Some things never change

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
When Eden had first found out she was pregnant she had been scared. But as time had passed she had started to get excited. Her and James had gotten closer and closer. To anyone who was on the outside it had seemed that James and Eden was a young couple happy and in love getting ready to start a lovely little family. Than time had passed once more and Eden had realized that James had never really been hers. The whole time they had been together he had been dating another women. It had almost destroyed her. Thankfully her sister Elvera and both of her mothers had been there for her. It didn't hurt anymore to be without James. Truthfully Eden felt better without James in her life. Always having to keep a secret about what she was doing from her family had been maddening.

Walking out of one the shops on Bleak Street. Eden pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head. No one would disturb her but Eden had gotten into the habit of never showing her face that she didn't fight it. Turning to the left Eden entered the darkest part of the alley. Here she could sit down on a bench and relax for a bit before she would go home and help take care of her little nephew. The boy was growing up fast. Eden knew that her daughter was going to be the very same way.
OOCOut of Character:
Ignore the 'Member' Group, im in the process of getting it changed.

Kida was wondering the Dark forboding ally, she liked being in a place were no one would flirt with her, it was a nice change. Allthough it didn't stop some people from trying "Come 'ere love, a pretty young thing shouldn't be here by herself... I'll take care of you" an older, 40something twisted looking man called out to her. Kida sighed as she loomed towards the man 'Oh, you will?' she said putting on an innocent young voice for the man 'Could you take care of me over there?' she said as she pointed to a dark allyway with a slight bite of the lip. The Surprise was obvious in the mans twisted eyes. Kida led him into the darkest spot, seductivly she stood infront of him, Kida raised her hand to seem like she was going to rub his cheek when she swung a solid right hook to his jaw before turning around and struting out of the allyway. The Man obviously drunk and confused tried to regain focus, but before he could Kida was gone.

Kida walked further down the allyway before she found a seat to sit on, Plopping herself on the seat she stretched her long legs, Kida wasn't really dressed for the Darkness of Bleak street, wearing a nice pair of deep blue skinny jeans and kneehigh leather boots and a nice Deep purple Butterfly T-shirt topped off with a Black leather Jacket she was a bit to joyful for the dark twists and turns of Bleak street.
Kida saw a heavily pregnant woman walk towards her and Kida got up, wanting to be alone she brushed her fingers through her hair, she tried to catch a glimps of the woman to see if she was after her to have an attack or not, she seemed lost in her own thoughts and Kida found this as a safe sign to leave and went to walk further into Bleak street.
Eden was lost in her own thoughts. She didn't exchange between the drunk and her old friend. Everything was happening so fast that it felt like she didn't have single moment to slow down for even a second. As she made her way down the alley, Eden let her mind wonder back to her days at Hogwarts. Everything had been so simple than. Granted things where simple now. Well sort of, once her daughter was born she would be able to travel again and the first stop would be to America.

Continuing down the alley. Eden noticed a person sitting down. There was something about the person. It was almost like Eden knew said person. As she got closer the girl got up. As soon as she did Eden was sure that she knew who it was. Removing her hood Eden looked at her even closer. "Kida?" Eden said out loud. If she was wrong there was no harm done but if it was Eden could finally find out what had happened to her old friend.
Kida spun on her heels when he voice was called, she looked to see the heavily pregnant woman was infact Eden 'Eden?' she said looking at the woman before her. Kida looked the woman who she thought was Eden up and down for a moment 'Eden is that really you?' she asked curiously as she looked at the woman.
Kida walked forward towards the woman, its not like she was going to attack her if she knew her name... hopefully.

Kida got closer to Eden and smiled 'Oh my God Eden, Whats happened to you!' she exclaimed pulling her into a gentle Hug 'Gosh you look so different' Kida pulled away and smiled at her. 'I must be dreaming this can't be you, Pregnant! and...' Kida went to search for a ring.
Eden's face broke out into a huge grin. Watching as Kida looked her up and down. She let out a giggle. It had been so long since she had seen her first real friend at Hogwarts that she had almost forgotten how much fun she had with Kida. "Nope its the tooth fairy." Eden said her eyes sparkling in the dark.

Hugging her friend back Eden started to laugh harder. It seemed her daughter was delighted to be meeting someone new because she was kicking away. "Hey you stowaway calm down in there." Eden said in a gentle voice. In just a few weeks she would be a mother. Shaking her head as Kida told her that she looked different, Eden roller her eyes. "Yep pregnant she's due in December." Eden said placing her left hand on her stomach. Noticing that Kida was looking for a ring Eden shook her head. "Tohoru married another girl and Chase is in Azkaban. It's just me and my family." Eden said her voice holding a hint of sadness.
Kida smiled 'Yeah right the Tooth Fairy' she laughed looking at Eden, she felt the baby moving and couldn't help but Grin. 'You're positivly glowing Eden, and you know the Gender allready!, Gosh Decembers not far away' she said Happily. Kida's grin dimmed a little bit when she noticed a ring. 'Azkaban? Really?' Kida said curiously as she kept a small smile.

'Well a single parent family isn't that bad, I mean look at me!' Kida said as she turned around as if she was showing herself off. 'Do you have a name for her yet? God! please make me a godparent! or i might have to steal her from you and claim her as my own!' Kida joked as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.
Eden nodded her head. "Soon I will be the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny." Eden said her smile growing bigger by the moment. Letting her mind go to Chase for just a moment Eden shook her head. "Yea fifth year. It's old news now." Deciding to change the topic to something happier. Eden placed Kida's hands on her stomach so she could feel the baby kicking. "Yes silly I'm seven months pregnant of course I know the gender."

With each moment she spent with Kida, Eden felt herself get happier and happier. "You turned out well. Minus the fact you just vanished from school and I haven't heard from you in years." Eden said trying out her mom voice. Thinking about what she was in fact going to name the little girl Eden still hadn't decided. "I don't know yet we will see when she is born. As for godparent yes. I was going to make Elvera one as well but seeing as she is my twin I think being an Aunt is going to be more than enough for her." Eden said going over to the bench to take a seat.

Kida grinned 'And the Doctor and the Defender and Everything else!' Kida added joyfully as she watched Eden, she'd changed so much and she doesn't remember why she wasn't there for and with her.
'But you might've kept the Gender a secret, so its a surprise' Kida joked gently nudging her arm.

Kida smiled when Eden put her hand on her stomach, she felt the baby kick and she grinned. 'Now i need to find myself a man and get me one of these!' she said smiling, she had quite a few men back in the muggle world who she rotated between when it suited her and always got a new one but she wasn't going to settle down with one of them. No way.

Kida smiled vanished slightly when Eden mentioned her not being at school. 'Well you can thank my Mother for that, she demanded that i be taken out of Magical school and back in a "Normal School" as she calls it, so During Muggle Court cases i was forced to live with my mother and go to Muggle school, and stop my training to become an Animagi. I tried to run away but she ended up dead locking the door of my room from the outside and putting bars in my room and hid my wand. My Owl was missing so i couldn't send for help or anything. she drove me to and from school and made me go to an all girls school with high walls which were all locked and as soon as i was home i was in my room.' Kida said dropping her hand from Edens stomach and looking to the floor silently.
'But that doesn't matter anymore, because im 19, i have my wand back and im living by myself in my God Fathers old house which can get me from the Muggle world to the Magical world, and my Half Brother Ashton is living with me at the moment aswell... its all going fine' Kida grinned and followed Eden to the seat.
Eden couldn't help agree with Kida. "It's crazy how I have never met this little girl and yet I fall more and more in love with her with each passing moment." Eden gushed. Her whole life she had thought of no one but herself yet now she was putting herself second and she was happy to be doing it. "As soon as I found out I was having a girl I told everyone. James was so happy to hear that he was going to have a daughter." Eden said without even thinking about it.

Hearing Kida joke about having a child Eden shook her head. "Most guys are lying cheating jerks." Eden whispered trying to keep her emotions in check. With each heartbreak Eden became more and more bitter. It seemed that she always fall for the wrong kind of guy.

As mentioned that her friends mother had removed her from school. A dark look crossed Eden's face. Once her daughter was born Eden would be paying a visit to that women. Kida's mom would be having an accident very soon. "I'm so sorry to hear that. If I had known I would have had father come and free that horrid women. I feel so bad now." The whole time Eden had figured that Kida had just packed up left. "I'm glad that your back. If you ever need a place to stay I have two houses. A room in my moms house oh and a wing in the Koshiba house." Eden said counting off all the places where Kida could crash if she ever felt the need.
'I don't know, Most guys would rather follow me around and do as i say, and do what ever i want, Well Muggle guys do and some old guys here do, i havn't met up with any guy my age yet. Occasionally i get a guy who thinks he can control what i do and where i go... Kida drifted off with what she was saying. Occasionaly she did have a few guys who would fall under her charm but soon they would want to be in charge and start bossing her around, Kida was still very skilled with fighting, but when Guys alot bigger and have more muscle then her want to be in charge, they aren't afraid to throw a few hits around. Kida pulled down her jacket sleeve a bit more to try cover the bruises around her wrist from one of her recent flings gone wrong. Kida hid her drifting off with a cheeky smile.

Kida put her head down again 'I wish i could've contacted anyone, My dad wouldn't speak to anyone about it, he was still sad that he lost the fight and mainly stayed in our cottage not talking to anyone, he's in really bad shape. Kida said softly Thanks for the Offer, i'm glad i have atleast one friend again' Kida looked up and tried to change the topic.

'So any thoughts on baby names? I mean thats what godparents are here to help with!' she said smiling again flicking her hair out of her eyes.
From the sound of it Kida was a little heart breaker. "I'm sure that one of these days you will find the right guy." Eden said with a knowing smile on her face. Listening to what else Kida had said. Eden started to worry about her friend. What kind of guys was she seeing? Eden and Tohoru had gotten into a couple of fights. Even taken a few swings at each other but that had calmed down a lot. Watching as Kida pulled at her jacket. Eden frowned. "Is there something your not telling me?" Eden asked softly. She didn't want to pry but she wanted to know what was going on and if she could help her friend.

"I'm so sorry that I didn't come looking for you. I was so caught up with Chases trail and than my Seer training. As soon as that started to calm down I met my twin and my real mother." Eden said her words starting to blend together. Eden felt her head hurt for just a moment before she closed her eyes. Walking into the front room Eden could hear people yelling. Running to where the noise was. Eden saw Kida with a guy and they where yelling. It soon turned from yelling to hitting. Eden heard Kida scream and she came to. With tears in her eyes. Eden pulled up Kida's sleeve to see the bruises. "Oh God Kida whats really been going on?" Eden whispered.

Trying to keep the conversation light and soothing. Eden tried to think of names. "Truthfully I know her last name will be Le Fey and that's it. I am just going to wait until she is born and go from there." Eden said realizing that she had known for months she was having a girl and had put no thought into a name for her daughter.
'Yeah one of these days' she said in slight disbelief, she kept on finding guys who would either follow her or abuse her, there was no Perfect guy.. or maybe that was just muggle guys. Kida moved away from Eden a tiny bit 'No, ofcourse not Eden, i wouldn't lie to you after so long!' she said clearly lying anyway.

'Thats okay Eden, no one really knew what happened to me, not even my cousins, no one would tell anyone, i had to sit it out.' Kida smiled softly Seer Training, i didn't know you were training to be a seer, and you have a twin, thats Fantastic. Kida added.
Kida didn't have time to react when Eden pulled up her jacket sleeve and saw the mutiple grab bruises up her arm. Kida quickly jumped up and got out of Eden's reach before she could find anymore 'Nothing Eden, Just an accident' she said smoothing down her sleeve. 'Just an accident, i'm fine. I'm alot tougher then i look, i just hit my arm against something.. thats all/ Kida said making the worst possible excuse she could think of.
Eden didn't need to be a seer or have any sort of training to see that her friend was lying to her and was doing it very badly. Watching as she moved away Eden knew that she had to be careful or she would scare her friend away when she had just gotten her back. Eden heard Kida lie right to her face. Emotions started to stir inside of her.

"No Kida it's not okay we where best friends in school I was so caught up in my life that I let friends fall to the side." Kida continued to try keep her side of the conversation but she was starting to fail at it. "I became a full fledged Seer when I turned seventeen. As for my twin you know her. Elvera Le Fey." Eden said her smile vanishing as Kida pulled away from Eden. She could see the fear all over her friends face. The lies came quickly. "So did you hit your arm on something before or after that guy I just had a vision of just now threw you across the room?" Normally Eden tried to hide what she was but she needed Kida to see that she could count on Eden to protect her.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to but please don't lie. I can kind of tell and your putting me into over protective mom mode." Eden said her voice serious. She hadn't known that she could even get feelings like this for anyone until just now. Sure Eden had expected to feel this way when it came to her daughter but it seemed to work on anyone that was close to Eden.
Kida backed up away from Eden again when she started telling her what had happened. Kida knew what seers where and what they did, but she never thought she'd ever know one. Kida hit the brick wall behind her and flinched a tiny bit. 'How do you know what, John did?' she said as she crossed her arms as if she was giving herself a hug.
Kida looked at Eden, her eyes were a cross between help and fear. she sighed knowing that she couldn't lie well when it came to Eden, Everyone else she could pull off a perfect lie but not with Eden. 'I've had a few Guys who have... gotten the better of me. I got them back though, don't you worry about that, but they left a few marks before i could' Kida said as she moved back her hair and showed her another bruise on the side of her neck. Kida took off her jacket and showed Eden the bruises up and down both of her arms from guys trying to grab at her.

Kida hung her head low, she was trying to be strong. She didn't like to be weak, but she couldn't help it. 'I can't put these worrys on you, You're Pregnant.
Eden hated seeing the look of fear on Kida's face. It made Eden feel like a freak. Maybe she should have kept this part of herself a secret. When's Kida's back hit the brick wall Eden flinched right along with her friend. This was all her fault all she had to do was keep her mouth shut and none of this would have happened. "It's a seer thing. You think this is bad. Lilith has two older sisters and a mom all seers she never gets away with anything." Eden said trying to put Kida at ease. Getting to her feet Eden made her way over to Kida.

As Kida explained what had happened to her. Eden felt her heart pick up speed. "Just how bad did they get you?" Eden whispered. She didn't have to wait long to see just how bad Kida had gotten it. "Oh my god Kida." Eden said her voice breaking. Closing the distance between Eden pulled Kida into a hug. "It's fine Kida. Being pregnant is easy. Besides in six weeks I wont be and than those guys will have to answer to me." Eden said softly wishing that she could turn back time and protect her friend from everything she had to endure.
Kida let out a small laugh when Eden mentioned Lillith. Kida felt Eden wrap her into a hug and she flinched slightly again. 'No Eden, its fine. I've allready got them. Even though Kida was no Killer and never finished school, she was still a very powerful witch. Kida sighed softly and hugged Eden Back.

'Trust me Eden, i got them good both physically and Magically' Kida said and she wasn't lying, she got those guys back no problem at all when she got the chance, she just had to use a little magic to stop them from being able to get to her. Kida sighed again 'No Eden, i shouldn't have put all this on you, it could stress you out, and stess the baby out and it would be all crazy, and even in 6 weeks it'll be crazy'
Kida pulled away from eden a bit and ran her hands through her hair 'There are some decent muggle guys out there. but i think Magical is the go for this Muggle Born' She said giggeling a small bit.
Eden wanted to protest more when Kida said that she got them but Eden decided that she would have to just let it go for now. Soon enough she would be able to hunt down the dirty muggles and kill them anyways. "Alright I will let it go. But if you ever get hurt again I can't promise to be so nice." Eden said softly.

Eden laughed a little. "Kida my whole life is crazy I wouldn't know calm if it where to come and dance naked in front of me." Eden said laughing at the thought even more. "The baby will be fine come on now shes has me for a mother if she has made it this long shes going to be just perfect." Eden said sort of serious. Hearing her friend mention that she was a muggle born made Eden's blood run cold. She had always known but Kida had never come out and say it so she had always been able to deny knowing the truth. Now that it was out in the air what was Eden going to do? As a Death Eater Eden had made a vow to help rid the world of mudbloods. "Damnit Kida." Eden said softly under her breath.
Kida laughed 'Whoops i should've said muggle born out loud, some people won't like that and will want to kill me' Kida said softly not knowing of Eden's occupation.
Kida smiled gently 'I'll be fine Eden, Trust me they're probably in a mental ward thinking that they saw a witch' she giggeled to herself, calming down slightly Kida felt a bit more relaxed.
'She has an excellent mother' Kida said putting her hand back on Edens stomach.

'Im sorry for causing a comotion, that usually happens with me. Trouble follows me every where' Kida ran her hands through her hair and heard Eden mumble 'Dammit Kida' and she raised an eye brow slightly, not knowing if she should call her out on it or not.

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