Something Dark

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Arianna Tipley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
I've decided that Arianna has been lazy for too long :correct:

So, I already have some plots in my head for her, but anything else would be appreciated.
At the moment, I'm trying to mature and develop her character more, and I was thinking that if she got involved in something dark maybe, it would be perfect.
I'm not ruling out others though, if you something non-dark that's fine :) Just anything that will gradually become something, if you follow me :p

So I'm looking for...
- Some new friends, preffereably thrid year and up
-Someone bad for her, whether it be a friend, boyfriend, 'mentor' ect. That might lead her astray :shifty:
-Romantic prospects :wub:

If you have something, please post or PM me :)
Caysi can be her friend. Even though she's a bit older, she could be a mentor to Arianna, and they could be like close friends, and Caysi has a younger sister, Elise who's 16 and they can all be friends. :D
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