Closed Solitary

Clifton Ward

english 👓 geek 👓 awkward dinette cook
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Dogwood Wand 13" Meteorite Dust Core
1/2036 (27)
Clifton's last two years in New Zealand had unexpectedly been... good! Really good, in fact! Going to school in England, Clifton couldn't think of a single time he had gone to school without the constant fear that someone would attack him hovering over his head. Here, though, everything was different. Clifton couldn't think of a single time anyone had actively picked on him. There had been a few comments here and there that concerned him a little, but he was fairly sure he was just being paranoid. People weren't talking about him behind his back, and Clifton knew he needed to stop worrying so much. He was determined this year to just relax and let go of his stress. Clifton didn't know if it was being related to a teacher, or just nicer people than at his previous schools, but either way Clifton was going to set his fears aside this year and just do the things he wanted to. Maybe even make some new friends. And today the thing he wanted to do was read in a window seat. It was far too cold to actually go outside, but there was a hint of cool sunlight, and Clifton was determined to enjoy it, missing the warmth after having gone home to summer in England. He had set up in the window seat with a book he had been meaning to read for a while, perfectly content to just read and enjoy the moment to himself.
Lily was enjoying her time back at school- mostly. Aside from her sister's terrible pouting, that was. She liked seeing Elliot again. She was actually looking for the boy now, trying to return his stubborn rat, Penne. Lily was starting to wonder if he'd accidentally charmed her bag or something. It seemed like more and more lately that Penne was with her. She stroked the soft head, nearly passing by a window that wasn't as empty as she thought. She stopped, pausing a moment before backing up a few steps. "Clifton?" She greeted shyly, making sure it was who she thought it was.
Clifton looked up from his book at the sound of a familiar voice, smiling as he recognised Lily after a moment. "Oh! Lily, hello! How have you been?" Clifton asked quickly, closing his book. The last time he had really talked to Lily she had been bleeding profusely, and it had entirely quashed Clifton's hopes of making a friend, as he had been too focused on trying not to faint. Now, though, maybe he could make another friend in his house. As he was trying to think of other things to ask Lily though, his eyes glanced down to her bag, and Clifton was struck with horror by what he saw. Scooting back in his seat as far as he could, Clifton stared at the girl with wide, horrified eyes. "I... I do-don't want to alarm you!" Clifton stammered, very blatantly alarmed himself. "But there... there appears to be a-a-a rodent in your bag!"
Lily smiled as Clifton responded. She was glad to have gotten his name right this time. She ran a hand through her hair. "I'm alright," She told him with a soft smile. "How are you?" She had barely asked before he was scooting away, his eyes wide. She froze, just as afraid as he was for a moment. But then he spoke. Lily blinked a few times as her shoulders slowly relaxed. "Oh. Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you afraid of rats?" She took a small step back to give him some space. "This is Penne- Elliot's rat. I don't know why she's in my bag again- she seems to forget she's his and not mine. I- I can run her in to him, and then come back?" She offered, not wanting him to be uncomfortable.
Clifton was too distracted by the rat to answer Lily's question. He knew this was another situation where he should take initiative and help her, but the sudden sight of a rat was too much for Clifton's nerves. He was shocked that Lily wasn't frightened, and regretted yet again losing his cool entirely in front of her. Clifton's eyes widened as Lily reacted as if this was just a fine and normal thing to happen. The situation became a little clearer when she explained where the rat had come from, but that raised all sorts of new concerns. "Is he letting that thing out of its cage now?!" Clifton asked in horror. Clifton liked Elliot fine, but sharing a room with a rat was probably his least favourite thing about Hogwarts. And if it was running around free... that was unthinkable. "That's disgusting!"
Lily stepped back, placing a protective hand over Penne. She wasn't sure why she felt so insulted about his reaction, but she pushed it aside. "Clifton, no, Elliot doesn't let her out. She sneaks out to come see me. We haven't figured out why, but he's been trying to find a way to stop her. I... I think I might know why she keeps leaving the dorm now, though." She placed Penne back into her bag and out of sight. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. Or rather, Penne. I'll keep her put away. She really is the sweetest thing, and El takes very good care of her. She's clean, I promise." She tried to reassure the boy. Why couldn't they have one normal interaction?

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