sucks, but maybe I’ll see my cousin,” she added with a shrug. “Are you going to stay? Won’t you get lonely?” Salem asked, deciding to give up trying to guess what she was holding and ripping open the package. “Oh hey, I think these are lollies,” she announced excitedly, peering into the box and pulling out a handful of individually wrapped somethings. They didn’t have any writing on them that Salem could identify, just a collection of several individually wrapped candies in red, green, and silver foil.
Aubrey smiled, listening to Salem talk. "Maybe you should bring some," she joked lightly. Her smile faded a little as Salem asked if she was staying. Aubrey shrugged, and looked away. "I am going to stay. No one in my family will notice I'm not there." She sounded a little sad as she said it. She was probably going to be lonely, but what she didn't admit to often was that she always felt lonely. She sighed softly, shaking it off, and turned back to smile at Salem again. "Oh, lollies are good," She commented. "That was a good present."
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