Some Sort of Familiarity

Persephone Zografos

Active Member
OOC First Name
Persephone sighed as she walked about the Great Lawn, wasting time between her classes. Since she arrived at Hogwarts, she had been feeling out-of-sorts and typically being outside remedied that. After Charms, she took all of her things back to her room, grabbed a hair-tie and a book, and made her way outside. Persephone was a lover of nearly everything outdoors. She biked, hiked, rode horses, gardened, swam--you name it, she probably did it.

Once she was outside, Persephone inhaled deeply, trying to get a feel for the New Zealand air. It was much different from home, but it was pleasant. She wandered along the paths, searching for an area to claim for herself, just for the day. After minutes of aimlessly wandering, Sephie stumbled upon a pathway that led to a beautiful garden. A genuine grin lit up the young girls face as she lost herself in the rows and rows of hydrangea, orchid, daisy, and a plethora of others. It was almost exactly like being at home in Yiayia's garden. Only this was a massive garden. Persephone found a large maple tree and situated herself at the trunk.


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