Someone for me

Swaying her hips from side to side to the music, it was a normal day at the salon for Anita. The brunette was just cashing out one of her last clients of the day. It was 3 pm, and the young girl was tired. Each morning she would wake up at 6, walk her dog, get ready for work, and work in the same envoirnment for the past year. Of course she loved it, but spa managment wasn't her major in Juliard. The Croatain backgrounded girl would've prefered something on Broadway, but there was nothing, even owning her dance studio would've made her life easier. But her parents would've forbayed that, yet they let her own her spa. The witch shook out of her gaze when her last client gave her the cash for her spa treatment. There were too many things on her mind at once.

She locked the door, and walked for a block, hoping that there was something that she would end up doing on a boring Friday afternoon. Anita didn't really go out much because she was so stressed out with her job, when she did it was mostly to the clubs so she could finally dance and let loose of what's inside. Her brown eyes caught a glimpse of a cool pub, not usually her forte but something was dragging her towards it. She walked as fast as her pumps would let her, each step getting faster and closer than the other. She opened the wide door and slipped her petite body through the frame. It was busy, talkative, something that she would like. A smile spread across her face as she walked over to the bar, finally a place that she would really like. The brunette ordered herself a beer, not too sure if it was magical or not. She didn't want to embarress herself on her first visit. Her chocolate brown eyes wandered the room, looking for someone interesting, intruiging. Anita hadn't had a boyfriend in 3 years, ever since Michael she hadn't dared to go with another guy, but finally it was time, time to let go and be with someone. Her eyes met with a handsome man. Anita blushed and looked back at the bar, pretending she hadn't looked. " Oh boy.. I made a fool out of myself." She mentally yelled at herself.
Eli was in one of the busier parts of America, where she knew of a talked-about spa there. He had heard that the owner there was really big on dancing and such, but he'd only heard that in passing through this mall here a while ago. He saw a pub now, which looked somewhat like a good place for him to sit back and relax for the day. He had an easier life now that he wasn't working at Hogwarts, boy had that been a tough job, but one that was definitely rewarding in so many ways, and he would do it again in a heart beat. Though he didn't know if that would be any time soon to be completely honest, the school seemed to have a somewhat solid staff at this point in time. Eli turned and see a young girl looking in his direction, well staring was a more fitting word. She was cute, as well. Eli turned to walk over to her when she walked away. "Hey there." He said, not being shy at all.
Anita took a big sip of her beer, she had really hoped he didn't see her stare, she didn't like making a fool out of herself. " Cr@p he's coming here, act natural!" She said in her head, taking a big breath. " Hi, I didn't mean to stare you down like that." She laughed a little, wanting to slap herself, why did she just say that? " I'm Anita Petrovic." The brunette gave him a warm smile; he was even cuter up close. Now let's hope that she would continue to act atleast half normal.
Eli didn't get why she was acting so.. strange. He knew that girls had a tendency to make a fool of themselves around 'cute' guys, but he wasn't a cute guy. He knew that, and he had always known that. Besides, he knew that she was cute and pretty and all, but he didn't think that he would have any kind of chance with her. He barely knew her, in fact he only knew one thing about her. "Eli Adams." He said, being fairly formal. You got that when you got used to working at a school like Hogwarts which tended to be big on formalities sometimes. "What brings you out here today?" Eli asked.
Anita smiled, she was doing alright. She wasn't really good with confrontation but she was getting better with age. She took a sip of her beer, mentally awarding herself for no longer acting like an idiot. " I just figured it was a good place to go after a long day at work." Anita nodded, " How about you?" She asked him. It was true, after a long day with some difficult clients, letting go was the only thing to do.

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