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Hezekiah Mowry

werewolf | grandpappy | scar face
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
11 1/2 Inch Knotted Oak Wand with Raven Feather Core, Swishy
Hi everyone! Lurking is just not enough for me, so I decided to post another one these! :woot: I have a few characters that I have been wanting RP more with, so here they are! First,</COLOR></FONT>
Hezekiah Mowry

This man is a werewolf and has recently went from blonde to redhead. He is a very moody dude, and he used to be very family-oriented. He is not so much so anymore. He likes to keep to himself unless he sees a pretty lady or gentleman he likes. I think he has been pretty lonely and he needs a best friend. This person can be werewolf or not, but they have to be able to put up with mood swings. This person can be a boy or a girl. Just a person that he likes being around and they are like buddies! Enemies are also welcome. I am sure there are werewolf haters out there that will be able to spot him out and bully him. He is not as weak as before, so there is a good chance there will be some fighting. Love? I think Hezekiah is still in fling mode. He has kind of toned down the amount of people he sleeps with, so if you have a character that is into that sort of stuff fee free to post. :) Seond,
Raymond Mandy

Ray Ray is an obnoxious and loud child. He is very hyperactive and sometimes throws temper tantrums. He is going to counseling for that though. He is one Freddie Raska's younger siblings, but the twins don't know who Freddie is and the Freddie doesn't know who the twins are. In public Raymond becomes harsh and apathetic. He is very protective over his sister, Ravynn. If he sees that you are cool he will open up to you, but he has a hard time recognizing others feelings. Friends or enemies are something he needs. I cannot see him being in love as he is only seven years old. If anyone has a counselor or healer character that they want to have counsel Raymond then I encourage you to post! :) Third,
Javarius Lestrange Askolov

Formerly Lestrange, Javarius Askolov now attends Salem as a sixth year with his sister, Kye Askolov. His nationally it Russian, but he was raised in Australia and has a mixture of American and Australian in his accent. He often visits New Zealand. He dropped out of Durmstrang and regrets it because he really loves the Dark Arts. Other than the Dark Arts Javar is probably on good and cooking and cleaning. He is six feet and ten inches tall, and uses this to his advantage when he sees it's necessary. It is hard for him to make friends because he is so used to avoiding people. When he is approached by someone his is pretty shy and reluctant to give any information about himself. He fears he will make friends with someone and they will abandon him, like his mother did to him and his sister. After getting to know him he is very Gryffindor-like and sarcastic. Friends and enemies are welcome for him. :) Fourthly,
JazzyMae Smile
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This is my main account, so if you want to PM me about any of the characters above you should PM JazzyMae for a quick reply. JazzyMae has been pretty emotional lately. She is feeling lonely and she is angry about it. She is still the lovable girl she started out as, but I has been harder for her to access it. Her family is making her angry, and due to lack of communication with her family and others she feels very angry and voiceless. When the IC break comes she is going to change drastically. RHI will actually have something to talk about then, :p . Right now, I think what she needs is people to hang out with. I believe she is all set for love. Enemies are always welcome to come and make her life miserable! Now I think that she will start punching some bullies in the face.

Those are all that I have for now! If you want to RP with any of my other characters fell free to PM JazzyMae. I believe Cato needs some RPs too. :r
Hey lovi.
I really should not be posting here due to exams that are so close its starting to get scary but I have a couple of offers to make
Firstly. For hezekiah I have briar rowan. Werewolf. She can handle moody (well she can handle herself and her boyfriend both of whom ger pretty strong mood swings at times). And as she works for werewolf support services it will be an easy plot the meeting as it is her job to keep tabs on werewolves and make sure they are going okay.
And for jazzymae I have chayton. They have met before at Halloween and the house meeting and gotten on. Friends would be good as he needs them too though he is starting to come out of his shell a little bit.
Due to imposing exams I will only be able to do one of these at a time before but after I can do more. So just let me know what you think.
I think both can work out well. I think we can start with JazzyMae and Chayton because I love the major height differences between the two! I can start a topic for those two later today.

We can RP Hezekiah and Briar when you have time. I have always wanted to RP the two together.
Hey Lovi :)

I can offer my Collin here for JazzyMae. Collin is this English rich boy and is obsessed with drawing. Drawing is the only thing in his life that he is sure of besides magic. He's this typical boy-next door kinda guy and is very gentleman. He is a Gryffindor, obviously and he's proud of it. He's funny, cool headed and is very humble. Despite of his financial status, he never boasts. He's honest and only lies when necessary. I think he can be a good guy friend for Jazzy.

And.. I have Ariana Kelize for Raymond. I'm sure you already know her older siblings, Andrea and Percy so I won't have to tell you her origins, family status, yadda yadda yadda. Anyways, Aria here is a mixture of Andi and Percy. She's this sweet and lovable girl but at the same time, wicked. She can be very annoying and she is hot tempered too, like her sister. She's always insecure and will never be satisfied on what she has. Unlike the two, she's not very sporty. She doesn't know how to play any sports besides racing. She's really fast and that is always a benefit. She is diagnosed with dyslexia so she could not read very well. She could be a friend, an enemy, a playmate or anything really. :cyndi:

Tell me your thoughts! ^_^

<FONT font="Comic Sans MS"><COLOR color="Brown">Collin&JazzyMae
I think Collin would be a great friend to JazzyMae! She the typical Hufflepuff, so she will be very loyal to Collin once they are friends. Can you start something for these two?

If she is able to tolerate a super loud and hyperactive child like Raymond than I am all up for this. I think they would do well as playmates or friends. I can start something for these two. :)
Raymond Mandy said:
I think both can work out well. I think we can start with JazzyMae and Chayton because I love the major height differences between the two! I can start a topic for those two later today.

We can RP Hezekiah and Briar when you have time. I have always wanted to RP the two together.
I think they are pretty good together. and both being in the same house is usefull even if they are a few years different. (she says her brothers are tall. they have nothing on him :p ) that would be great if you could start. I wint be on till this evening or monday to reply so no rush

I too have wanted to try Briar and hezekiah since her became a werewolf. werewolf friend network for the win. i will let you know when i can start and we can descuss that more then
Raymond Mandy said:
<FONT font="Comic Sans MS"><COLOR color="Brown">Collin&JazzyMae
I think Collin would be a great friend to JazzyMae! She the typical Hufflepuff, so she will be very loyal to Collin once they are friends. Can you start something for these two?

If she is able to tolerate a super loud and hyperactive child like Raymond than I am all up for this. I think they would do well as playmates or friends. I can start something for these two. :)

Great! I'll start something now :)
Ok. Thanks Lovi. Will reply now. :)
If Hezekiah is Interested i have Lake, Phoebe's Brother who is a werewolf
Hezekiah may not be interested, but I am! :p I don't know if they will get along, but I hunk it would be good for Hez to meet another werewolf.
I don't think they'd get along at All
Lake is a Loner, he hardly has friends, he has quite a bit of control over his werewolf feelings since he has had alot of time to.

But if you're interested i Am
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