Someone, Somewhere

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Kida was sitting at home in New Zealand, she had started to design the childs nursery, there was another room she found just off her room which was once Remus' Study, she had pulled everything out of the room and cleaned it up and was now just building the crib, it was something she imagined her and Ash doing together but she guessed that wasn't going to be since he hadn't returned.

Kida sat there with the instructions when her Midnight Owl flew in through the window, she smiled as she hadn't seen her owl in a long time 'Well my beautiful feathered friend, how are you' she said as she saw a paper in the owls grasp, 'Whats that Notte' she asked as she took it, it was a gossip magazine and there smack bang on the cover was a picture of Ash with two girls on either side of him drunk as hell with a joint in his mouth, Kida flipped through the glosy book and found an article laced with details of him.
Kida stood up and quickly apparated to an address which was listed in the magazine of one of their concerts. The Brunette walked into the Club and heard a riff of guitar, she pushed her way through the crowd, but stayed hidden behind a group of people so No one could see her.
Kida put her hand on her slightly larger stomach and decided to move back out of the crowd into a dark booth where she could sit and not risk anything.

The Brunette ordered a glass of Water and watched the show.
Ash Richards stood on stage, his guitar in hand, his fingers flying up and down the neck as he pulled off one of his spontaneous solo's. Tonight, they were at The Viper Room once again, the place he had first met Lauren. It made him sick to be here, after everything that had transpired since then, but the amount of alcohol he had consumed covered up his feelings and emotions. The upside to his intoxication was that for some unknown reason, he was a much better guitar-player while drunk. He couldnt explain it, but it was true. They were just finishing up their song, and as Ash played the last note, he smiled out at the crowd. These past few weeks had been a blur, much thanks to the drugs and alcohol, but he knew he was falling off the rails, and badly. The news of his child, and the fact that he was unable to watch it grow up because he knew he would be a horrible father, had crushed him. And the only way he had been able to subdue himself from more drastic thing was to drink and carry on with his f*cked lifestyle.

Placing his guitar on a stand, he walked up and took the mic from the stand. "Hello America! How are we doing tonight? Im Ash Richards, and we are Asking Alexandria!" he said, and paused at the roar of the crowd. "This will be the last song of this set, and just for you guys we have decided to change the set. This song is called Someone, Somewhere. Its dedicated to a very special person, Kida Frost. And though she isnt here tonight, this song goes out to her." He said, and shook his hair loose. He would be singing this one, and as the band started the song, he smiled.

Raising his hand and swaying as the band came in, he raised the mic to his mouth, letting his emotions run with his voice. "Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone. Because I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home to call my own!" he sang, his voice ringing out. "It was you that told me I could do this. You put the music in my heart, and how you sang with the band in memphis. It's hard just to be strong not knowing if I've done you proud. I like to imagine you smile when you hear my songs!" he said, running up and standing on the fronter-house speakers so he was inches from the crowd. "Even though I'm on my own, I know I'm not alone. Because I know there's someone, somewhere praying that I make it home. So here's one from the heart, my life right from the start. I need a home sweet home to call my own!" he sang as the chorus ended. His eyes scanned the crowd, and suddenly stopped on a figure at the bar. There, baby bump showing, stood Kida. The music disappeared from Ash as all he saw was Kida.
Kida was sitting in the booth with the magazine from earlier, she was casually reading the Article about Ash and was glad that no one had known about her.
Kida heard her name and she looked up and saw Ash at the Mic. Kida heard some girls sigh sweetly and others secretly sharpening their knives so to speak to find out who this 'Kida Frost' was and to hunt her down. Kida stood up and made her way to a better location to watch from, she was wearing a black dress and ballet flats and she was still rather tall, her dress didn't quite hide her growing bump was getting harder to disguise, She had managed to keep that she was carrying Ash's baby secret from everyone but here and now she knew that it would be all over the muggle world she could picture the title now 'Ash Richards Knocks Up A Nobody or Ash Richards dedicates song to unknown person, who is Kida Frost Kida slid herself up onto the Bar stool and listened to Ash start the song, she decided to listen, after all what are the chances that he would see her in this crowd.

Kida smiled weakly as she listened to the song, she felt like her heart was tearing inside her chest, Kida got up, she couldn't take much more of it, she looked at the stage and at that moment she locked eyes with Ash. The Brunette picked up her clutch and shot a look at Ash and made her way for the door, she felt as if ripping her heart out of her chest was the only way to make the pain go away. Kida pushed through the crowd as best she could to make her way out the door.
Ash, still stunned, missed the entry to the next verse, and could feel the band shooting him strange looks as Ash stared at Kida. Their eyes were locked for just a few seconds, but to Ash it felt like hours. "Kida..." he said, and realized that he still had the mic to his mouth. Looking back to his band, he shot them an apologetic smile, and dropped the mic. The PA gave a loud bang as the mic his the ground. Without hesitation, Ash ran along the stage and jumped off the side, running along the side of the crowd as they all turned to watch him. He couldnt believe Kida was here, and he knew it wasnt sheer coincidence. Running as fast as his legs would take it, he watched as Kida reached the door and pushed through it. Mustering his last bit of strength, he bounded through the door, and after scanning the outside area for a moment, spotted Kida. He ran after her, and grabbed her arm gently, pulling her around, and without giving her pause to stop him, kissed her more deeply than he had ever before. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close, taking in her scent, and smiling. "Kida..." he whispered softly, still holding her.
Kida finally pushed her way through the last group of people and onto the street and kept on walking, she heard the crowd inside heckle, but she kept on walking, not going back, her heart was agony inside her chest, she slowed her walk when she felt someone Grab her arm, she gasped and saw Ash she was about to yell at him when he kissed her, she lost herself in the moment but she quickly snapped back into Reality. Kida tried to push him away, he said her name again and she tried to get free of his grasp. 'What do you want' she snapped as she heard some people make their way out of the club to see what Ash had run off for.

Kida tried to pull away again 'What do you want Ash, You never came back and now you're kissing me, What the f*ck is going on in your head' she said the rage boiling inside of her. Kida heard people getting closer and she secretly wished she was wearing larger clothes to hide her bump, she was still small but it was starting to get obvious, 'You're crushing me' she said as she finally got away and picked up her pace walking away from the club.
Ash rolled his eyes, somewhat hurt, when she pushed him away and kept walking away from him. "What did you expect me to do? You suddenly throw that im going to be a father at me during a fight, that i have to change my whole life, and be something i wasnt ready to be at all, and then tell me its either i settle down and be with you or i was out of both of your lives!" he yelled at her, following in a hurried pace. "I freaked for f*ck sake! What was i supposed to do! Im 19! Im never expected for you to fall pregnant! It has torn me up the past couple of weeks!" he said, not even wanting to think about the sh*t he'd been through. "Stop!" he said, grabbing her hand, and pulling her around again. He looked her dead in the eyes, and sighed. "I wasnt ready Kida. Im still not... But i will try." he said, his voice shaking slightly. "I will try to be something im not. Ill give up the drugs, the women... Even the alcohol and the music if i have to. This child is my one shot at redeeming whatever faults i have, and i wont treat her like my father did me... Ill be as best a father i can." he said, his eyes watering. "And i love you Kida... You must know that. I havent... I havent been with anyone..." he said, his eyes looking down. "I didnt even do anything with Lauren that day. A hug, and she tried kissing me..." he said, his eyes watering again. "But it was always you. From day one, its been you." he said, noticing a crowd gathering behind them, camera's going of everywhere. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out something that sparkled slightly in the camera's flashes. "And, if you'll have me, ill make every day i have left making it up to you..." he said, and knelt down on one knee, raising the ring up so she could see it. "Kida Evanheline Frost, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" he said, smiling soft as he stared into her eyes, more sure of himself at this point in time than he had ever been.
Kida heard tried to ignore his rambeling, she knew he was off his face drunk and she wasn't going to even bother wasting her time. Kida heard him complain that he was 19 she yelled back over her shoulder 'Hey i was going to tell you at a nice dinner which hmm we were going to have that night, but you had other plans. And you think i'm not freaking out either, i'm 19 aswell and i have this thing inside of me!, you have it better buddy' she snapped as she kept on walking. Kida heard him yell stop and grab her hand she pulled it free crossing her arms infront of her and tapping her foot.
She heard him say that he'd try to be something hes not and she smirked 'Are you even listening to a single word you're saying.. Do you even know whats coming out of your mouth or are you to drunk to realise.' she said as she looked at him.
Her heart softened when he said that the child is his one shot at redemption 'Ash, i don't want you to be something you're not, i want you to drop the bad habits' she said. 'And i don't want you to be a Father to this child like my Mother was to me, drunk off your face and not caring.' she added.

Kida tried to ignore the crowd which had Gathered and camera phones out everywhere trying to get a good photo of the two. she saw a few flashes and flicked her hair so it covered her face a bit more. Kida saw Ash get on one knee and pull out a ring and she almost stopped breathing. She heard Ash ask her to marry him but didn't believe the words were coming out of his mouth.
Kida dropped her arms and thought for a moment.
'You f*cking *******' she began as she took a step closer to him 'Ofcourse i'll goddamned Marry you' she said trying to stop herself from smiling, She was still furious about what had happened and how she went to him instead of him going to her.
Kida shook her head and couldn't help a smile escape her lips. Kida was lost in the moment when she was suddenly swarmed with paparazzi, she was circled by them trying to get a good shot of her, they had got their far away shots and now that he had proposed they wanted more. She was separated from Ash and more people joined in to get the photo of her. Kida looked around her for an escape and smiled slightly 'Please Stop' she said as she found a thinned group of people, as she ducked for the exit she was swamped again. Kida turned around and was trapped all around, the circle was getting smaller and she was starting to freak out, she hoped no one had noticed her bump.

'Whats your Name, Are you Australian' one called out
'How did you meet Ash, is it true that you were a stripper' another retaliated.

Kida turned around again to the voice 'No, Huh, Wait what.' she said as she did another 180 trying to find the exit, trying to get to who was talking to her.
Ash smiled as he slid the ring onto her finger, and stood up, beaming like he never had before. He was scared out of his mind, but it was a good decision. Glaring at the reporters that swarmed around them, Ash grabbed Kida's hand and pushed through them, screaming for the to f*ck off. Pulling her back into the club, he pulled her backstage, and sat her on the VIP lounge. It was empty at the moment, cept the band. They were on a break, as Ash wasnt there to continue the set for them. Taking a seat next to Kida, he winked at the other band members. He wondered where Ashton was for a moment, and felt slightly guilty that he hadnt asked for permission first, but then dismissed the thought. Ashton would be happy... He hoped.
Kida looked around and saw Ash she looked around fir and exit she felt Ash pull her hand and pull them through the crowd she could still run luckily. Kida walked through into the back stage area with Ash and sat on couch and smiled at the other band members before she fiddled her thumbs and admired the ring on her finger for a moment then remembered Ash joined Asking Alexandria.

The brunette brushed her hair back and smirked 'reckon they got any good photos' she said
Ashton had been trying to fight his way through the crowd after Ash ran off the stage after seeing Kida and then he saw them run inside.
Ashton was swamped with girls and he smiled  'ladies please' he said as he pushed his way through thinning them off.
Ashton casually walked back and saw Ashton and Kida in the back room, he walked in and sat infront of Kida his hand on hers, he smiled and he felt the ring before he saw it but that wasn't his first priority 'are you okay? What just happened?' he asked Kida as he saw she looked different.

Ashton looked at Ash then back to Kida and smirked 'am I going to be an half uncle kida' he asked letting a huge grin escape. Ashton got up and walked over to Ash pulling him into a big hug  'no wonder she's been hard to deal with for the past few weeks.. And no wonder you were building something off your bedroom you'd never change remus' house unless it was for a good reason.'
Ash smiled at Kida, his eyes not leaving hers until Ashton walking in. The crowd of people, and girls especially, were screaming outside. The noise was cut off the moment the door was closed, and Ash was relieved at the silence it brought. When Ashton sat down in front of them, the guilt hit Ash again, but harder. He could see the other man scanning them for some sign of what was up. Then it hit the man, and Ash braced for a hit. But the hug was unexpected, and it took Ash a moment to realize that the other man was happy. Hugging his best friend back, he smiled and nodded his head. "Your gaining a niece or nephew, and a brother-in-law." he said, and held his hand out for a shake. Ash was more happy at the moment then he had ever been. "And it looks like im giving up my apartment and moving in with you." he chuckled and winked. Life was getting better and better by the minute.
Kida smiled at her half brother when he walked in and put his hand on hers she knew that he would understand and she wished she did tell him instead of putting him through this big guessing game for the past few weeks. Kida could feel Ash bracing for impact but smiled when Ashton hugged him. Kida moved to the edge of her seat and grabbed Ashtons hand and put it on her stomach she smiled again
Kida knew the gender of the child but she didn't want to say right now, she wanted to tell Ash when they were alone.
'you dont have to give up your apartment Ash, you might need a place to escape.' kida said knowing that with her attitude and the pain her best friend went through he might need to escape far away and she didn't want ash to give up to much to soon.

Kida felt a bit of pain in her stomach and a wave of sickness swept over her, she cringed slightly and waited for it to pass. Kida sighed 'still gotta get used to that' she said.
Ashton shook Ash's hand and gave him a pat on his shoulder  'good to have you in the family, I'll have a half niece or nephew a half brother-in-law and that adds onto my half sister and newly acquired half brother... Family gatherings ate going to be hectic' he said as he kelt infront of Kida as she put his hand on the stomach, he smiled and felt some small movements. Ashton reached up and grabbed Ash's hand put put it on his half sisters stomach since he guessed he hadn't touched it.

Ashton looked at the other band members and smiled  'were going to have another band member guys' he said as he pumped his fists in the air.
He saw Kidas expression and went and grabbed a cool glassof water for her.
Ashton held it out to her and looked to ash wondering if he thought the baby was reacting badly to him  'don't worry man, it happens all the time not directed towards you'
Ashton agreed with Kida when she said Ash shouldn't sell his house  'it's a good idea, but Kida can be a real b*tch' he laughed  'just keep it as a holiday house for when you go to London with the bub that way you don't have to stay in a hotel' he added as he sat next to Kida and gently rubbed get shoulders and watched her fall onto bliss.
Ashton had an idea  'get a port key between the two houses, that way you can travel back and forth no problem'

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