Closed Socially Awkward

Chalcedony Michaels

Recluse- Eccentric- Gardener
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly Ten Inch Sturdy Pine with Billywig Stinger
3/18/1998 (64)
Chal was really terrible at going out, he didn't know why he had thought attempting to brave it again was a good idea. But there was a gardening expo, and he needed some milk. It had seemed simple enough. And he had enjoyed himself, wandering around and looking at everything. He'd picked up a few seeds even for some new Bleeding Hearts, thinking they would look lovely in his windows. He was at the grocery now, browsing for something that might make a good lunch. He was tempted to go out to eat, but he would feel awkward going alone. He sighed, looking over the selections in the deli and not really spotting anything that caught his interest.
Saul had found a fascinating new recipe for potato confit. While he had most ingredients at home, there were a few missing, and he also decided to make it a full meal, even though eating an entire plate of potatoes was rather intriguing. He made his way into the market, picking up some fresh herbs and string beans from the produce aisle. Thankfully, he was rather stocked on potatoes and made his way over to the meat section. He thought about adding some nice steak to his dish, and as he picked up a few cuts, Saul recalled that he was out of turkey for his lunches. Sneaking over to the deli, Saul gestured in front of a gentleman who was in his way. "Would you mind passing that bit of turkey in front of you?" he asked, hoping he could quickly grab his groceries and head back home to his potatoes.
Chal was pulled out of his thoughts when someone spoke. "Oh, goodness, I'm terribly sorry," he apologized, flushing as he realized he was in the way. He took a step back, taking the turkey and offering it to the stranger. "I, ah, is the turkey any good? I'm having a terrible time deciding what to make for lunch," he blabbered a bit, wincing as he realized he was only making himself sound even more foolish.
Saul shook his head at the man and picked up a small package of turkey. "It's no fuss." He placed the meat in his basket and looked at the food that was left. "I find it good on thick sandwich, especially with gravy and a nice toasted bread. Or, you could take the shredded and make a stew." Saul realized the man probably wasn't asking for that much advice, but seeing as he spent a lot of time with food, the ideas just came naturally to him.
Chal smiled shyly. "Oh, those do sound nice, but also very heavy, don't you think? I spend all day working, really, I tend to have lighter things for lunch." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking around at the meats. "Usually I just snack, some biscuits or a small salad from my gardens, but I- I came out on an errand for today, I'm just... not sure what to get," He laughed a little awkwardly, before glancing to the other man. "Uh, I- Chalcedony, er- Chal, my name is Chal," he introduced himself.
Saul squinted his eyes a little as the man continued to talk. He wasn't much for small talk but remained friendly nonetheless. "Well, you could make a light soup, Chal, but in that case, maybe add some to your salad." He attempted to shake the man's hand as he introduced himself. "I'm Saul."
Chal smiled shyly, embarrassed he hadn't thought of that himself. "Oh, er, thank you, that does sound lovely," he picked up a small portion of shredded turkey, going out on a limb and picking up a bit of the honey-glazed ham as well. He smiled shyly at the other man. "Pleasure to meet you, Saul," He shook the man's hand, but was really very unsure of what to do next.
Saul gave the man a firm handshake and readjusted his basket. "So, you're a gardener then, Chal?" he asked, finding the name to be a rather odd one. Then again, he was in a totally different part of the world.
Chal smiled shyly, shifting a little on his feet. "Oh, yes. Supposedly I have a business, but I don't spend very much time actually tending to the store front. Mostly I just tend to my plants," he chattered a little nervously. "I have some wonderful fresh vegetables, it makes meals more enjoyable in my opinion," he hesitated, laughing a little awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to go on. What do you do, Saul?" he asked.
Saul was surprised to hear the man owned a business. Being in charge was not a small undertaking in Saul's eyes, and he valued those who put such initiative forward. "Oh really? What is your business for? Is it large if you're not serving directly?" The Brit found Chal to be a little eccentric in the way he spoke, but who didn't appreciate unique personalities? "I'm currently working at The Friendly Giant and then do a little baking on the side," he said to Chal. It was nice to not be working for himself for once, but at the same time, he liked having the time to work on his own creations.
Chal blushed a little at the mans questions, "I sell plants and herbs, mostly, I spend most of my time in my greenhouse. It's rather large," he smiled shyly. "What's The Friendly Giant?" Chal asked. "I'm really a bit of a recluse," he admitted gently. Saul seemed like the good sort, really.
Saul admired anyone with a green thumb. "Do you distribute it to any stores like here?" There were a lot of different routes one could go with that business, especially if they were growing wizarding plants and herbs. "Oh, it's a new bakery at the Sanctuary. Very good, and I lucked into a position there to help supplement the income. Freelancing isn't the most lucrative business," he said.
Chal smiled softly. "Oh, no, nothing so grand." He fidgeted a little with the food in his hands. "Oh, that's right, I remember that," He murmured half to himself. "Bakeries are nice. You're a baker?" he asked, enjoying the conversation even if it was a bit unconventional.
Saul was curious why the man had a greenhouse if he wasn't profiting off of it, but it didn't seem like the appropriate place or time to give out unwarranted career opinions. "Well, as long as you're enjoying it. I did admire the herbology courses, but it was not something I paid as much attention to in school," he said with a laugh. It had taken some outside study to really understand what plants and herbs might be beneficial in the cooking he was doing. "Yes, mostly savory treats, but of course, you can't call yourself a baker and not pursue the sweets."
Chal smiled a little, he was enjoying talking to Saul, but he wasn't sure what he was supposed to really do now. He had asked Miles over in the weirdest way possible, and Chal still felt that it had been nothing but a misguided attempt to make a friend and that he'd done nothing more than make Miles uncomfortable. He doubted Saul would take to it any better than the other man had. "That really does sound like a good career," he offered shyly, fidgeting with his turkey. "I, ah, should probably be going. It was a pleasure to meet you," he gave Saul a shy smile.

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