some free time

Briar Rowan-Cullen

Strength in diversity
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Briars rowan, 15", with centaur (aspens) tail hair and my werewolf fur
49 (2/2013)
It was a sunney sinday afternoon, It wasnt the first one, but it wouldnt be the last one by a long way. the sky was clear with a few small "kipper clouds" high above. and the air was calm and a perfect tempriture, not to warm, but not too cold. Briar left the castle and headed into the grounds. A fifth year Grlfindor walked out of the castle in Shorts and a tank top, her red hair loose and falling around her solders in a way that said it hadn't bee styled, just brushed and left to its own accord. The girl of corse was Briar Rowan. she was all set for the afternoon. she had a bottle of water in her hand, her broom over her shoulder, and her bag on her back with some food inside. her only problem was to decide what to do first. she decided that first things first se would go for a run, leaving her things on the grass, she put a charm around them so that they wouldn't be able to be moced by anyone exept her, she took a mouthful of water and head off around the lake. she knew that as her owls were this year and that she was a prefect she should be studying and setting a good example, but she also knew that she didn't need excellent marks to do what she wanted to do, which was to play quidditch professionally, however she did need to be fit, and that is what the girl spent most of her time doing, running, and flying, trying out new skills on the pitch. she started of slowly, but by the time she had gotten half way around the late she was going full sprint, which could easily out pace anyone else in the castle. she returned to her bag and sat down for a moment, gulping down some water to moisten her throat. she could feel her heart beating quickly in her chest, but her breathing was a little faster than normal but hot heavy, and not as fast as one would imagine it should be after running around the lake. that was the advantage of having such a high fitness. she watched as a couple of younger students passed flying a kite whilst she decided what to do next.
<SIZE size="50">As a second year the Gryffindor girl hadn't done very much to make herself noticed by all those around her. She had pretty much taken a back seat in everything in the previous year, and this was not really her plan for being a second year. As much as it had started out in such a sense. The Gryffindor girl was not exaclt shy, but a new place, made her a little nervous. She was out of her comfort zone and wasn't quite sure how to act. Hogwarts was amazing and she knew she could do a world of good, but it was hard, she had nothing and no one at the school. At her previos school she had had many friends. She'd been pretty popular but here, with these other magical people she believed that she was pretty much nothing and that no one cared if she did well or not. But, a part of her knew this wasn't true. She just had to be a little more outgoing. A little more friendly. And then in time everything would be okay. Ariahna Northwood was the kind of girl who worried about everything. Every little detail about herself, and therefore tried twice as hard to make herself look presentable. Even though it didn't take that much. Ariahna was a natural blonde, with long hair, that naturally formed waves that gave her hair volume, and she had wide blye eyes full of the wonder that a world could bring her. This world, and the muggle world. She had not grown up as a muggle but after attending muggle school, she was pretty well knowledged in both worlds. Not so much in the wizarding sense, but still it was enough that she knew that the wizarind world was in more than once sense better than the muggle one. As much as she loved her muggle friends, and their way of life. It was a lot quieter, and it was just a lot easier. Dressing in a simple outfit, of shorts and a t-shirt with grey ballet flats the Gryffindor left the dorm room and headed to the outdoors. She had not been outside in a while, she'd pretty much taken to her room, reading magazines that came to her by post from her mother, and just relaxing. Going outside had become second, where it ahd once been first. things change, people change. She was quick to remind herself. And change was generally good. Or so she was inclined to believe.

Ariahna stepped out on the ground of the school and wondered around for a small while. She then suddenly broke out into a run, and doing a Round off whip back. It was a very specific cheerleading move that she had recently prefected. And was proud to be able to do. Ariahna then noticed that in doing this she had landed fairly close to an older girl, that she recongised as someone from her house. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to land so close to you" Ariahna said to the girl, with an apologetic smile as she approached her. "I should have been looking a lot more clearly. PLease don't give me into trouble." Ariahna continued in one breath. She was sure the girl was a prefect. But wasn't sure, so played on the safe side. Now just standing brushing strands of her hair from her face and hoping the girl wouldn't give her into trouble. Although the likelihood of Ariahna having actually hit the girl were slim, she'd still landed pretty near.​
Briar saw a younger student left the castle, it wouldn't have usually drawn the fifth years attention, however for some reason she watched as the younger student made her way across the lawn before doing an impressive gymnastic routine. the girl anded rather close to her. she didn't flinch as she had done enough sport to know that she wouldn't land on her. however as she anded she realised that she was one of the younger gryffindor students, if she remembered right a second year. "no problem, no harm done. It was a pretty impressive" she said smiling. however the girl seemed to recognise her as a prefect, as surprising as it had been to her at the start of the year, she was one. "Don't worry about trouble, I wouldn't put you in detention, I'm not that power craving. you went even close to hitting me, and even if you did you obviously didn't mean to" she said. she hated getting people in trouble, it was the one right/responsibility that she didn't like. she had broken so many school rules when she was younger (and she still did) that it felt unfair to enforce them to strictly. as her night-time wonderings into the grounds and forrest, were the only things that kept her sane during her first year.

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