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Enoch Goldewyn

loner | tired | chaser
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Acacia Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
06/2048 (15)
Enoch had been at school all of about ten minutes (a day) when he had found the arts room. His parents had assured him that the school would have a piano, all schools had one, and if they didn't then he would just write and they would get one for him. But there was one, in a room adjacent to the courtyard. It appeared to be a catch-all arts room, no set class, clearly some club thing. But in there was a whole set of instruments and in amongst those was a piano. Enoch had sat down at it. gotten himself into the right position and just looked at the music sheet on the piano already. He pressed a few keys carefully, listening to how it sounded. Wondering who was in charge of tuning it. It seemed in tune, so Enoch played a few notes from the piece of music in front of him. Testing the piano on how it felt. It sounded good, so continued to play, blind reading the music sheet in front of him. He stumbled over a few part but did not lose the rhythm of the song.
Damsel had wasted no time sniffing out the music room like an easily distracted beagle. She'd somehow found the kitchens first, which was a pleasant surprise, but now she was back on the hunt. Tragically, she wasn't the first person there. It took all the willpower in her tiny eleven year old body not to just go and knock the other boy off the piano seat and take over. It would be difficult, but she'd survive this. There were other instruments for her to look at, so Damsel restrained herself from interrupting the boy's playing and looked to see what else was in the room.
Enoch finished the song pretty easily, it was not a super long song, and he sat back feeling pretty proud of himself for it. He missed having his parents around, who would've applauded him finishing it. He brushed his hands on his legs and glanced about. Enoch spotted a girl who was lingering about the place. "Can I help you.” he asked rather bluntly, getting straight to the point. No friendly greeting, just asking someone what they were doing in clearly a communal space.
Damsel was beginning to suspect that this school was full of emotionally repressed idiots with the way most of her interactions had gone so far. She was not exempt from this description, but she owned it. "Nah, you're alright," she grinned at the boy who'd been playing, as though he'd asked her a genuine question. "Nice playing, though." Damsel plucked out a guitar from the wall of instruments and plopped herself down in the nearest chair to start strumming. She had just as much right to be in the art room as he was, and now she was too stubborn to leave him alone.
Enoch frowned, this girl had to know that that hadn't been what he was saying. "Thank you," Enoch said with a proud tone, sitting up a little straighter as he did so. He watched her take a guitar and begin to strum. He was just watching her, knowing that this was a public room, he couldn't request privacy really. Enoch could maybe argue that he'd been there first and thus it was what he was entitled to, but he could bet how that would go down. Instead he turned back to the piano, and after listening to what she was playing, began playing, the same song again, but trying to play to her off-beat, hoping to annoy her into leaving.

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