Someone new, hopefully nice this time around

Ivana Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
Ash Wand 14 1/4 Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
Ivana sat on her small tree swing, she had found it and loved to sit there often. She knew who had made it and had been given permission from his brother to use it. She made sure she didn't swing too far up or go upside down like she normally did so her skirt wouldn't go up.

After a while she heard some rustling behind her as someone moved near her. Her first thought was that it was the boy coming to get her off of his swing but then she realised he would have heavier footsteps. "Hello." Her innocent voice spoke clearly, sure there was someone there.
Hazel's first week into Dumstrang had been excellent and she was surprised to be loved here. She considered it all fake though, fake smiles, tones, hugs and everything else. It was all made up. Having no work or pending novels to write to her mother, which she hated to do but was forced to stay in touch, she decided to take a stroll in the gardens where the snow was slowly melting. It would soon be gone, she thought with an evil cold smile.

Noticing a boy, about thirteen of age look at her from behind a tree, she rolled her grey-blue orbs and secretly put a body-bind curse on him. He deserved it as she was not an item on display or sell to stare at. She however liked the idea of getting attention for it was her dearest ambition to be more famous then her mother, Rosemary who was a world-wide famous theater artist. She considered her body tight, knee-length black dress that revealed her slender legs to be the reason of his admiration. She did not care and thus continued with her stroll.

Hearing someone greet her, she turned to find out a girl about her age swinging from a tree. Rolling her eyes to see the little swings she was having she gave a cold chuckle and asked "Why are you swinging so low? Afraid to reach the skies, are you?" she asked curiously. She wouldn't mind if the girl got a good fall as long as she could have a bit of crowd gathered who would laugh with her.
Ivana turned around, well swang around really, at the sound of a voice. "Nope." She spoke, her voice innocent and dreamy. "I just don't want my skirt to go too high. The boys start to talk to me then. Then Markov starts to punch them. I don't like that so I swing low in a skirt." She smiled at the other girl, still swinging slightly. "I'm Ivana."
Hazel heard the girl's reply as to why she was swinging so low. Oh, she thought knowing how Ivana would feel if she flew higher.Of course stupid boy would want nothing more, she considered and gave the girl a cold smile. She couldn't avoid the coldness in her manners. She had learned to be cold since five years and now it had become a part of Hazel, unfriendliness and lack of emotions was common for the young girl and she wanted it to stay that way.

"Must say thats a really nice name"she compliment being a little shocked herself as she couldn't remember the last time she had talked politely to someone. "I am Hazel"she told Ivana. "You are a first year" she said rather than asking for she knew the girl was new just like herself.
Ivana smiled. "Thank you Hazel." She still hadn't managed to get rid of her habit of repeating peoples names. It helped her remember them. She nodded at the other girls statement. "You are too Hazel?" She asked before continuing her swinging, still not too high.
"Yes" Hazel said when the girl asked if she was a first year. Hazel glanced towards the sky, it was cloudy, maybe it would rain today, she thought with a shrug. Hazel hated rainy season or anything wet that would ruin her clothes or high heeled sandals. She sat on one tree trunk that grew very close to the ground.

"What family do you come from?" Hazel asked Ivana. Everyone at Dumstrang had some family thus, thank Merlin she wasn't going to have see mudbloods and traitors around her,not this year at least.
Ivana swang as she answered, wishing she had worn her shorts underneath her skirt today. "I am a Kalforovich, Hazel. And yourself?" The Kalforovich's were quite well known, they weren't completely pure, no one was, but they were quite high up the status ladder.
(Ooo I thought I replied here. I m sorry for the lateness :cry: )

"Oh!" Hazel said with a slight frown because she had never heard of that name. She was hardly allowed to meet other wizarding children especially when Rufus was around thus she didn't know if Kalforovichs were famous or not. "I am a ColdBlood" she told Ivana. "My dad, Zacvro was the Head of Magical Law Inforcement in Bulgaria but he passed away five years ago and my mother is Rose ColdBlood a famous theatre artist" she informed her with pride.

"What does your family do?"she questioned. Hazel was never willing to make friends unless she was rest assured that her friends were from good families who were worth the friendship.
Ivana stopped swinging and thought for a second, unsure of whether her father would allow her to answer. Eventually, she figured her father would approve of her bigging up the family, helping for future connections or ties. "My family does nothing. We have enough money to live off of our inheritance Hazel, my grandfather was a wealthy man and left every knut to us. Though, my father is respectable and keeps his connections within the ministry from his old job just in case they are needed some day and mother is very sociable with the high class ladies." Ivana smiled, it summed up her parents really, they did nothing and everything all at once.
Hazel heard out Ivana's reply and nodded. She was sure that if they would have that big inheritance from Zacvro's family, Rose wouldn't be working at all. Although Zacvro had left them much, Rose spent too much in her high profile life with Rufus that she had to earn it. "Thats understandable" she said through a smile.

"So do you have other siblings in this school?"
she asked Ivana wanting to know more of the girl. "I am the only child and thus have grown up alone" she added that bit about herself.
Ivana nodded. "That's kind of sad Hazel, I have one big brother, Markov. He's in third year." Ivana decided she didn't want to swing in a skirt any more and got off, pausing a bit to get her balance, and began to walk away before remembering that Hazel was there. "Oh, sorry. Would you like to walk with me?"
Hazel watched as Ivana got off the swing and started walking. She was taken aback for a minute. How could anyone dare forget her? The volcanic anger hidden in her chest was just about to come to her tongue when Ivana apologized. Cooling down instantly she said "I guess yes. Are you heading to the common room?"she asked Ivana.

Hazel started walking beside her as she considered her options. She wouldn't like going to the packed common room but stay somewhere calm and peaceful. "Would you like to go to the kitchens and grab some snacks?"she asked her new friend. Hazel had skipped both breakfast and lunch and now at sunset she was feeling hungry and couldn't wait for dinner.
Ivana nodded and smiled at the other girl. "That would be nice Hazel, I missed lunch today." She had started her afternoon swing earlier and had forgotten about the meal. She continued walking, expecting Hazel to follow her. Ivana had a feeling that Hael would become a proper friend, able to break through the dreamy exterior like Shaylah did.

Ivana was like this normally but her attitude changed, without her wanting it to, when she was around people she truly trusted. "What would you like to talk about then Hazel?"

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