Open Somebody else

Majora Valentine

"Maddox" 🧩 everything happens for a reason
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Straight 11 Inch Swishy Cedar Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2039 (17)
Maj considered himself lucky to know who the next person on his list was for rose delivering. Not only did he know her sister quite well, but he had spoken to Padme directly at the Yule Ball as well. Perhaps this time he would be able to talk to her under better circumstances. Headed to the common room he knew he might have to wait a while, and so he asked one of the passing badgers whether they could check if the third year was in there. Houses were great until it separated the students, and Majora didn't really have a huge amount of time for them.
Padme had been told that there was someone outside the common room who wanted to speak to her. So, she headed out and spotted in amongst the rest of the students, "Maddox," she greeted, "You were looking for me?"
Looking up at his name, he smiled at Padme. She was always nice and even if she'd seemed a little on edge last time he'd seen her, he had concluded that Leia's siblings were not too bad. "Hi Padme, I was." he began, delving into the basket as he came a little closer. "I have a rose for you but it's not from your boyfriend." he stated, making no effort to hide the fact he'd read the note.

Dear Padme,

We haven't properly hung out in a while, you're so amazing and kind! Hope we can hang out soon!

- Samantha xx
Padme had already gotten a rose from her boyfriend, she didn't particularly expect another from her, and it was almost reassuring to her when he said that she didn't and upon opening it realised that it wasn't from him. It was from Sam instead. Padme smiled, that was so nice of her. She'd need to go thank her for the rose, "Thanks for delivering this. Are you enjoying delivering roses?"
Majora watched silently as Padme took and read the note attached to the rose. He didn’t expect her to ask about his own experiences. “Yes and no. It makes putting names to faces a little easier, and gives me a reason to watch other students, although I don’t really think roses are the best way to show someone you care about them,” he stated after a moment. “Have you had many?” He added curiously.
Padme nodded along to his response, "How would you show someone you cared about them?" Padme had always been a fan of the conventional manners, it was just the way she'd always seen in movies and tv shows, so it was just how she thought was best, but perhaps he. had a better idea. "Just two, this one and one from my boyfriend," Padme told him, "Have you had any roses?"
Majora had to think for a moment, although there was only really one way he could think of. "Just don't let them down," he looked up at her seriously. He knew that a lot of people didn't care about him, because when he'd needed them the most, they'd just abandoned him. Majora looked away from Padme for a moment, "Yeah, Leia gave me one." he added with a small smile. She'd even hand delivered it to him which meant it had been less awkward than he would have expected.
Padme nodded at what he said, there was a bit of an oddness in the tone, like he had been let down. She hoped that the little boy wouldn't be let down again, "Well, you're an honoray Hume now, and we stick together," The hufflepuff didn't know how close Leia was to maddox, but she meant it. She nodded as he said that Leia had given him a rose, "That's good, will you be going to the dance?" Padme asked him, she had to imagine he wouldn't.
Maddox couldn't afford to get his hopes up like that to think that he was going to be anything but a Valentine, but he still smiled at Padme, appreciating the sentiment. "No, no I'm not." He'd sort of unofficially drifted through the other events, but there was no way he'd be going to this one. "I'll probably just work on my own projects," he tended not to tell people what his hobbies were, he knew they were a bit strange. "I hope your dance goes better than your ball," he added, wishing that the Hufflepuff might actually enjoy the next event, assuming she was going since she seemed to attend most things.

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