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Kayden Night

Kaikōura Kea Coach 2046-2053 | Twin | Keeper
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Ready to Mingle
35 (09/14)
Well Hello there. It's been a bit since I last created one of these for Kayden and well it's time I do believe.

Kayden Night is a 6th years at Salem Academy. He is Captain of the Quidditch team as well as what I have deemed a "Hall Monitor" Basically a Prefect, but a more American term for it. He currently is seeing Corey Lorve but with her attending Beauxbatons it's really hard for them to agree to a full out relationship with each other not wanting to get hurt. But they are hopelessly in love. He plans on trying out for a Canadian team after he graduates along with Corey and his sister Georgiana.

That being sad I'm not looking for love for Kayden. However he does need friends. For one day he shall get married and it will be an awfully boring thread if the only people who attend are his siblings and Corey's cousin and possible friends. So Kay needs mates!
I hope Shiloh gets invited to this wedding :r

Also, my charrie Lewis Davids could be a friend, he went to a different magic school, but maybe they could have played quidditch together or something?
Hey Teigs! It works out well that he went to Salem! (Of course Shiloh will be invited :r shh you know nothing!)
Him and chayton can be closer friends. I cant plot much at the moment as i have one that needs a lot of time coming up and not much time. and then after that i have exams :glare: but once we hit november I will be on break so we can maybe have another thread or two then.
That Sounds Good With me!
I have Javarius Askolov that could be a friend for Kayden. He used be homeless, but his twin (Kye Askolov) convinced him to come with her to Salem. He is actually a sixth year. He is a Durmstrang drop out. He is a pretty calm and chill person. He owns a guitar and he likes to sing and write songs. Once he steps out of his shell he is a very energetic and cool beans. Tell me what you think :)

Hey Lovi, that actually sounds pretty good ^_^
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