Some Well-Needed Quality Time

Mitchell North

Movie Buff | Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 Inch Rigid Cedar Wand with Doxy Wing Core
9/2014 (40)
What with being occupied by preparing lessons for the new semester, Mitchell had not seen much of his friend lately since he was cooped up in either his office or classroom for most of the time. He hadn't failed to notice, however, that there was something going on with Robert, though really wasn't one to pry and ask loads of questions. He figured that if there was something his friend wanted to tell him, he would hopefully do so because the Muggle Studies professor would always take the time to listen to him. Thinking that both of them were in dire need of some quality time together, it was also a good moment to check up on him, Mitchell made his way up to the third floor with a bottle of something strong. Knocking on the door three times and announcing to the other side that it was 'Mitchell' who had knocked, he waited for the other man to answer.
Rob didn't really need to hear the name of the man knocking on the office door to know it was the muggle studies professor. Who else knocked in that exact pattern every time he came to the door? The charms professor got into position, putting down his snack and turning to face to door, ready to perform what he'd been learning since they'd last met at the Yule Ball. It wasn't often that Rob had a chance to dance, and really he hadn't even known how fabulous he was at it until he'd attended with his friend last year. With one hand he waved open the door, and at the same time sprung into an Irish jig. Or at least, that was what he was calling it but really Rob was just trying his best to copy what he had seen whilst trying not to trip over his own shoes. With a large grin on his face, he hoped his friend would appreciate the effort!
He didn't have to wait long for an answer to come. Lowering his hand when the door opened, Mitchell burst into laughter upon seeing his friend perform an Irish jig. ''Haha! Well done!'' he commented. Handing the bottle over to Robert, the muggle studies professor stepped into the office, patting the man on the shoulder as he walked past him. ''I see you have been practising. It's going a lot better than mine, I can tell you that.'' He wouldn't consider himself a very skills dancer, though after their dance at the Yule Ball, Mitchell thought that it would go a little easier. Apparently dancing almost perfectly with a friend didn't automatically make you a good dancer. ''But no worries, I'm sure I'll know the steps in no time. How are you doing?'' he asked, turning around to Robert.
"What can I say Mitch, this is very serious stuff this dancing," he commented, taking the bottle from his friend and glancing down to see what it was. "I take it this isn't going to be a light session then," he looked back up to the professor with a grin. While living in the castle it was harder to let ones hair metaphorically down when there were students around them all the time, but with a bottle of something this strong, Rob had to wonder what Mitch had up his sleeve. "Of course!" he said, two glasses flying out of a shelf behind him and resting on a table in the middle of the room, where Rob proceeded to pour out the brown liquid equally. Things in all honesty were not quite as simple as they perhaps should have been, although he didn't recall having ever expressed this directly to the muggle studies professor. "Things are.. going, I suppose," Being at Hogwarts did have its benefits though, and he passed one of the glasses to the man before taking a sip. "Jesus, you know your stuff," he commented, looking at it as though it would be strong enough to take out a wild Graphorn.

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